
The goal of the YouBlog project is to perform proof-of-concept for automatic transcription of audio / video blogs as part of IM2-Idiap start-up ‘Koemei’. The project will maintain close ties with IM2 through on-going links with research being conducted in audio processing in IM2.IP1 as well as addressing specific needs for automatic transcription for social computing research in IM2.IP1. Our desire is that this project will provide the germ for the development of truly innovative applications for automatic transcription. The goals of the project are to firstly put in place the necessary resources so that we can process and analyse the YouTube video blog data that has already been collected by Idiap within IM2.IP1 and then to use feedback from this analysis to develop a prototype application that will perform key functionality of recording, transcribing and publishing of video blogs with embedded transcriptions.
Application Area - Exploitation of rich multimedia archives, Application Area - Human Machine Interaction, Information Interfaces and Presentation, Perceptive and Cognitive Systems
Idiap Research Institute
Koemei SA
Sep 01, 2011
Feb 28, 2012