IM2 and "La Journée : Oser tous les métiers"

Since couple years, each Swiss School is participating to the Day: “Oser tous les Métiers", an initiative to give the chance to children between 10-12 years old to discover different types of professions. The children are invited to follow one of their parents at work to discover their "working environment".

IM2 and Idiap have welcomed on this 8th November several children. After a short introduction, different experiments were presented to the children, such as face and voice recognition, Idiap showroom and above all, NAO the little robot. It is easy to believe that the children were enthusiastic to see the demonstrations and asked an amazing amount of questions. During the afternoon they had the great opportunity to build their own little robot. After mounting and welding, they brought with them at home their own robot. The children finished their tour with a visit to couple of start-ups based on IM2 technologies.
It has been a great opportunity for children to discover the world of researchers and scientists and overall it was a wonderful exchange time for both sides. Thanks to all !