
The commands available for libraries are:

$ beat libraries --help
Usage: beat libraries [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Configuration and manipulation of libraries

  -?, -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  check    Checks a local asset for validity.
  create   Creates a new local asset.
  diff     Shows changes between the local asset and the remote version
  edit     Edit local asset file
  fork     Forks a local asset
  list     Lists the assets of this type available on the platform.
  path     Displays local path of asset files
  pull     Downloads the specified libraries from the server
  push     Uploads asset to the server
  rm       Deletes a local asset (unless --remote is specified)
  status   Shows (editing) status for all available items of asset type
  version  Creates a new version of an existing asset

For instance, a list of the libraries available locally can be obtained as follows:

$ beat libraries list

A list of the libraries available on the remote platform can be obtained by running the following command:

$ beat libraries list --remote