Source code for bob.measure.plot

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# Mon 23 May 2011 14:36:14 CEST
import warnings

import numpy

[docs]def log_values(min_step=-4, counts_per_step=4): """Computes log-scaled values between :math:`10^{M}` and 1 This function computes log-scaled values between :math:`10^{M}` and 1 (including), where :math:`M` is the ``min_ste`` argument, which needs to be a negative integer. The integral ``counts_per_step`` value defines how many values between two adjacent powers of 10 will be created. The total number of values will be ``-min_step * counts_per_step + 1``. Parameters: min_step (:py:class:`int`, optional): The power of 10 that will be the minimum value. E.g., the default ``-4`` will result in the first number to be :math:`10^{-4}` = ``0.00001`` or ``0.01%`` counts_per_step (:py:class:`int`, optional): The number of values that will be put between two adjacent powers of 10. With the default value ``4`` (and default values of ``min_step``), we will get ``log_list[0] == 1e-4``, ``log_list[4] == 1e-3``, ..., ``log_list[16] == 1``. Returns: :py:class:`list`: A list of logarithmically scaled values between :math:`10^{M}` and 1. """ import math return [ math.pow(10.0, i * 1.0 / counts_per_step) for i in range(min_step * counts_per_step, 0) ] + [1.0]
def _semilogx(x, y, **kwargs): # remove points were x is 0 x, y = numpy.asarray(x), numpy.asarray(y) zero_index = x == 0 x = x[~zero_index] y = y[~zero_index] from matplotlib import pyplot return pyplot.semilogx(x, y, **kwargs)
[docs]def roc( negatives, positives, npoints=2000, CAR=None, min_far=-8, tpr=False, semilogx=False, **kwargs ): """Plots Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. This method will call ``matplotlib`` to plot the ROC curve for a system which contains a particular set of negatives (impostors) and positives (clients) scores. We use the standard :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` command. All parameters passed with exception of the three first parameters of this method will be directly passed to the plot command. The plot will represent the false-alarm on the horizontal axis and the false-rejection on the vertical axis. The values for the axis will be computed using :py:func:`bob.measure.roc`. .. note:: This function does not initiate and save the figure instance, it only issues the plotting command. You are the responsible for setting up and saving the figure as you see fit. Parameters ---------- negatives : array 1D float array that contains the scores of the "negative" (noise, non-class) samples of your classifier. See (:py:func:`bob.measure.roc`) positives : array 1D float array that contains the scores of the "positive" (signal, class) samples of your classifier. See (:py:func:`bob.measure.roc`) npoints : :py:class:`int`, optional The number of points for the plot. See (:py:func:`bob.measure.roc`) min_far : float, optional The minimum value of FPR and FNR that is used for ROC computations. tpr : bool, optional If True, will plot TPR (TPR = 1 - FNR) on the y-axis instead of FNR. semilogx : bool, optional If True, will use pyplot.semilogx to plot the ROC curve. CAR : :py:class:`bool`, optional This option is deprecated. Please use ``TPR`` and ``semilogx`` options instead. If set to ``True``, it will plot the CPR (CAR) over FPR in using :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx`, otherwise the FPR over FNR linearly using :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. **kwargs Extra plotting parameters, which are passed directly to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. Returns ------- object `list` of :py:class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D`: The lines that were added as defined by the return value of :py:func`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. """ if CAR is not None: warnings.warn( "CAR argument is deprecated. Please use TPR and semilogx arguments instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) tpr = semilogx = CAR from matplotlib import pyplot from . import roc as calc fpr, fnr = calc(negatives, positives, npoints, min_far=min_far) if tpr: fnr = 1 - fnr # plot tpr instead of fnr if not semilogx: return pyplot.plot(fpr, fnr, **kwargs) else: return _semilogx(fpr, fnr, **kwargs)
[docs]def roc_for_far( negatives, positives, far_values=log_values(), CAR=True, **kwargs ): """Plots the ROC curve for the given list of False Positive Rates (FAR). This method will call ``matplotlib`` to plot the ROC curve for a system which contains a particular set of negatives (impostors) and positives (clients) scores. We use the standard :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx` command. All parameters passed with exception of the three first parameters of this method will be directly passed to the plot command. The plot will represent the False Positive Rate (FPR) on the horizontal axis and the Correct Positive Rate (CPR) on the vertical axis. The values for the axis will be computed using :py:func:`bob.measure.roc_for_far`. .. note:: This function does not initiate and save the figure instance, it only issues the