The commands available for plotterparameters are:
$ beat plotterparameters --help
Usage: beat plotterparameters [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Plotterparameters commands
-h, -?, --help Show this message and exit.
check Checks a local asset for validity.
create Creates a new local asset.
diff Shows changes between the local asset and the remote version
edit Edit local asset file
fork Forks a local asset
list Lists the assets of this type available on the platform.
path Displays local path of asset files
pull Downloads the specified plotterparameters from the server.
rm Deletes a local asset
status Shows (editing) status for all available items of asset type
version Creates a new version of an existing asset
For instance, a list of the plotterparameters available locally can be obtained as follows:
$ beat plotterparameters list
A list of the plotterparameters available on the remote platform can be obtained by running the following command:
$ beat plotterparameters list --remote