Python API

This section includes information for using the Python API of bob.measure.




Evaluates correctly classifed negatives in a set, based on a threshold


Evaluates correctly classifed positives in a set, based on a threshold

Single point measurements

bob.measure.eer(negatives, positives[, ...])

Calculates the Equal Error Rate (EER).

bob.measure.fprfnr(negatives, positives, ...)

Alias for bob.measure.farfrr()

bob.measure.farfrr(negatives, positives, ...)

Calculates the false-acceptance (FA) ratio and the false-rejection (FR) ratio for the given positive and negative scores and a score threshold

bob.measure.f_score(negatives, positives, ...)

Computes the F-score of the accuracy of the classification

bob.measure.precision_recall(negatives, ...)

Calculates the precision and recall (sensitivity) values given negative and positive scores and a threshold

bob.measure.recognition_rate(cmc_scores[, ...])

Calculates the recognition rate from the given input


Computes the detection and identification rate for the given threshold.

bob.measure.false_alarm_rate(cmc_scores, ...)

Computes the false alarm rate for the given threshold,.

bob.measure.eer_rocch(negatives, positives)

Equal-error-rate (EER) given the input data, on the ROC Convex Hull


bob.measure.eer_threshold(negatives, positives)

Calculates threshold as close as possible to the equal error rate (EER)


Calculates the threshold that is as close as possible to the equal-error-rate (EER) given the input data

bob.measure.min_hter_threshold(negatives, ...)

Calculates the min_weighted_error_rate_threshold() with cost=0.5


Calculates the threshold that minimizes the error rate

bob.measure.far_threshold(negatives, positives)

Threshold such that the real FPR is at most the requested far_value if possible

bob.measure.frr_threshold(negatives, positives)

Computes the threshold such that the real FNR is at most the requested frr_value if possible


bob.measure.roc(negatives, positives, n_points)

Calculates points of an Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)

bob.measure.roc_auc_score(negatives, positives)

Area Under the ROC Curve.

bob.measure.rocch(negatives, positives)

Calculates the ROC Convex Hull (ROCCH) curve given a set of positive and negative scores

bob.measure.roc_for_far(negatives, ...[, ...])

Calculates the ROC curve for a given set of positive and negative scores and the FPR values, for which the FNR should be computed

bob.measure.det(negatives, positives, n_points)

Calculates points of an Detection Error-Tradeoff (DET) curve

bob.measure.epc(dev_negatives, ...[, ...])

Calculates points of an Expected Performance Curve (EPC)


Calculates the precision-recall curve given a set of positive and negative scores and a number of desired points


Calculates the cumulative match characteristic (CMC) from the given input.


bob.measure.script.figure.MeasureBase(ctx, ...)

Base class for metrics and plots.

bob.measure.script.figure.Metrics(ctx, ...)

Compute metrics from score files

bob.measure.script.figure.PlotBase(ctx, ...)

Base class for plots.

bob.measure.script.figure.Roc(ctx, scores, ...)

Handles the plotting of ROC

bob.measure.script.figure.Det(ctx, scores, ...)

Handles the plotting of DET

bob.measure.script.figure.Epc(ctx, scores, ...)

Handles the plotting of EPC

bob.measure.script.figure.Hist(ctx, scores, ...)

Functional base class for histograms



Returns the Deviate Scale equivalent of a false rejection/acceptance ratio

bob.measure.relevance(input, machine)

Calculates the relevance of every input feature to the estimation process

bob.measure.mse(estimation, target)

Mean square error between a set of outputs and target values

bob.measure.rmse(estimation, target)

Calculates the root mean square error between a set of outputs and target

Confidence interval

bob.measure.utils.confidence_for_indicator_variable(x, n)

Calculates the confidence interval for proportion estimates The Clopper-Pearson interval method is used for estimating the confidence intervals.


bob.measure.calibration.cllr(negatives, ...)

Cost of log likelihood ratio as defined by the Bosaris toolkit

bob.measure.calibration.min_cllr(negatives, ...)

Minimum cost of log likelihood ratio as defined by the Bosaris toolkit


bob.measure.plot.roc(negatives, positives[, ...])

