Presentation Attack Detection In Practice

In this package, PAD experiments are organized around the same concepts that were introduced in Samples, a way to enhance scikit pipelines with metadata. To easily run experiments in PAD, we offer a generic command called: bob pad run-pipeline.

The following will introduce how a simple experiment can be run with this tool, from the sample data to a set of metrics and plots, as defined in Introduction to Presentation Attack Detection.

Running a PAD experiment

A PAD experiment consists of taking a set of biometric bonafide and presentation attack samples, feeding them to a pipeline, to finally gather the corresponding set of scores for analysis.

Data is fed to the pipeline either for training (to fit) or for evaluation (to transform and predict).

Fig. 20 The pipeline of Transformer(s) and Classifier can be trained (fit) or used to generate a score for each input sample.

The run-pipeline command needs a pipeline and a database object to run. These variables can be provided inside configuration files:

$ bob pad run-pipeline [OPTIONS] CONFIG-1 CONFIG-2 ...

The different available options can be listed by giving the --help flag to the command:

$ bob pad run-pipeline --help

and an example config file can be generated with:

$ bob pad run-pipeline --dump-config


The list of existing pipelines and databases resources can also be found in the output of both bob pad run-pipeine --help and bob pad run-pipeline --dump-config.

Building your own PAD pipeline

The PAD pipeline is the backbone of any experiment in this library. It is composed of:


A Transformer is a class that implements the fit and transform methods, which allow the application of an operation on a sample of data. For more details, see Transformer.

Here are two basic transformers one that does not require fit and one that does:

from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator

class TransformerWithoutFit(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator):

   def fit(self, X, y):
      return self

   def transform(self, X):
      return modify_sample(X)

   def _more_tags(self):
      return {'requires_fit': False}

class TransformerWithFit(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator):

   def fit(self, X, y):
      self.model = train_model(X, y)
      return self

   def transform(self, X):
      return modify_sample(X)

   def _more_tags(self):
      return {"bob_fit_extra_input": (("y", "is_bonafide"),)}


A Classifier is the final process of a PAD pipeline. Its goal is to decide if a transformed sample given as input is originating from a bonafide sample or a presentation attack. The output is a score for each input sample. You need to implement at least one of decision_function and predict_prob to use this classifier.

Here is the minimal structure of a classifier:

from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator

class MyClassifier(ClassifierMixin, BaseEstimator):
   def __init__(self, **kwargs):
      self.state = 0

   def fit(self, X, y):
      self.state = update_state(self.state, X, y)

   def decision_function(self, X):
      # returns scores, a higher score means a more likely bona-fide sample
      return do_decision(X)

   def predict_proba(self, X):
      # returns probabilities of being a bonafide between 0 and 1
      return do_predict_proba(self.state, X)

   def _more_tags(self):
      return {"bob_fit_extra_input": (("y", "is_bonafide"),)}


See bob.pipelines.get_bob_tags to learn about Bob specific tags that can be used to change the default behavior of Bob Pipelines wrappers.


The easiest method is to use a scikit-learn classifier, like sklearn.svm.SVC. They are compatible with our pipelines, on the condition to wrap them correctly (see below).

Running an experiment

Two parts of an experiment have to be executed:

  • Fit: labeled data is fed to the system to train the algorithm to recognize attacks and licit proprieties. This is optional, use the requires_fit tag to skip training.

  • Predict: assessing a series of test samples for authenticity, generating a score for each one.

These steps are chained together in a pipeline object used by the bob pad run-pipeline command. To build such a pipeline, the following configuration file can be created:

from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
import bob.pipelines as mario

my_transformer = MyTransformer()

my_classifier = MyClassifier()

pipeline = Pipeline(
      ("my_transformer", my_transformer),
      ("classifier", my_classifier),
pipeline = mario.wrap(["sample"], pipeline)

The pipeline can then be executed with the command:

$ bob pad run-pipeline --output output_dir

When executed with run-pipeline, every training sample will pass through the pipeline, executing the fit methods. Then, every sample of the dev set (and/or the eval set) will be given to the transform method of my_transformer and the result is passed to the decision_function method of my_classifier. The output of the classifier (scores) is written to a file.


