Source code for bob.measure.script.figure

"""Runs error analysis on score sets, outputs metrics and plots"""

from __future__ import division, print_function

import logging
import math
import sys

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import click
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl
import numpy

from matplotlib import gridspec
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
from tabulate import tabulate

from .. import far_threshold, plot, ppndf, utils

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("bob.measure")

[docs]def check_list_value(values, desired_number, name, name2="systems"): if values is not None and len(values) != desired_number: if len(values) == 1: values = values * desired_number else: raise click.BadParameter( "#{} ({}) must be either 1 value or the same as " "#{} ({} values)".format(name, values, name2, desired_number) ) return values
[docs]class MeasureBase(object): """Base class for metrics and plots. This abstract class define the framework to plot or compute metrics from a list of (positive, negative) scores tuples. Attributes ---------- func_load: Function that is used to load the input files """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta # for python 2.7 compatibility def __init__(self, ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load): """ Parameters ---------- ctx : :py:class:`dict` Click context dictionary. scores : :any:`list`: List of input files (e.g. dev-{1, 2, 3}, {dev,eval}-scores1 {dev,eval}-scores2) eval : :py:class:`bool` True if eval data are used func_load : Function that is used to load the input files """ self._scores = scores self._ctx = ctx self.func_load = func_load self._legends = ctx.meta.get("legends") self._eval = evaluation self._min_arg = ctx.meta.get("min_arg", 1) if len(scores) < 1 or len(scores) % self._min_arg != 0: raise click.BadParameter( "Number of argument must be a non-zero multiple of %d" % self._min_arg ) self.n_systems = int(len(scores) / self._min_arg) if self._legends is not None and len(self._legends) < self.n_systems: raise click.BadParameter( "Number of legends must be >= to the " "number of systems" )
[docs] def run(self): """Generate outputs (e.g. metrics, files, pdf plots). This function calls abstract methods :func:`~bob.measure.script.figure.MeasureBase.init_process` (before loop), :py:func:`~bob.measure.script.figure.MeasureBase.compute` (in the loop iterating through the different systems) and :py:func:`~bob.measure.script.figure.MeasureBase.end_process` (after the loop). """ # init matplotlib, log files, ... self.init_process() # iterates through the different systems and feed `compute` # with the dev (and eval) scores of each system # Note that more than one dev or eval scores score can be passed to # each system for idx in range(self.n_systems): # load scores for each system: get the corresponding arrays and # base-name of files input_scores, input_names = self._load_files( # Scores are given as followed: # SysA-dev SysA-eval ... SysA-XX SysB-dev SysB-eval ... SysB-XX # ------------------------------ ------------------------------ # First set of `self._min_arg` Second set of input files # input files starting at for SysB # index idx * self._min_arg self._scores[idx * self._min_arg : (idx + 1) * self._min_arg] )"-----Input files for system %d-----", idx + 1) for i, name in enumerate(input_names): if not self._eval:"Dev. score %d: %s", i + 1, name) else: if i % 2 == 0:"Dev. score %d: %s", i / 2 + 1, name) else:"Eval. score %d: %s", i / 2 + 1, name)"----------------------------------") self.compute(idx, input_scores, input_names) # setup final configuration, plotting properties, ... self.end_process()
# protected functions that need to be overwritten
[docs] def init_process(self): """Called in :py:func:`~bob.measure.script.figure.MeasureBase`.run before iterating through the different systems. Should reimplemented in derived classes""" pass