plotting command. You are the responsible for setting up and saving the figure as you see fit. Parameters: negatives (array): 1D float array that contains the scores of the "negative" (noise, non-class) samples of your classifier. See (:py:func:`bob.measure.roc`) positives (array): 1D float array that contains the scores of the "positive" (signal, class) samples of your classifier. See (:py:func:`bob.measure.roc`) far_values (:py:class:`list`, optional): The values for the FPR, where the CPR (CAR) should be plotted; each value should be in range [0,1]. CAR (:py:class:`bool`, optional): If set to ``True``, it will plot the CPR (CAR) over FPR in using :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx`, otherwise the FPR over FNR linearly using :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. kwargs (:py:class:`dict`, optional): Extra plotting parameters, which are passed directly to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. Returns: :py:class:`list` of :py:class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D`: The lines that were added as defined by the return value of :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx`. """ warnings.warn( "roc_for_far is deprecated. Please use the roc function instead." ) from matplotlib import pyplot from . import roc_for_far as calc out = calc(negatives, positives, far_values) if not CAR: return pyplot.plot(out[0, :], out[1, :], **kwargs) else: return _semilogx(out[0, :], (1 - out[1, :]), **kwargs)
[docs]def precision_recall_curve(negatives, positives, npoints=2000, **kwargs): """Plots a Precision-Recall curve. This method will call ``matplotlib`` to plot the precision-recall curve for a system which contains a particular set of ``negatives`` (impostors) and ``positives`` (clients) scores. We use the standard :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` command. All parameters passed with exception of the three first parameters of this method will be directly passed to the plot command. .. note:: This function does not initiate and save the figure instance, it only issues the plotting command. You are the responsible for setting up and saving the figure as you see fit. Parameters: negatives (array): 1D float array that contains the scores of the "negative" (noise, non-class) samples of your classifier. See (:py:func:`bob.measure.precision_recall_curve`) positives (array): 1D float array that contains the scores of the "positive" (signal, class) samples of your classifier. See (:py:func:`bob.measure.precision_recall_curve`) npoints (:py:class:`int`, optional): The number of points for the plot. See (:py:func:`bob.measure.precision_recall_curve`) kwargs (:py:class:`dict`, optional): Extra plotting parameters, which are passed directly to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. Returns: :py:class:`list` of :py:class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D`: The lines that were added as defined by the return value of :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. """ from matplotlib import pyplot from . import precision_recall_curve as calc out = calc(negatives, positives, npoints) return pyplot.plot(100.0 * out[0, :], 100.0 * out[1, :], **kwargs)
[docs]def epc( dev_negatives, dev_positives, test_negatives, test_positives, npoints=100, **kwargs ): """Plots Expected Performance Curve (EPC) as defined in the paper: Bengio, S., Keller, M., Mariéthoz, J. (2004). The Expected Performance Curve. International Conference on Machine Learning ICML Workshop on ROC Analysis in Machine Learning, 136(1), 1963–1966. IDIAP RR. Available: This method will call ``matplotlib`` to plot the EPC curve for a system which contains a particular set of negatives (impostors) and positives (clients) for both the development and test sets. We use the standard :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` command. All parameters passed with exception of the five first parameters of this method will be directly passed to the plot command. The plot will represent the minimum HTER on the vertical axis and the cost on the horizontal axis. .. note:: This function does not initiate and save the figure instance, it only issues the plotting commands. You are the responsible for setting up and saving the figure as you see fit. Parameters: dev_negatives (array): 1D float array that contains the scores of the "negative" (noise, non-class) samples of your classifier, from the development set. See (:py:func:`bob.measure.epc`) dev_positives (array): 1D float array that contains the scores of the "positive" (signal, class) samples of your classifier, from the development set. See (:py:func:`bob.measure.epc`) test_negatives (array): 1D float array that contains the scores of the "negative" (noise, non-class) samples of your classifier, from the test set. See (:py:func:`bob.measure.epc`) test_positives (array): 1D float array that contains the scores of the "positive" (signal, class) samples of your classifier, from the test set. See (:py:func:`bob.measure.epc`) npoints (:py:class:`int`, optional): The number of points for the plot. See (:py:func:`bob.measure.epc`) kwargs (:py:class:`dict`, optional): Extra plotting parameters, which are passed directly to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. Returns: :py:class:`list` of :py:class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D`: The lines that were added as defined by the return value of :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. """ from matplotlib import pyplot from . import epc as calc out = calc( dev_negatives, dev_positives, test_negatives, test_positives, npoints ) return pyplot.plot(out[0, :], 100.0 * out[1, :], **kwargs)
