Idiap hosted a Biometrics Week. This one of a kind event gathered several hundreds of people from various backgrounds ranging from academia to industry. Organizers included the European Association for Biometrics and the US based Center for Identification Technology Research.
AI for Trust
As an example, everyday we drive a car, and we trust, it can be stopped at anytime. Engineering, among other disciplines, helped us to build this perception of trust and today cars are considered a safe mean of transportation and we trust them. Nowadays, trust is tampered because of the global consequences of energy shortages or climate change, and society is exposed to new threats (e.g. disinformation, counterfeits, trafficking, business intelligence, national security, humanitarian) putting its security at risk. Societal needs and industrial demand are growing, and are likely to grow, to address these risks, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds many of the solutions to these emerging threats. The new CRG « AI for Trust » will research, develop and transfer AI technologies to keep or increase trust.
Group News
Created in 2022, Cross Research Groups will foster collaborations between Idiap research groups. Their aim is to have long-term impacts on society thanks to an approach mixing both business oriented solutions and interdisciplinary scientific groundwork.
Group Job Openings
Our group is regularly posting job openings ranging from internships to researcher positions. To check the opportunities currently available or to submit a speculative applications use the link below.Our group is regularly posting job openings ranging from internships to researcher positions. To check the opportunities currently available or to submit a speculative applications use the link below.
Current Group Members
The group is led by Sébastien Marcel.

MARCEL, Sébastien
(Senior Research Scientist with Academic Title)
- website

VIDIT, Vidit
(Postdoctoral Researcher)
- website

POLAC, Magdalena
(R&D / Research Assistant)
- website

ULUCAN, Ibrahim
(Research Assistant)
- website

(R&D / Research Assistant)
- website
Please note that this list is not exhaustive.
- SELLIAH, Janani
Active Research Grants
- POPEYE - robust Privacy-preserving biOmetric technologies for Passengers’ identification and verification at EU external borders maximising the accuracY, reliability and throughput of the rEcognition
- ROSALIND - Robust anti-fraud algorithms against malicious AI-generated face images and travel documents
- SENTINEL-UK - Securing Age Estimation and Digital IDs against Presentation and Injection Threats