By default, run-pipeline expects the classifier to have a decision_function method to call for the prediction step. It can be changed with the -f switch to the prediction method of your classifier, for instance -f predict_proba to use this method of your scikit-learn classifiers. See sklearn-dev-docs for more details.

Using scikit-learn estimators

To use an existing scikit-learn Transformer or Classifier, they need to be wrapped with a SampleWrapper (using Convenience wrapper function) to handle our Samples, a way to enhance scikit pipelines with metadata objects:

import bob.pipelines as mario
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.svm import SVC

my_transformer = MyTransformer()
wrapped_transformer = mario.wrap(["sample"], my_transformer)

sklearn_classifier = SVC()
wrapped_classifier = mario.wrap(
   ["sample"], sklearn_classifier, fit_extra_arguments=[("y", "is_bonafide")],

pipeline = Pipeline(
      ("my_transformer", wrapped_transformer),
      ("classifier", wrapped_classifier),


Executing the pad pipeline results in a list of scores, one for each input sample compared against each registered model. The scores are written in CSV files in the specified output directory (pointed to run-pipeline with the --output option), containing metadata in additional columns.

The scores represent the performance of a system on that data, but are not easily interpreted “as is”, so evaluation scripts are available to analyze them and show different aspects of the system performance.

The data is fed to the PAD pipeline, which produces scores files. Scripts allow the evaluation with metrics and plots.

Fig. 21 The PAD pipeline generates score files that can be used with various scripts to evaluate the system performance by computing metrics or drawing plots.


Once the scores are generated for each class and group, the evaluation tools can be used to assess the performance of the system, by either drawing plots or computing metrics values at specific operation points.

Generally, the operation thresholds are computed on a specific set (development set or dev). Then those threshold values are used to compute the system error rates on a separate set (evaluation set or eval).

To retrieve the most common metrics values for a spoofing scenario experiment, run the following command:

$ bob pad metrics --eval scores-{dev,eval}.csv --legends ExpA

Threshold of 11.639561 selected with the bpcer20 criteria
======  ========================  ===================
ExpA    Development scores-dev    Eval. scores-eval
======  ========================  ===================
APCER   5.0%                      5.0%
BPCER   100.0%                    100.0%
ACER    52.5%                     52.5%
======  ========================  ===================

Threshold of 3.969103 selected with the eer criteria
======  ========================  ===================
ExpA    Development scores-dev    Eval. scores-eval
======  ========================  ===================
APCER   100.0%                    100.0%
BPCER   100.0%                    100.0%
ACER    100.0%                    100.0%
======  ========================  ===================

Threshold of -0.870550 selected with the min-hter criteria
======  ========================  ===================
ExpA    Development scores-dev    Eval. scores-eval
======  ========================  ===================
APCER   100.0%                    100.0%
BPCER   19.5%                     19.5%
ACER    59.7%                     59.7%
======  ========================  ===================


When evaluation scores are provided, the -e option (--eval) must be passed. See metrics –help for further options.


Customizable plotting commands are available in the bob.pad.base module. They take a list of development and/or evaluation files and generate a single PDF file containing the plots.

Available plots for a spoofing scenario (command bob pad) are:

  • hist (Bonafide and PA histograms along with threshold criterion)

  • epc (expected performance curve)

  • gen (Generate random scores)

  • roc (receiver operating characteristic)

  • det (detection error trade-off)

  • evaluate (Summarize all the above commands in one call)

Use the --help option on the above-cited commands to find-out about more options.

For example, to generate an EPC curve from development and evaluation datasets:

$ bob pad epc --output my_epc.pdf scores-{dev,eval}.csv

where my_epc.pdf will contain EPC curves for all the experiments.