Plots Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve.

bob.measure.plot.det(negatives, positives[, ...])

Plots Detection Error Trade-off (DET) curve as defined in the paper:

bob.measure.plot.det_axis(v, **kwargs)

Sets the axis in a DET plot.

bob.measure.plot.epc(dev_negatives, ...[, ...])

Plots Expected Performance Curve (EPC) as defined in the paper:


Plots a Precision-Recall curve.

bob.measure.plot.cmc(cmc_scores[, logx])

Plots the (cumulative) match characteristics and returns the maximum rank.


Plots the Detection & Identification curve over the FPR



Loads the scores from the given file and splits them into positive and negative arrays.



Remove NaN(s) in the given array


calculates the Failure To Acquire (FtA) rate, i.e. proportion of NaN(s)


Get FTAs for a list of scores

bob.measure.utils.get_thres(criter, neg, pos)

Get threshold for the given positive/negatives scores and criterion


Get a list of matplotlib colors

CLI options


Get the argument for scores, and add dev-scores and eval-scores in the context when --eval flag is on (default)


Get option flag to say if eval-scores are provided


Get option flag to say if dev and eval plots should be in different plots


Get option flag to say if cmc scores


Option to tell if filenames should be in the title


Option to set matplotlib constrained_layout


Option for setting min/max values on axes


Option to give a list of thresholds


Get option to draw const far line


Get option for rotartion of the x axis lables


Get option to get cost for FPR


Get the number of points use to draw curves


Get the number of bins in the histograms


Get table option for tabulate package More informnations:


Get options for output file for plots


Get options for output file for metrics


Get option flag to tell which criteriom is used (default:eer)


Get option to get far value


Get option for matplotlib figsize


Get option for number of columns for legends


Get the legend location of the plot


Get line width option for the plots


Get marker style otpion for the plots


Get the legends option for the different systems


Get the title option for the different systems


Get the label option for X axis


Get the label option for Y axis


Get option for matplotlib style


Get option to set subplots


Get option for number of columns for legends


Get option flag to say if legend should be displayed or not


bob.measure.fprfnr(negatives, positives, threshold)[source]

Alias for bob.measure.farfrr()

bob.measure.mse(estimation, target)[source]

Mean square error between a set of outputs and target values

Uses the formula:

\[MSE(\hat{\Theta}) = E[(\hat{\Theta} - \Theta)^2]\]

Estimation (\(\hat{\Theta}\)) and target (\(\Theta\)) are supposed to have 2 dimensions. Different examples are organized as rows while different features in the estimated values or targets are organized as different columns.

  • estimation (array) – an N-dimensional array that corresponds to the value estimated by your procedure

  • target (array) – an N-dimensional array that corresponds to the expected value


The average of the squared error between the estimated value and the target

Return type


bob.measure.rmse(estimation, target)[source]

Calculates the root mean square error between a set of outputs and target

Uses the formula:

\[RMSE(\hat{\Theta}) = \sqrt(E[(\hat{\Theta} - \Theta)^2])\]

Estimation (\(\hat{\Theta}\)) and target (\(\Theta\)) are supposed to have 2 dimensions. Different examples are organized as rows while different features in the estimated values or targets are organized as different columns.

  • estimation (array) – an N-dimensional array that corresponds to the value estimated by your procedure

  • target (array) – an N-dimensional array that corresponds to the expected value


The square-root of the average of the squared error between the estimated value and the target

Return type


bob.measure.relevance(input, machine)[source]

Calculates the relevance of every input feature to the estimation process

Uses the formula:

Neural Triggering System Operating on High Resolution Calorimetry Information, Anjos et al, April 2006, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, volume 559, pages 134-138

\[R(x_{i}) = |E[(o(x) - o(x|x_{i}=E[x_{i}]))^2]|\]

In other words, the relevance of a certain input feature i is the change on the machine output value when such feature is replaced by its mean for all input vectors. For this to work, the input parameter has to be a 2D array with features arranged column-wise while different examples are arranged row-wise.