# Main computations are done here in the subclasses
[docs] @abstractmethod def compute(self, idx, input_scores, input_names): """Compute metrics or plots from the given scores provided by :py:func:``. Should reimplemented in derived classes Parameters ---------- idx : :obj:`int` index of the system input_scores: :any:`list` list of scores returned by the loading function input_names: :any:`list` list of base names for the input file of the system """ pass
# structure of input is (vuln example): # if evaluation is provided # [ (dev_licit_neg, dev_licit_pos), (eval_licit_neg, eval_licit_pos), # (dev_spoof_neg, dev_licit_pos), (eval_spoof_neg, eval_licit_pos)] # and if only dev: # [ (dev_licit_neg, dev_licit_pos), (dev_spoof_neg, dev_licit_pos)] # Things to do after the main iterative computations are done
[docs] @abstractmethod def end_process(self): """Called in :py:func:`~bob.measure.script.figure.MeasureBase`.run after iterating through the different systems. Should reimplemented in derived classes""" pass
# common protected functions def _load_files(self, filepaths): """Load the input files and return the base names of the files Returns ------- scores: :any:`list`: A list that contains the output of ``func_load`` for the given files basenames: :any:`list`: A list of the given files """ scores = [] basenames = [] for filename in filepaths: basenames.append(filename) scores.append(self.func_load(filename)) return scores, basenames
[docs]class Metrics(MeasureBase): """Compute metrics from score files Attributes ---------- log_file: str output stream """ def __init__( self, ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load, names=( "False Positive Rate", "False Negative Rate", "Precision", "Recall", "F1-score", "Area Under ROC Curve", "Area Under ROC Curve (log scale)", ), ): super(Metrics, self).__init__(ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load) self.names = names self._tablefmt = ctx.meta.get("tablefmt") self._criterion = ctx.meta.get("criterion") self._open_mode = ctx.meta.get("open_mode") self._thres = ctx.meta.get("thres") self._decimal = ctx.meta.get("decimal", 2) if self._thres is not None: if len(self._thres) == 1: self._thres = self._thres * self.n_systems elif len(self._thres) != self.n_systems: raise click.BadParameter( "#thresholds must be the same as #systems (%d)" % len(self.n_systems) ) self._far = ctx.meta.get("far_value") self._log = ctx.meta.get("log") self.log_file = sys.stdout if self._log is not None: self.log_file = open(self._log, self._open_mode)
[docs] def get_thres(self, criterion, dev_neg, dev_pos, far): return utils.get_thres(criterion, dev_neg, dev_pos, far)
def _numbers(self, neg, pos, threshold, fta): from .. import f_score, farfrr, precision_recall, roc_auc_score # fpr and fnr fmr, fnmr = farfrr(neg, pos, threshold) hter = (fmr + fnmr) / 2.0 far = fmr * (1 - fta) frr = fta + fnmr * (1 - fta) ni = neg.shape[0] # number of impostors fm = int(round(fmr * ni)) # number of false accepts nc = pos.shape[0] # number of clients fnm = int(round(fnmr * nc)) # number of false rejects # precision and recall precision, recall = precision_recall(neg, pos, threshold) # f_score f1_score = f_score(neg, pos, threshold, 1) # AUC ROC auc = roc_auc_score(neg, pos) auc_log = roc_auc_score(neg, pos, log_scale=True) return ( fta, fmr, fnmr, hter, far, frr, fm, ni, fnm, nc, precision, recall, f1_score, auc, auc_log, ) def _strings(self, metrics): n_dec = ".%df" % self._decimal fta_str = "%s%%" % format(100 * metrics[0], n_dec) fmr_str = "%s%% (%d/%d)" % ( format(100 * metrics[1], n_dec), metrics[6], metrics[7], ) fnmr_str = "%s%% (%d/%d)" % ( format(100 * metrics[2], n_dec), metrics[8], metrics[9], ) far_str = "%s%%" % format(100 * metrics[4], n_dec) frr_str = "%s%%" % format(100 * metrics[5], n_dec) hter_str = "%s%%" % format(100 * metrics[3], n_dec) prec_str = "%s" % format(metrics[10], n_dec) recall_str = "%s" % format(metrics[11], n_dec) f1_str = "%s" % format(metrics[12], n_dec) auc_str = "%s" % format(metrics[13], n_dec) auc_log_str = "%s" % format(metrics[14], n_dec) return ( fta_str, fmr_str, fnmr_str, far_str, frr_str, hter_str, prec_str, recall_str, f1_str, auc_str, auc_log_str, ) def _get_all_metrics(self, idx, input_scores, input_names): """Compute all metrics for dev and eval scores""" neg_list, pos_list, fta_list = utils.get_fta_list(input_scores) dev_neg, dev_pos, dev_fta = neg_list[0], pos_list[0], fta_list[0] dev_file = input_names[0] if self._eval: eval_neg, eval_pos, eval_fta = neg_list[1], pos_list[1], fta_list[1] threshold = ( self.get_thres(self._criterion, dev_neg, dev_pos, self._far) if self._thres is None else self._thres[idx] ) title = self._legends[idx] if self._legends is not None else None if self._thres is None: far_str = "" if self._criterion == "far" and self._far is not None: far_str = str(self._far) click.echo( "[Min. criterion: %s %s] Threshold on Development set `%s`: %e" % ( self._criterion.upper(), far_str, title or dev_file, threshold, ), file=self.log_file, ) else: click.echo( "[Min. criterion: user provided] Threshold on " "Development set `%s`: %e" % (dev_file or title, threshold), file=self.log_file, ) res = [] res.append( self._strings(self._numbers(dev_neg, dev_pos, threshold, dev_fta)) ) if self._eval: # computes statistics for the eval set based on the threshold a # priori res.append( self._strings( self._numbers(eval_neg, eval_pos, threshold, eval_fta) ) ) else: res.append(None) return res
[docs] def compute(self, idx, input_scores, input_names): """Compute metrics thresholds and tables (FPR, FNR, precision, recall, f1_score) for given system inputs""" dev_file = input_names[0] title = self._legends[idx] if self._legends is not None else None all_metrics = self._get_all_metrics(idx, input_scores, input_names) fta_dev = float(all_metrics[0][0].replace("%", "")) if fta_dev > 0.0: LOGGER.warn( "NaNs scores (%s) were found in %s amd removed", all_metrics[0][0], dev_file, ) headers = [" " or title, "Development"] rows = [ [self.names[0], all_metrics[0][1]], [self.names[1], all_metrics[0][2]], [self.names[2], all_metrics[0][6]], [self.names[3], all_metrics[0][7]], [self.names[4], all_metrics[0][8]], [self.names[5], all_metrics[0][9]], [self.names[6], all_metrics[0][10]], ] if self._eval: eval_file = input_names[1] fta_eval = float(all_metrics[1][0].replace("%", "")) if fta_eval > 0.0: LOGGER.warn( "NaNs scores (%s) were found in %s and removed.", all_metrics[1][0], eval_file, ) # computes statistics for the eval set based on the threshold a # priori headers.append("Evaluation") rows[0].append(all_metrics[1][1]) rows[1].append(all_metrics[1][2]) rows[2].append(all_metrics[1][6]) rows[3].append(all_metrics[1][7]) rows[4].append(all_metrics[1][8]) rows[5].append(all_metrics[1][9]) rows[6].append(all_metrics[1][10]) click.echo(tabulate(rows, headers, self._tablefmt), file=self.log_file)
[docs] def end_process(self): """Close log file if needed""" if self._log is not None: self.log_file.close()
[docs]class MultiMetrics(Metrics): """Computes average of metrics based on several protocols (cross validation) Attributes ---------- log_file : str output stream names : tuple List of names for the metrics. """ def __init__( self, ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load, names=( "NaNs Rate", "False Positive Rate", "False Negative Rate", "False Accept Rate", "False Reject Rate", "Half Total Error Rate", ), ): super(MultiMetrics, self).__init__( ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load, names=names ) self.headers = ["Methods"] + list(self.names) if self._eval: self.headers.insert(1, self.names[5] + " (dev)") self.rows = [] def _strings(self, metrics): ( ftam, fmrm, fnmrm, hterm, farm, frrm, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, ) = metrics.mean(axis=0) ftas, fmrs, fnmrs, hters, fars, frrs, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = metrics.std( axis=0 ) n_dec = ".%df" % self._decimal fta_str = "%s%% (%s%%)" % ( format(100 * ftam, n_dec), format(100 * ftas, n_dec), ) fmr_str = "%s%% (%s%%)" % ( format(100 * fmrm, n_dec), format(100 * fmrs, n_dec), ) fnmr_str = "%s%% (%s%%)" % ( format(100 * fnmrm, n_dec), format(100 * fnmrs, n_dec), ) far_str = "%s%% (%s%%)" % ( format(100 * farm, n_dec), format(100 * fars, n_dec), ) frr_str = "%s%% (%s%%)" % ( format(100 * frrm, n_dec), format(100 * frrs, n_dec), ) hter_str = "%s%% (%s%%)" % ( format(100 * hterm, n_dec), format(100 * hters, n_dec), ) return fta_str, fmr_str, fnmr_str, far_str, frr_str, hter_str