[docs]def det(negatives, positives, npoints=2000, min_far=-8, **kwargs): """Plots Detection Error Trade-off (DET) curve as defined in the paper: Martin, A., Doddington, G., Kamm, T., Ordowski, M., & Przybocki, M. (1997). The DET curve in assessment of detection task performance. Fifth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (pp. 1895-1898). Available: This method will call ``matplotlib`` to plot the DET curve(s) for a system which contains a particular set of negatives (impostors) and positives (clients) scores. We use the standard :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` command. All parameters passed with exception of the three first parameters of this method will be directly passed to the plot command. The plot will represent the false-alarm on the horizontal axis and the false-rejection on the vertical axis. This method is strongly inspired by the NIST implementation for Matlab, called DETware, version 2.1 and available for download at the NIST website: .. note:: This function does not initiate and save the figure instance, it only issues the plotting commands. You are the responsible for setting up and saving the figure as you see fit. .. note:: If you wish to reset axis zooming, you must use the Gaussian scale rather than the visual marks showed at the plot, which are just there for displaying purposes. The real axis scale is based on :py:func:`bob.measure.ppndf`. For example, if you wish to set the x and y axis to display data between 1% and 40% here is the recipe: .. code-block:: python import bob.measure from matplotlib import pyplot bob.measure.plot.det(...) #call this as many times as you need #AFTER you plot the DET curve, just set the axis in this way: pyplot.axis([bob.measure.ppndf(k/100.0) for k in (1, 40, 1, 40)]) We provide a convenient way for you to do the above in this module. So, optionally, you may use the :py:func:`bob.measure.plot.det_axis` method like this: .. code-block:: python import bob.measure bob.measure.plot.det(...) # please note we convert percentage values in det_axis() bob.measure.plot.det_axis([1, 40, 1, 40]) Parameters: negatives (array): 1D float array that contains the scores of the "negative" (noise, non-class) samples of your classifier. See (:py:func:`bob.measure.det`) positives (array): 1D float array that contains the scores of the "positive" (signal, class) samples of your classifier. See (:py:func:`bob.measure.det`) npoints (:py:class:`int`, optional): The number of points for the plot. See (:py:func:`bob.measure.det`) axisfontsize (:py:class:`str`, optional): The size to be used by x/y-tick-labels to set the font size on the axis kwargs (:py:class:`dict`, optional): Extra plotting parameters, which are passed directly to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. Returns: :py:class:`list` of :py:class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D`: The lines that were added as defined by the return value of :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. """ # these are some constants required in this method desiredTicks = [ "0.000001", "0.000002", "0.000005", "0.00001", "0.00002", "0.00005", "0.0001", "0.0002", "0.0005", "0.001", "0.002", "0.005", "0.01", "0.02", "0.05", "0.1", "0.2", "0.4", "0.6", "0.8", "0.9", "0.95", "0.98", "0.99", "0.995", "0.998", "0.999", "0.9995", "0.9998", "0.9999", "0.99995", "0.99998", "0.99999", ] desiredLabels = [ "0.0001", "0.0002", "0.0005", "0.001", "0.002", "0.005", "0.01", "0.02", "0.05", "0.1", "0.2", "0.5", "1", "2", "5", "10", "20", "40", "60", "80", "90", "95", "98", "99", "99.5", "99.8", "99.9", "99.95", "99.98", "99.99", "99.995", "99.998", "99.999", ] # this will actually do the plotting from matplotlib import pyplot from . import det as calc from . import ppndf out = calc(negatives, positives, npoints, min_far) retval = pyplot.plot(out[0, :], out[1, :], **kwargs) # now the trick: we must plot the tick marks by hand using the PPNDF method pticks = ppndf(numpy.array(desiredTicks, dtype=float)) ax = pyplot.gca() # and finally we set our own tick marks ax.set_xticks(pticks) ax.set_xticklabels(desiredLabels) ax.set_yticks(pticks) ax.set_yticklabels(desiredLabels) return retval