  • input (array) – an N-dimensional array that corresponds to the value estimated by your model

  • machine (object) – A machine that can be called to “process” your input


An 1D float array as large as the number of columns (second dimension) of your input array, estimating the “relevance” of each input column (or feature) to the score provided by the machine.

Return type


bob.measure.recognition_rate(cmc_scores, threshold=None, rank=1)[source]

Calculates the recognition rate from the given input

It is identical to the CMC value for the given rank.

The input has a specific format, which is a list of two-element tuples. Each of the tuples contains the negative \(\{S_p^-\}\) and the positive \(\{S_p^+\}\) scores for one probe item \(p\), or None in case of open set recognition.

If threshold is set to None, the rank 1 recognition rate is defined as the number of test items, for which the highest positive \(\max\{S_p^+\}\) score is greater than or equal to all negative scores, divided by the number of all probe items \(P\):

\[\begin{split}\mathrm{RR} = \frac{1}{P} \sum_{p=1}^{P} \begin{cases} 1 & \mathrm{if } \max\{S_p^+\} >= \max\{S_p^-\}\\ 0 & \mathrm{otherwise} \end{cases}\end{split}\]

For a given rank \(r>1\), up to \(r\) negative scores that are higher than the highest positive score are allowed to still count as correctly classified in the top \(r\) rank.

If threshold \(\theta\) is given, all scores below threshold will be filtered out. Hence, if all positive scores are below threshold \(\max\{S_p^+\} < \theta\), the probe will be misclassified at any rank.

For open set recognition, i.e., when there exist a tuple including negative scores without corresponding positive scores (None), and all negative scores are below threshold \(\max\{S_p^+\} < \theta\), the probe item is correctly rejected, and it does not count into the denominator \(P\). When no threshold is provided, the open set probes will always count as misclassified, regardless of the rank.

  • cmc_scores (list) –

    A list in the format [(negatives, positives), ...] containing the CMC scores (i.e. list: A list of tuples, where each tuple contains the negative and positive scores for one probe of the database).

    Each pair contains the negative and the positive scores for one probe item. Each pair can contain up to one empty array (or None), i.e., in case of open set recognition.

  • threshold (float, optional) – Decision threshold. If not None, all scores will be filtered by the threshold. In an open set recognition problem, all open set scores (negatives with no corresponding positive) for which all scores are below threshold, will be counted as correctly rejected and removed from the probe list (i.e., the denominator).

  • rank (int, optional) – The rank for which the recognition rate should be computed, 1 by default.


The (open set) recognition rate for the given rank, a value between 0 and 1.

Return type



Calculates the cumulative match characteristic (CMC) from the given input.

The input has a specific format, which is a list of two-element tuples. Each of the tuples contains the negative and the positive scores for one probe item.

For each probe item the probability that the rank \(r\) of the positive score is calculated. The rank is computed as the number of negative scores that are higher than the positive score. If several positive scores for one test item exist, the highest positive score is taken. The CMC finally computes how many test items have rank r or higher, divided by the total number of test values.


The CMC is not available for open set classification. Please use the detection_identification_rate() and false_alarm_rate() instead.


cmc_scores (list) –

A list in the format [(negatives, positives), ...] containing the CMC scores.

Each pair contains the negative and the positive scores for one probe item. Each pair can contain up to one empty array (or None), i.e., in case of open set recognition.


A 1D float array representing the CMC curve. The rank 1 recognition rate can be found in array[0], rank 2 rate in array[1], and so on. The number of ranks (array.shape[0]) is the number of gallery items. Values are in range [0,1].

Return type

1D numpy.ndarray of float

bob.measure.detection_identification_rate(cmc_scores, threshold, rank=1)[source]

Computes the detection and identification rate for the given threshold.

This value is designed to be used in an open set identification protocol, and defined in Chapter 14.1 of [LiJain2005].

Although the detection and identification rate is designed to be computed on an open set protocol, it uses only the probe elements, for which a corresponding gallery element exists. For closed set identification protocols, this function is identical to recognition_rate(). The only difference is that for this function, a threshold for the scores need to be defined, while for recognition_rate() it is optional.

  • cmc_scores (list) –

    A list in the format [(negatives, positives), ...] containing the CMC.