[docs] def compute(self, idx, input_scores, input_names): """Computes the average of metrics over several protocols.""" neg_list, pos_list, fta_list = utils.get_fta_list(input_scores) step = 2 if self._eval else 1 self._dev_metrics = [] self._thresholds = [] for i in range(0, len(input_scores), step): neg, pos, fta = neg_list[i], pos_list[i], fta_list[i] threshold = ( self.get_thres(self._criterion, neg, pos, self._far) if self._thres is None else self._thres[idx] ) self._thresholds.append(threshold) self._dev_metrics.append(self._numbers(neg, pos, threshold, fta)) self._dev_metrics = numpy.array(self._dev_metrics) if self._eval: self._eval_metrics = [] for i in range(1, len(input_scores), step): neg, pos, fta = neg_list[i], pos_list[i], fta_list[i] threshold = self._thresholds[i // 2] self._eval_metrics.append( self._numbers(neg, pos, threshold, fta) ) self._eval_metrics = numpy.array(self._eval_metrics) title = self._legends[idx] if self._legends is not None else None fta_str, fmr_str, fnmr_str, far_str, frr_str, hter_str = self._strings( self._dev_metrics ) if self._eval: self.rows.append([title, hter_str]) else: self.rows.append( [title, fta_str, fmr_str, fnmr_str, far_str, frr_str, hter_str] ) if self._eval: # computes statistics for the eval set based on the threshold a # priori ( fta_str, fmr_str, fnmr_str, far_str, frr_str, hter_str, ) = self._strings(self._eval_metrics) self.rows[-1].extend( [fta_str, fmr_str, fnmr_str, far_str, frr_str, hter_str] )
[docs] def end_process(self): click.echo( tabulate(self.rows, self.headers, self._tablefmt), file=self.log_file, ) super(MultiMetrics, self).end_process()
[docs]class PlotBase(MeasureBase): """Base class for plots. Regroup several options and code shared by the different plots """ def __init__(self, ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load): super(PlotBase, self).__init__(ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load) self._output = ctx.meta.get("output") self._points = ctx.meta.get("points", 2000) self._split = ctx.meta.get("split") self._axlim = ctx.meta.get("axlim") self._alpha = ctx.meta.get("alpha") self._disp_legend = ctx.meta.get("disp_legend", True) self._legend_loc = ctx.meta.get("legend_loc") self._min_dig = None if "min_far_value" in ctx.meta: self._min_dig = int(math.log10(ctx.meta["min_far_value"])) elif self._axlim is not None and self._axlim[0] is not None: self._min_dig = int( math.log10(self._axlim[0]) if self._axlim[0] != 0 else 0 ) self._clayout = ctx.meta.get("clayout") self._far_at = ctx.meta.get("lines_at") self._trans_far_val = self._far_at if self._far_at is not None: self._eval_points = {line: [] for line in self._far_at} self._lines_val = [] self._print_fn = ctx.meta.get("show_fn", True) self._x_rotation = ctx.meta.get("x_rotation") if "style" in ctx.meta:["style"]) self._nb_figs = 2 if self._eval and self._split else 1 self._colors = utils.get_colors(self.n_systems) self._line_linestyles = ctx.meta.get("line_styles", False) self._linestyles = utils.get_linestyles( self.n_systems, self._line_linestyles ) self._titles = ctx.meta.get("titles", []) * 2 # for compatibility self._title = ctx.meta.get("title") if not self._titles and self._title is not None: self._titles = [self._title] * 2 self._x_label = ctx.meta.get("x_label") self._y_label = ctx.meta.get("y_label") self._grid_color = "silver" self._pdf_page = None self._end_setup_plot = True
[docs] def init_process(self): """Open pdf and set axis font size if provided""" if not hasattr(matplotlib, "backends"): matplotlib.use("pdf") self._pdf_page = ( self._ctx.meta["PdfPages"] if "PdfPages" in self._ctx.meta else PdfPages(self._output) ) for i in range(self._nb_figs): fs = self._ctx.meta.get("figsize") fig = mpl.figure(i + 1, figsize=fs) fig.set_constrained_layout(self._clayout) fig.clear()
