AI for Society

Idiap is a research institute of national importance active in the field of artificial intelligence that engages in fundamental research, education, and technology transfer in artificial intelligence, machine learning and signal processing.

Research Programs

Idiap Research Programs are driven by global challenges and Switzerland’s societal and industrial needs. Aiming at high impact, and aligned by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, they are addressed by the Institute’s multidisciplinary expertise.

Idiap at a glance

Over the last five years:


686 scientific publications
over 29 millions CHF of externally funded projects
3150 dataset acesses granted


84 licenses
206 software disclosures
122 open access software release


45 PhD students trained
31 courses from Bachelor to PhD
over 100 student projects supervised


News & Events

We acknowledge the generous support of

Ville de Martigny

Canton du Valais

SERI (Confédération Helvétique)