    Each pair contains the negative and the positive scores for one probe item. Each pair can contain up to one empty array (or None), i.e., in case of open set recognition.

  • threshold (float) – The decision threshold \(\tau\).

  • rank (int, optional) – The rank for which the curve should be plotted


The detection and identification rate for the given threshold.

Return type


bob.measure.false_alarm_rate(cmc_scores, threshold)[source]

Computes the false alarm rate for the given threshold,.

This value is designed to be used in an open set identification protocol, and defined in Chapter 14.1 of [LiJain2005].

The false alarm rate is designed to be computed on an open set protocol, it uses only the probe elements, for which no corresponding gallery element exists.

  • cmc_scores (list) –

    A list in the format [(negatives, positives), ...] containing the CMC scores (i.e. list: A list of tuples, where each tuple contains the negative and positive scores for one probe of the database).

    Each pair contains the negative and the positive scores for one probe item. Each pair can contain up to one empty array (or None), i.e., in case of open set recognition.

  • threshold (float) – The decision threshold \(\tau\).


The false alarm rate.

Return type


bob.measure.eer(negatives, positives, is_sorted=False, also_farfrr=False)[source]

Calculates the Equal Error Rate (EER).

Please note that it is possible that eer != fpr != fnr. This function returns (fpr + fnr) / 2 as eer. If you also need the fpr and fnr values, set also_farfrr to True.

  • negatives (array_like (1D, float)) – The scores for comparisons of objects of different classes.

  • positives (array_like (1D, float)) – The scores for comparisons of objects of the same class.

  • is_sorted (bool) – Are both sets of scores already in ascendantly sorted order?

  • also_farfrr (bool) – If True, it will also return far and frr.


  • eer (float) – The Equal Error Rate (EER).

  • fpr (float) – The False Positive Rate (FPR). Returned only when also_farfrr is True.

  • fnr (float) – The False Negative Rate (FNR). Returned only when also_farfrr is True.

bob.measure.roc_auc_score(negatives, positives, npoints=2000, min_far=- 8, log_scale=False)[source]

Area Under the ROC Curve. Computes the area under the ROC curve. This is useful when you want to report one number that represents an ROC curve. This implementation uses the trapezoidal rule for the integration of the ROC curve. For more information, see:

  • negatives (array_like) – The negative scores.

  • positives (array_like) – The positive scores.

  • npoints (int, optional) – Number of points in the ROC curve. Higher numbers leads to more accurate ROC.

  • min_far (float, optional) – Min FAR and FRR values to consider when calculating ROC.

  • log_scale (bool, optional) – If True, converts the x axis (FPR) to log10 scale before calculating AUC. This is useful in cases where len(negatives) >> len(positives)


The ROC AUC. If log_scale is False, the value should be between 0 and 1.

Return type


Measures for calibration

bob.measure.calibration.cllr(negatives, positives)[source]

Cost of log likelihood ratio as defined by the Bosaris toolkit

Computes the ‘cost of log likelihood ratio’ (\(C_{llr}\)) measure as given in the Bosaris toolkit

  • negatives (array) – 1D float array that contains the scores of the “negative” (noise, non-class) samples of your classifier.

  • positives (array) – 1D float array that contains the scores of the “positive” (signal, class) samples of your classifier.


The computed \(C_{llr}\) value.

Return type


bob.measure.calibration.min_cllr(negatives, positives)[source]

Minimum cost of log likelihood ratio as defined by the Bosaris toolkit

Computes the ‘minimum cost of log likelihood ratio’ (\(C_{llr}^{min}\)) measure as given in the bosaris toolkit

  • negatives (array) – 1D float array that contains the scores of the “negative” (noise, non-class) samples of your classifier.

  • positives (array) – 1D float array that contains the scores of the “positive” (signal, class) samples of your classifier.


The computed \(C_{llr}^{min}\) value.

Return type


bob.measure.plot.log_values(min_step=- 4, counts_per_step=4)[source]

Computes log-scaled values between \(10^{M}\) and 1

This function computes log-scaled values between \(10^{M}\) and 1 (including), where \(M\) is the min_ste argument, which needs to be a negative integer. The integral counts_per_step value defines how many values between two adjacent powers of 10 will be created. The total number of values will be -min_step * counts_per_step + 1.