[docs] def end_process(self): """Set title, legend, axis labels, grid colors, save figures, drow lines and close pdf if needed""" # draw vertical lines if self._far_at is not None: for (line, line_trans) in zip(self._far_at, self._trans_far_val): mpl.figure(1) mpl.plot( [line_trans, line_trans], [-100.0, 100.0], "--", color="black", ) if self._eval and self._split: mpl.figure(2) x_values = [i for i, _ in self._eval_points[line]] y_values = [j for _, j in self._eval_points[line]] sort_indice = sorted( range(len(x_values)), key=x_values.__getitem__ ) x_values = [x_values[i] for i in sort_indice] y_values = [y_values[i] for i in sort_indice] mpl.plot(x_values, y_values, "--", color="black") # only for plots if self._end_setup_plot: for i in range(self._nb_figs): fig = mpl.figure(i + 1) title = "" if not self._titles else self._titles[i] mpl.title(title if title.replace(" ", "") else "") mpl.xlabel(self._x_label) mpl.ylabel(self._y_label) mpl.grid(True, color=self._grid_color) if self._disp_legend: self.plot_legends() self._set_axis() mpl.xticks(rotation=self._x_rotation) self._pdf_page.savefig(fig) # do not want to close PDF when running evaluate if "PdfPages" in self._ctx.meta and ( "closef" not in self._ctx.meta or self._ctx.meta["closef"] ): self._pdf_page.close()
[docs] def plot_legends(self): """Print legend on current plot""" if not self._disp_legend: return lines = [] labels = [] for ax in mpl.gcf().get_axes(): ali, ala = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # avoid duplicates in legend for li, la in zip(ali, ala): if la not in labels: lines.append(li) labels.append(la) # create legend on the top or bottom axis leg = mpl.legend( lines, labels, loc=self._legend_loc, ncol=1, ) return leg
# common protected functions def _label(self, base, idx): if self._legends is not None and len(self._legends) > idx: return self._legends[idx] if self.n_systems > 1: return base + (" %d" % (idx + 1)) return base def _set_axis(self): if self._axlim is not None: mpl.axis(self._axlim)
[docs]class Roc(PlotBase): """Handles the plotting of ROC""" def __init__(self, ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load): super(Roc, self).__init__(ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load) self._titles = self._titles or ["ROC dev.", "ROC eval."] self._x_label = self._x_label or "FPR" self._semilogx = ctx.meta.get("semilogx", True) self._tpr = ctx.meta.get("tpr", True) dflt_y_label = "TPR" if self._tpr else "FNR" self._y_label = self._y_label or dflt_y_label best_legend = "lower right" if self._semilogx else "upper right" self._legend_loc = self._legend_loc or best_legend # custom defaults if self._axlim is None: self._axlim = [None, None, -0.05, 1.05] self._min_dig = -4 if self._min_dig is None else self._min_dig
[docs] def compute(self, idx, input_scores, input_names): """Plot ROC for dev and eval data using :py:func:`bob.measure.plot.roc`""" neg_list, pos_list, _ = utils.get_fta_list(input_scores) dev_neg, dev_pos = neg_list[0], pos_list[0] dev_file = input_names[0] if self._eval: eval_neg, eval_pos = neg_list[1], pos_list[1] eval_file = input_names[1] mpl.figure(1) if self._eval:"ROC dev. curve using %s", dev_file) plot.roc( dev_neg, dev_pos, npoints=self._points, semilogx=self._semilogx, tpr=self._tpr, min_far=self._min_dig, color=self._colors[idx], linestyle=self._linestyles[idx], label=self._label("dev", idx), alpha=self._alpha, ) if self._split: mpl.figure(2) linestyle = "--" if not self._split else self._linestyles[idx]"ROC eval. curve using %s", eval_file) plot.roc( eval_neg, eval_pos, linestyle=linestyle, npoints=self._points, semilogx=self._semilogx, tpr=self._tpr, min_far=self._min_dig, color=self._colors[idx], label=self._label("eval.", idx), alpha=self._alpha, ) if self._far_at is not None: from .. import fprfnr for line in self._far_at: thres_line = far_threshold(dev_neg, dev_pos, line) eval_fmr, eval_fnmr = fprfnr(eval_neg, eval_pos, thres_line) if self._tpr: eval_fnmr = 1 - eval_fnmr mpl.scatter(eval_fmr, eval_fnmr, c=self._colors[idx], s=30) self._eval_points[line].append((eval_fmr, eval_fnmr)) else:"ROC dev. curve using %s", dev_file) plot.roc( dev_neg, dev_pos, npoints=self._points, semilogx=self._semilogx, tpr=self._tpr, min_far=self._min_dig, color=self._colors[idx], linestyle=self._linestyles[idx], label=self._label("dev", idx), alpha=self._alpha, )
