Idiap researchers and their colleagues worldwide are investigating the generalization and personalization of models using mobile sensor data to infer people’s mood. A Distinguished Paper Award at the Ubicomp/ISWC conference recognized the scientific publication presenting this research.
Social Computing
The integration of theories and models from informatics and the social sciences makes it possible to detect, analyze, and interpret human and social behavior. The work in the Social Computing Group integrates theories and models from ubiquitous computing, social media, machine learning, and social sciences, to sense, analyze, and interpret human and social behavior in everyday life, and to create devices and systems that support interaction and communication. Current research includes methods for urban computing from phone and mobile social network data, behavioral analysis of social video, ubiquitous sensing of face-to-face interaction, and crowdsourcing.
Group News
In a systematic review, Idiap researchers analyzed urban data crowdsourcing platforms around the world. Their work highlights the growing role of these platforms to inform urban policies and shed light on the state of development of these tools.
Head of the Social Computing research group, Daniel Gatica-Perez has contributed to Idiap’s vision of Artificial Intelligence for Society since 2002. Last year, he received two awards recognizing his long-term impact at the interface between technology and society.
The award was presented at the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction in Bengaluru, India, on November 9, 2022.
The ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp) presented a 10-Year Impact Award to a paper on smartphone sensing co-authored by a team of researchers from Cornell University, Dartmouth College, University of Neuchâtel, and Idiap’s Social Computing Group.
Group Job Openings
Our group is regularly posting job openings ranging from internships to researcher positions. To check the opportunities currently available or to submit a speculative applications use the link below.Our group is regularly posting job openings ranging from internships to researcher positions. To check the opportunities currently available or to submit a speculative applications use the link below.
Current Group Members
The group is led by Daniel Gatica-Perez.

(Senior Research Scientist with Academic Title)
- website

ANNAPUREDDY, Ravinithesh Reddy
(PhD Student / Research Assistant)
- website

BROS, Victor
(PhD Student / Research Assistant)
- website

(Junior R&D / Research Assistant)

WEN, Jing
(Research Intern)
Please note that this list is not exhaustive.
- ARAN, Oya
- AVCI, Umut
- BIEL TRES, Joan Isaac
- CAN, Gulcan
- CHAVANE, Cécile
- CORREA, Salvador
- DO, Trinh-Minh-Tri
- FARRAHI, Katayoun
- FINNERTY, Ailbhe
- FORNAROLI, Alessandro (Filippo)
- GARG, Nikhil
- HU, Rui
- HUANG, Zhuosheng
- JAYAGOPI, Dinesh Babu
- JIANG, Shasha
- KIM, Haeeun
- LI, Junhong
- LIN, Yuanhui
- MÄDER, Aurel (Ruben)
- MASSÉ, Benoit
- MEDINA RIOS, Luis Emmanuel
- MOHAN, Nitin
- MOZO, Rafael
- NEGOESCU, Radu-Andrei
- NGUYEN, Laurent
- NIKRAY, Tiyam
- OKADA, Shogo
- PHAN, Trung (Thanh)
- POZO PEREZ, Ada Laura
- RADUCANU, Bogdan
- RESCALA, Paula Dolores
- ROMAN RANGEL, Edgar Francisco
- SAINT-SUPERY, Santiago
- SANTANI, Darshan
- THOMAS, Chinchu
- VAUTHEY, Adrien
- VLASENKO, Bogdan
- XI, Lei
- YELA BELLO, Jenny Paola
- ZHANG, Dong
Active Research Grants
Past Research Grants
- 2000LAKES - 2000LAKES: alpine research and citizen science toward the microbial conservation of high-mountain lakes in Switzerland
- ADEL - Automatic Detection of Leadership from Voice and Body
- ADIVA - Automatic analysis of verbal and non-verbal behavior and provision of feedback in video selection interviews
- ADVANCE - ADVANCe - Augmented dialogue tool based on verbal and non-verbal behavior computing
- AI4MEDIA - A European Excellence Centre for Media, Society and Democracy
- CODICES - Automatic Analysis of Mexican Codex Collections
- DCROWDLENS - Crowdsourcing the Assessment of Deep Visual Explanations for Subjective Variables
- DOMOCARE - DomoCare - A new Home Care Preventive Protocol
- DUSK2DAWN - Characterizing Youth Nightlife Spaces, Activities, and Drinks
- HEALTHVLOGGING - Health vlogging: Social media culture and the (re)shaping of health-related practices by Youtubers
- HYBRID - Hybrid Recommender System
- ICARUS - Innovative AppRoach to Urban Security
- LOIS - Leveraging on-device smartphone inference to address resistance to participate in social surveys
- LS-CONTEXT - Large-Scale Human Context Discovery from Mobile Phones
- MAAYA - Multimedia Analysis and Access for Documentation and Decipherment of Maya Epigraphy
- MCSC - Mi Casa es Su Casa
- MIRROR - Mobile Data to Improve Decision Making in African Cities
- MULTI_CROWD - Tracing Swiss Heritage Speakers' Identities in North America
- NATAI - The Nature of Artificial Intelligence
- NOVICOM - Automatic Analysis of Group Conversations via Visual Cues in Non-Verbal Communication
- NTT - NISHA - NTT Idiap Social Behaviour Analysis Initiative
- RISE - Rich Interpersonal Skill analytics for rEcruitment
- SENSECITYVITY - Mobile Sensing, Urban Awareness, and Collective Action
- SNACK - Bites’n’Bits: Understanding Eating Routines in Context
- SOCIALFOOD - Social Food and People: Characterizing Food Consumption Behaviour on Visual Social Media
- SONVB - Sensing and Analysing Organizational Nonverbal Behavior
- SWISKO - Swiss-Korean project to develop and integrate new wearable sensors into the existing DomoSafety ambient sensor system.
- TOT - Trust Over Time
- UBIMPRESSED - UBImpressed: Ubiquitous First Impressions and Ubiquitous Awareness
- VALAIS+ - Valais+ Une plateforme pour mieux connaître l’espace de vie du canton
- WENET - The Internet of US
- YOUBLOG - YouBlog
- YOUTH@NIGHT - A multi-disciplinary multi-method study of young people's outgoing and drinking behaviors