  • min_step (int, optional) – The power of 10 that will be the minimum value. E.g., the default -4 will result in the first number to be \(10^{-4}\) = 0.00001 or 0.01%

  • counts_per_step (int, optional) – The number of values that will be put between two adjacent powers of 10. With the default value 4 (and default values of min_step), we will get log_list[0] == 1e-4, log_list[4] == 1e-3, …, log_list[16] == 1.


A list of logarithmically scaled values between \(10^{M}\) and 1.

Return type


bob.measure.plot.roc(negatives, positives, npoints=2000, CAR=None, min_far=- 8, tpr=False, semilogx=False, **kwargs)[source]

Plots Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve.

This method will call matplotlib to plot the ROC curve for a system which contains a particular set of negatives (impostors) and positives (clients) scores. We use the standard matplotlib.pyplot.plot() command. All parameters passed with exception of the three first parameters of this method will be directly passed to the plot command.

The plot will represent the false-alarm on the horizontal axis and the false-rejection on the vertical axis. The values for the axis will be computed using bob.measure.roc().


This function does not initiate and save the figure instance, it only issues the plotting command. You are the responsible for setting up and saving the figure as you see fit.

  • negatives (array) – 1D float array that contains the scores of the “negative” (noise, non-class) samples of your classifier. See (bob.measure.roc())

  • positives (array) – 1D float array that contains the scores of the “positive” (signal, class) samples of your classifier. See (bob.measure.roc())

  • npoints (int, optional) – The number of points for the plot. See (bob.measure.roc())

  • min_far (float, optional) – The minimum value of FPR and FNR that is used for ROC computations.

  • tpr (bool, optional) – If True, will plot TPR (TPR = 1 - FNR) on the y-axis instead of FNR.

  • semilogx (bool, optional) – If True, will use pyplot.semilogx to plot the ROC curve.

  • CAR (bool, optional) – This option is deprecated. Please use TPR and semilogx options instead. If set to True, it will plot the CPR (CAR) over FPR in using matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx(), otherwise the FPR over FNR linearly using matplotlib.pyplot.plot().

  • **kwargs – Extra plotting parameters, which are passed directly to matplotlib.pyplot.plot().


list of matplotlib.lines.Line2D: The lines that were added as defined by the return value of :py:func`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.

Return type


bob.measure.plot.roc_for_far(negatives, positives, far_values=[0.0001, 0.00017782794100389227, 0.00031622776601683794, 0.0005623413251903491, 0.001, 0.0017782794100389228, 0.0031622776601683794, 0.005623413251903491, 0.01, 0.01778279410038923, 0.03162277660168379, 0.05623413251903491, 0.1, 0.1778279410038923, 0.31622776601683794, 0.5623413251903491, 1.0], CAR=True, **kwargs)[source]

Plots the ROC curve for the given list of False Positive Rates (FAR).

This method will call matplotlib to plot the ROC curve for a system which contains a particular set of negatives (impostors) and positives (clients) scores. We use the standard matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx() command. All parameters passed with exception of the three first parameters of this method will be directly passed to the plot command.

The plot will represent the False Positive Rate (FPR) on the horizontal axis and the Correct Positive Rate (CPR) on the vertical axis. The values for the axis will be computed using bob.measure.roc_for_far().


This function does not initiate and save the figure instance, it only issues the plotting command. You are the responsible for setting up and saving the figure as you see fit.

  • negatives (array) – 1D float array that contains the scores of the “negative” (noise, non-class) samples of your classifier. See (bob.measure.roc())

  • positives (array) – 1D float array that contains the scores of the “positive” (signal, class) samples of your classifier. See (bob.measure.roc())

  • far_values (list, optional) – The values for the FPR, where the CPR (CAR) should be plotted; each value should be in range [0,1].

  • CAR (bool, optional) – If set to True, it will plot the CPR (CAR) over FPR in using matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx(), otherwise the FPR over FNR linearly using matplotlib.pyplot.plot().