[docs]class Det(PlotBase): """Handles the plotting of DET""" def __init__(self, ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load): super(Det, self).__init__(ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load) self._titles = self._titles or ["DET dev.", "DET eval."] self._x_label = self._x_label or "FPR (%)" self._y_label = self._y_label or "FNR (%)" self._legend_loc = self._legend_loc or "upper right" if self._far_at is not None: self._trans_far_val = ppndf(self._far_at) # custom defaults here if self._x_rotation is None: self._x_rotation = 50 if self._axlim is None: self._axlim = [0.01, 99, 0.01, 99] if self._min_dig is not None: self._axlim[0] = math.pow(10, self._min_dig) * 100 self._min_dig = -4 if self._min_dig is None else self._min_dig
[docs] def compute(self, idx, input_scores, input_names): """Plot DET for dev and eval data using :py:func:`bob.measure.plot.det`""" neg_list, pos_list, _ = utils.get_fta_list(input_scores) dev_neg, dev_pos = neg_list[0], pos_list[0] dev_file = input_names[0] if self._eval: eval_neg, eval_pos = neg_list[1], pos_list[1] eval_file = input_names[1] mpl.figure(1) if self._eval and eval_neg is not None:"DET dev. curve using %s", dev_file) plot.det( dev_neg, dev_pos, self._points, min_far=self._min_dig, color=self._colors[idx], linestyle=self._linestyles[idx], label=self._label("dev.", idx), alpha=self._alpha, ) if self._split: mpl.figure(2) linestyle = "--" if not self._split else self._linestyles[idx]"DET eval. curve using %s", eval_file) plot.det( eval_neg, eval_pos, self._points, min_far=self._min_dig, color=self._colors[idx], linestyle=linestyle, label=self._label("eval.", idx), alpha=self._alpha, ) if self._far_at is not None: from .. import farfrr for line in self._far_at: thres_line = far_threshold(dev_neg, dev_pos, line) eval_fmr, eval_fnmr = farfrr(eval_neg, eval_pos, thres_line) eval_fmr, eval_fnmr = ppndf(eval_fmr), ppndf(eval_fnmr) mpl.scatter(eval_fmr, eval_fnmr, c=self._colors[idx], s=30) self._eval_points[line].append((eval_fmr, eval_fnmr)) else:"DET dev. curve using %s", dev_file) plot.det( dev_neg, dev_pos, self._points, min_far=self._min_dig, color=self._colors[idx], linestyle=self._linestyles[idx], label=self._label("dev.", idx), alpha=self._alpha, )
def _set_axis(self): plot.det_axis(self._axlim)
[docs]class Epc(PlotBase): """Handles the plotting of EPC""" def __init__(self, ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load, hter="HTER"): super(Epc, self).__init__(ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load) if self._min_arg != 2: raise click.UsageError("EPC requires dev. and eval. score files") self._titles = self._titles or ["EPC"] * 2 self._x_label = self._x_label or r"$\alpha$" self._y_label = self._y_label or hter + " (%)" self._legend_loc = self._legend_loc or "upper center" self._eval = True # always eval data with EPC self._split = False self._nb_figs = 1 self._far_at = None
[docs] def compute(self, idx, input_scores, input_names): """Plot EPC using :py:func:`bob.measure.plot.epc`""" neg_list, pos_list, _ = utils.get_fta_list(input_scores) dev_neg, dev_pos = neg_list[0], pos_list[0] dev_file = input_names[0] if self._eval: eval_neg, eval_pos = neg_list[1], pos_list[1] eval_file = input_names[1]"EPC using %s", dev_file + "_" + eval_file) plot.epc( dev_neg, dev_pos, eval_neg, eval_pos, self._points, color=self._colors[idx], linestyle=self._linestyles[idx], label=self._label("curve", idx), alpha=self._alpha, )