[docs]def det_axis(v, **kwargs): """Sets the axis in a DET plot. This method wraps the :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.axis` by calling :py:func:`bob.measure.ppndf` on the values passed by the user so they are meaningful in a DET plot as performed by :py:func:`bob.measure.plot.det`. Parameters: v (``sequence``): A sequence (list, tuple, array or the like) containing the X and Y limits in the order ``(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)``. Expected values should be in percentage (between 0 and 100%). If ``v`` is not a list or tuple that contains 4 numbers it is passed without further inspection to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.axis`. kwargs (:py:class:`dict`, optional): Extra plotting parameters, which are passed directly to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.axis`. Returns: object: Whatever is returned by :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.axis`. """ import logging logger = logging.getLogger("bob.measure") from matplotlib import pyplot from . import ppndf # treat input try: tv = list(v) # normal input if len(tv) != 4: raise IndexError tv = [ppndf(float(k) / 100) for k in tv] cur = pyplot.axis() # limits must be within bounds if tv[0] < cur[0]: logger.warn("Readjusting xmin: the provided value is out of bounds") tv[0] = cur[0] if tv[1] > cur[1]: logger.warn("Readjusting xmax: the provided value is out of bounds") tv[1] = cur[1] if tv[2] < cur[2]: logger.warn("Readjusting ymin: the provided value is out of bounds") tv[2] = cur[2] if tv[3] > cur[3]: logger.warn("Readjusting ymax: the provided value is out of bounds") tv[3] = cur[3] except Exception: tv = v return pyplot.axis(tv, **kwargs)
[docs]def cmc(cmc_scores, logx=True, **kwargs): """Plots the (cumulative) match characteristics and returns the maximum rank. This function plots a CMC curve using the given CMC scores (:py:class:`list`: A list of tuples, where each tuple contains the ``negative`` and ``positive`` scores for one probe of the database). Parameters: cmc_scores (array): 1D float array containing the CMC values (See :py:func:`bob.measure.cmc`) logx (:py:class:`bool`, optional): If set (the default), plots the rank axis in logarithmic scale using :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx` or in linear scale using :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` kwargs (:py:class:`dict`, optional): Extra plotting parameters, which are passed directly to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. Returns: int: The number of classes (clients) in the given scores. """ from matplotlib import pyplot from . import cmc as calc out = calc(cmc_scores) if logx: _semilogx(range(1, len(out) + 1), out, **kwargs) else: pyplot.plot(range(1, len(out) + 1), out, **kwargs) return len(out)
[docs]def detection_identification_curve( cmc_scores, far_values=log_values(), rank=1, logx=True, **kwargs ): """Plots the Detection & Identification curve over the FPR This curve is designed to be used in an open set identification protocol, and defined in Chapter 14.1 of [LiJain2005]_. It requires to have at least one open set probe item, i.e., with no corresponding gallery, such that the positives for that pair are ``None``. The detection and identification curve first computes FPR thresholds based on the out-of-set probe scores (negative scores). For each probe item, the **maximum** negative score is used. Then, it plots the detection and identification rates for those thresholds, which are based on the in-set probe scores only. See [LiJain2005]_ for more details. .. [LiJain2005] **Stan Li and Anil K. Jain**, *Handbook of Face Recognition*, Springer, 2005 Parameters: cmc_scores (array): 1D float array containing the CMC values (See :py:func:`bob.measure.cmc`) rank (:py:class:`int`, optional): The rank for which the curve should be plotted far_values (:py:class:`list`, optional): The values for the FPR (FAR), where the CPR (CAR) should be plotted; each value should be in range [0,1]. logx (:py:class:`bool`, optional): If set (the default), plots the rank axis in logarithmic scale using :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx` or in linear scale using :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` kwargs (:py:class:`dict`, optional): Extra plotting parameters, which are passed directly to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. Returns: :py:class:`list` of :py:class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D`: The lines that were added as defined by the return value of :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. """ import math import numpy from matplotlib import pyplot from . import detection_identification_rate, far_threshold # for each probe, for which no positives exists, get the highest negative # score; and sort them to compute the FAR thresholds negatives = sorted( max(neg) for neg, pos in cmc_scores if (pos is None or not numpy.array(pos).size) and neg is not None ) if not negatives: raise ValueError( "There need to be at least one pair with only negative scores" ) # compute thresholds based on FAR values thresholds = [far_threshold(negatives, [], v, True) for v in far_values] # compute detection and identification rate based on the thresholds for # the given rank rates = [ detection_identification_rate(cmc_scores, t, rank) if not math.isnan(t) else numpy.nan for t in thresholds ] # plot curve if logx: return _semilogx(far_values, rates, **kwargs) else: return pyplot.plot(far_values, rates, **kwargs)