  • kwargs (dict, optional) – Extra plotting parameters, which are passed directly to matplotlib.pyplot.plot().


The lines that were added as defined by the return value of matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx().

Return type

list of matplotlib.lines.Line2D

bob.measure.plot.precision_recall_curve(negatives, positives, npoints=2000, **kwargs)[source]

Plots a Precision-Recall curve.

This method will call matplotlib to plot the precision-recall curve for a system which contains a particular set of negatives (impostors) and positives (clients) scores. We use the standard matplotlib.pyplot.plot() command. All parameters passed with exception of the three first parameters of this method will be directly passed to the plot command.


This function does not initiate and save the figure instance, it only issues the plotting command. You are the responsible for setting up and saving the figure as you see fit.

  • negatives (array) – 1D float array that contains the scores of the “negative” (noise, non-class) samples of your classifier. See (bob.measure.precision_recall_curve())

  • positives (array) – 1D float array that contains the scores of the “positive” (signal, class) samples of your classifier. See (bob.measure.precision_recall_curve())

  • npoints (int, optional) – The number of points for the plot. See (bob.measure.precision_recall_curve())

  • kwargs (dict, optional) – Extra plotting parameters, which are passed directly to matplotlib.pyplot.plot().


The lines that were added as defined by the return value of matplotlib.pyplot.plot().

Return type

list of matplotlib.lines.Line2D

bob.measure.plot.epc(dev_negatives, dev_positives, test_negatives, test_positives, npoints=100, **kwargs)[source]

Plots Expected Performance Curve (EPC) as defined in the paper:

Bengio, S., Keller, M., Mariéthoz, J. (2004). The Expected Performance Curve. International Conference on Machine Learning ICML Workshop on ROC Analysis in Machine Learning, 136(1), 1963–1966. IDIAP RR. Available:

This method will call matplotlib to plot the EPC curve for a system which contains a particular set of negatives (impostors) and positives (clients) for both the development and test sets. We use the standard matplotlib.pyplot.plot() command. All parameters passed with exception of the five first parameters of this method will be directly passed to the plot command.

The plot will represent the minimum HTER on the vertical axis and the cost on the horizontal axis.


This function does not initiate and save the figure instance, it only issues the plotting commands. You are the responsible for setting up and saving the figure as you see fit.

  • dev_negatives (array) – 1D float array that contains the scores of the “negative” (noise, non-class) samples of your classifier, from the development set. See (bob.measure.epc())

  • dev_positives (array) – 1D float array that contains the scores of the “positive” (signal, class) samples of your classifier, from the development set. See (bob.measure.epc())

  • test_negatives (array) – 1D float array that contains the scores of the “negative” (noise, non-class) samples of your classifier, from the test set. See (bob.measure.epc())

  • test_positives (array) – 1D float array that contains the scores of the “positive” (signal, class) samples of your classifier, from the test set. See (bob.measure.epc())

  • npoints (int, optional) – The number of points for the plot. See (bob.measure.epc())

  • kwargs (dict, optional) – Extra plotting parameters, which are passed directly to matplotlib.pyplot.plot().


The lines that were added as defined by the return value of matplotlib.pyplot.plot().

Return type

list of matplotlib.lines.Line2D

bob.measure.plot.det(negatives, positives, npoints=2000, min_far=- 8, **kwargs)[source]

Plots Detection Error Trade-off (DET) curve as defined in the paper:

Martin, A., Doddington, G., Kamm, T., Ordowski, M., & Przybocki, M. (1997). The DET curve in assessment of detection task performance. Fifth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (pp. 1895-1898). Available:

This method will call matplotlib to plot the DET curve(s) for a system which contains a particular set of negatives (impostors) and positives (clients) scores. We use the standard matplotlib.pyplot.plot() command. All parameters passed with exception of the three first parameters of this method will be directly passed to the plot command.

The plot will represent the false-alarm on the horizontal axis and the false-rejection on the vertical axis.

