uSer-friendly digiTal sEcured peRsonal data and prIvacy plAtform

SOTERIA aims to drive a paradigm shift on data protection and enable active participation of citizens to their own security, privacy and personal data protection. SOTERIA will develop and test in 3 large-scale real-world use cases, a citizen-driven and citizen-centric, cost-effective, marketable service to enable citizens to control their private personal data easily and securely. Led by an SME, this project will develop, using a user-driven and user-centric design, a revolutionary tool, uniquely combining, in a user-friendly manner, a high-level identification tool with a decentralised secured data storage platform, to enable all citizens, whatever their gender, age or ICT skills, to fully protect and control their personal data while also gaining enhanced awareness on potential privacy risks. SOTERIA solution will be tested and validated through 3 real-world largescale use-cases, involving 6,500 European citizens, targeting 3 applications which usefulness has been highlighted during COVID-19 pandemic: e-learning, e-voting and e-health. This 3-year transdisciplinary project from both SSH and technology angles, will develop an innovative solution based on: a secured access interface relying on high-level identification, a smart platform processing data to transmit only the minimum personal data required, a secured data storage platform (decentralized architecture) under the full control of the citizen, an educational tool to raise awareness of citizens developed using a citizen-driven and citizen-centric approach. The technologies developed will i) empower citizens to monitor and audit their personal data; ii) restore trust on privacy, security and personal data protection of citizens in digital services; iii) be fully compliant to GDPR regulation and apply strictly the data minimization principle; iv) ensure cybersecurity.
Audencia Business School, Autonomous University of Barcelona - CVC, Erdyn Atlantique, Idiap Research Institute, Asociatia Infocons, Institut de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, GmbH, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Noria Onlus, Servicio Vasco De Salud Osakidetza, Scytl Election Technologies, S.L.U., Stelar Security Technology Law Research UG
Horizon 2020 - European Commission
Oct 01, 2021
Sep 30, 2024