[docs]class GridSubplot(PlotBase): """A base class for plots that contain subplots and legends. To use this class, use `create_subplot` in `compute` each time you need a new axis. and call `finalize_one_page` in `compute` when a page is finished rendering. """ def __init__(self, ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load): super(GridSubplot, self).__init__(ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load) # Check legend self._legend_loc = self._legend_loc or "upper center" if self._legend_loc == "best": self._legend_loc = "upper center" if "upper" not in self._legend_loc and "lower" not in self._legend_loc: raise ValueError( "Only best, upper-*, and lower-* legend locations are supported!" ) self._nlegends = ctx.meta.get("legends_ncol", 3) # subplot grid self._nrows = ctx.meta.get("n_row", 1) self._ncols = ctx.meta.get("n_col", 1)
[docs] def init_process(self): super(GridSubplot, self).init_process() self._create_grid_spec()
def _create_grid_spec(self): # create a compatible GridSpec self._gs = gridspec.GridSpec( self._nrows, self._ncols, figure=mpl.gcf(), )
[docs] def create_subplot(self, n, shared_axis=None): i, j = numpy.unravel_index(n, (self._nrows, self._ncols)) axis = mpl.gcf().add_subplot( self._gs[i : i + 1, j : j + 1], sharex=shared_axis ) return axis
[docs] def finalize_one_page(self): # print legend on the page self.plot_legends() fig = mpl.gcf() axes = fig.get_axes() LOGGER.debug("%s contains %d axes:", fig, len(axes)) for i, ax in enumerate(axes, start=1): LOGGER.debug("Axes %d: %s", i, ax) self._pdf_page.savefig(bbox_inches="tight") mpl.clf() mpl.figure() self._create_grid_spec()
[docs] def plot_legends(self): """Print legend on current page""" if not self._disp_legend: return lines = [] labels = [] for ax in mpl.gcf().get_axes(): ali, ala = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # avoid duplicates in legend for li, la in zip(ali, ala): if la not in labels: lines.append(li) labels.append(la) # create legend on the top or bottom axis fig = mpl.gcf() if "upper" in self._legend_loc: # Set anchor to top of figure bbox_to_anchor = (0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0) # Legend will be anchored with its bottom side, so switch the loc anchored_loc = self._legend_loc.replace("upper", "lower") else: # Set anchor to bottom of figure bbox_to_anchor = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) # Legend will be anchored with its top side, so switch the loc anchored_loc = self._legend_loc.replace("lower", "upper") leg = fig.legend( lines, labels, loc=anchored_loc, ncol=self._nlegends, bbox_to_anchor=bbox_to_anchor, ) return leg
[docs]class Hist(GridSubplot): """Functional base class for histograms""" def __init__(self, ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load, nhist_per_system=2): super(Hist, self).__init__(ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load) self._nbins = ctx.meta.get("n_bins", ["doane"]) self._nhist_per_system = nhist_per_system self._nbins = check_list_value( self._nbins, nhist_per_system, "n_bins", "histograms" ) self._thres = ctx.meta.get("thres") self._thres = check_list_value( self._thres, self.n_systems, "thresholds" ) self._criterion = ctx.meta.get("criterion") # no vertical (threshold) is displayed self._no_line = ctx.meta.get("no_line", False) # do not display dev histo self._hide_dev = ctx.meta.get("hide_dev", False) if self._hide_dev and not self._eval: raise click.BadParameter( "You can only use --hide-dev along with --eval" ) # dev hist are displayed next to eval hist self._nrows *= 1 if self._hide_dev or not self._eval else 2 self._nlegends = ctx.meta.get("legends_ncol", 3) # number of subplot on one page self._step_print = int(self._nrows * self._ncols) self._title_base = "Scores" self._y_label = self._y_label or "Probability density" self._x_label = self._x_label or "Score values" self._end_setup_plot = False # overide _titles of PlotBase self._titles = ctx.meta.get("titles", []) * 2
[docs] def compute(self, idx, input_scores, input_names): """Draw histograms of negative and positive scores.""" ( dev_neg, dev_pos, eval_neg, eval_pos, threshold, ) = self._get_neg_pos_thres(idx, input_scores, input_names) # keep id of the current system sys = idx # if the id of the current system does not match the id of the plot, # change it if not self._hide_dev and self._eval: row = int(idx / self._ncols) * 2 col = idx % self._ncols idx = col + self._ncols * row dev_axis = None if not self._hide_dev or not self._eval: dev_axis = self._print_subplot( idx, sys, dev_neg, dev_pos, threshold, not self._no_line, False, ) if self._eval: idx += self._ncols if not self._hide_dev else 0 self._print_subplot( idx, sys, eval_neg, eval_pos, threshold, not self._no_line, True, shared_axis=dev_axis, )
