Collaboration between Idiap and E.S. Concept

Taking control of a soccer game on a tablet? This concept is now tested by a company from the Western part of Switzerland, E.S. Concept, that has strong links with Idiap. The game is recorded in panoramic view and redistributed in streaming. The spectator can, on demand, walk on the soccer field or change the point of view of the game.

"We have six cameras pointed to different angles of the stadium. We recombine the images to create a panoramic view and we transfer this panoramic view to the staff and persons that wish to see game. The spectators can watch the game "live", zoom into it, or watch it from another seat of the stadium. We have also a rewind option" explains E.S Concept director, Jean-Luc Affaticati.
Currently, this prototype has a 15 seconds delay from the live game. In a near future, it will be conceived to run "live" without any delay and again with the option to "rewind to a nice part of the game".


Source:  / nouvo  /Mon match sur mesure
Publié le 21 mars 2015
Reportage: Claude-Olivier Volluz
Montage: Charles D. Fischer
Mixage: Philippe Lahaye