def _print_subplot( self, idx, sys, neg, pos, threshold, draw_line, evaluation, shared_axis=None, ): """print a subplot for the given score and subplot index""" n = idx % self._step_print col = n % self._ncols sub_plot_idx = n + 1 axis = self.create_subplot(n, shared_axis) self._setup_hist(neg, pos) if col == 0: axis.set_ylabel(self._y_label) # systems per page sys_per_page = self._step_print / ( 1 if self._hide_dev or not self._eval else 2 ) # rest to be printed sys_idx = sys % sys_per_page rest_print = self.n_systems - int(sys / sys_per_page) * sys_per_page # lower histo only is_lower = evaluation or not self._eval if is_lower and sys_idx + self._ncols >= min(sys_per_page, rest_print): axis.set_xlabel(self._x_label) dflt_title = "Eval. scores" if evaluation else "Dev. scores" if self.n_systems == 1 and (not self._eval or self._hide_dev): dflt_title = " " add = self.n_systems if is_lower else 0 axis.set_title(self._get_title(sys + add, dflt_title)) label = "%s threshold%s" % ( "" if self._criterion is None else self._criterion.upper(), " (dev)" if self._eval else "", ) if draw_line: self._lines(threshold, label, neg, pos, idx) # enable the grid and set it below other elements axis.set_axisbelow(True) axis.grid(True, color=self._grid_color) # if it was the last subplot of the page or the last subplot # to display, save figure if self._step_print == sub_plot_idx or ( is_lower and sys == self.n_systems - 1 ): self.finalize_one_page() return axis def _get_title(self, idx, dflt=None): """Get the histo title for the given idx""" title = ( self._titles[idx] if self._titles is not None and idx < len(self._titles) else dflt ) title = title or self._title_base title = ( "" if title is not None and not title.replace(" ", "") else title ) return title or "" def _get_neg_pos_thres(self, idx, input_scores, input_names): """Get scores and threshod for the given system at index idx""" neg_list, pos_list, _ = utils.get_fta_list(input_scores) length = len(neg_list) # lists returned by get_fta_list contains all the following items: # for bio or measure without eval: # [dev] # for vuln with {licit,spoof} with eval: # [dev, eval] # for vuln with {licit,spoof} without eval: # [licit_dev, spoof_dev] # for vuln with {licit,spoof} with eval: # [licit_dev, licit_eval, spoof_dev, spoof_eval] step = 2 if self._eval else 1 # can have several files for one system dev_neg = [neg_list[x] for x in range(0, length, step)] dev_pos = [pos_list[x] for x in range(0, length, step)] eval_neg = eval_pos = None if self._eval: eval_neg = [neg_list[x] for x in range(1, length, step)] eval_pos = [pos_list[x] for x in range(1, length, step)] threshold = ( utils.get_thres(self._criterion, dev_neg[0], dev_pos[0]) if self._thres is None else self._thres[idx] ) return dev_neg, dev_pos, eval_neg, eval_pos, threshold def _density_hist(self, scores, n, **kwargs): """Plots one density histo""" n, bins, patches = mpl.hist( scores, density=True, bins=self._nbins[n], **kwargs ) return (n, bins, patches) def _lines( self, threshold, label=None, neg=None, pos=None, idx=None, **kwargs ): """Plots vertical line at threshold""" label = label or "Threshold" kwargs.setdefault("color", "C3") kwargs.setdefault("linestyle", "--") kwargs.setdefault("label", label) # plot a vertical threshold line mpl.axvline(x=threshold, ymin=0, ymax=1, **kwargs) def _setup_hist(self, neg, pos): """This function can be overwritten in derived classes Plots all the density histo required in one plot. Here negative and positive scores densities. """ self._density_hist( neg[0], n=0, label="Negatives", alpha=0.5, color="C3" ) self._density_hist( pos[0], n=1, label="Positives", alpha=0.5, color="C0" )