This method is strongly inspired by the NIST implementation for Matlab, called DETware, version 2.1 and available for download at the NIST website:


This function does not initiate and save the figure instance, it only issues the plotting commands. You are the responsible for setting up and saving the figure as you see fit.


If you wish to reset axis zooming, you must use the Gaussian scale rather than the visual marks showed at the plot, which are just there for displaying purposes. The real axis scale is based on bob.measure.ppndf(). For example, if you wish to set the x and y axis to display data between 1% and 40% here is the recipe:

import bob.measure
from matplotlib import pyplot
bob.measure.plot.det(...) #call this as many times as you need
#AFTER you plot the DET curve, just set the axis in this way:
pyplot.axis([bob.measure.ppndf(k/100.0) for k in (1, 40, 1, 40)])

We provide a convenient way for you to do the above in this module. So, optionally, you may use the bob.measure.plot.det_axis() method like this:

import bob.measure
# please note we convert percentage values in det_axis()
bob.measure.plot.det_axis([1, 40, 1, 40])
  • negatives (array) – 1D float array that contains the scores of the “negative” (noise, non-class) samples of your classifier. See (bob.measure.det())

  • positives (array) – 1D float array that contains the scores of the “positive” (signal, class) samples of your classifier. See (bob.measure.det())

  • npoints (int, optional) – The number of points for the plot. See (bob.measure.det())

  • axisfontsize (str, optional) – The size to be used by x/y-tick-labels to set the font size on the axis

  • kwargs (dict, optional) – Extra plotting parameters, which are passed directly to matplotlib.pyplot.plot().


The lines that were added as defined by the return value of matplotlib.pyplot.plot().

Return type

list of matplotlib.lines.Line2D

bob.measure.plot.det_axis(v, **kwargs)[source]

Sets the axis in a DET plot.

This method wraps the matplotlib.pyplot.axis() by calling bob.measure.ppndf() on the values passed by the user so they are meaningful in a DET plot as performed by bob.measure.plot.det().

  • v (sequence) – A sequence (list, tuple, array or the like) containing the X and Y limits in the order (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax). Expected values should be in percentage (between 0 and 100%). If v is not a list or tuple that contains 4 numbers it is passed without further inspection to matplotlib.pyplot.axis().

  • kwargs (dict, optional) – Extra plotting parameters, which are passed directly to matplotlib.pyplot.axis().


Whatever is returned by matplotlib.pyplot.axis().

Return type


bob.measure.plot.cmc(cmc_scores, logx=True, **kwargs)[source]

Plots the (cumulative) match characteristics and returns the maximum rank.

This function plots a CMC curve using the given CMC scores (list:

A list of tuples, where each tuple contains the negative and positive scores for one probe of the database).


The number of classes (clients) in the given scores.

Return type


bob.measure.plot.detection_identification_curve(cmc_scores, far_values=[0.0001, 0.00017782794100389227, 0.00031622776601683794, 0.0005623413251903491, 0.001, 0.0017782794100389228, 0.0031622776601683794, 0.005623413251903491, 0.01, 0.01778279410038923, 0.03162277660168379, 0.05623413251903491, 0.1, 0.1778279410038923, 0.31622776601683794, 0.5623413251903491, 1.0], rank=1, logx=True, **kwargs)[source]

Plots the Detection & Identification curve over the FPR

This curve is designed to be used in an open set identification protocol, and defined in Chapter 14.1 of [LiJain2005]. It requires to have at least one open set probe item, i.e., with no corresponding gallery, such that the positives for that pair are None.

The detection and identification curve first computes FPR thresholds based on the out-of-set probe scores (negative scores). For each probe item, the maximum negative score is used. Then, it plots the detection and identification rates for those thresholds, which are based on the in-set probe scores only. See [LiJain2005] for more details.


Stan Li and Anil K. Jain, Handbook of Face Recognition, Springer, 2005

  • cmc_scores (array) – 1D float array containing the CMC values (See bob.measure.cmc())

  • rank (int, optional) – The rank for which the curve should be plotted

  • far_values (list, optional) – The values for the FPR (FAR), where the CPR (CAR) should be plotted; each value should be in range [0,1].

  • logx (bool, optional) – If set (the default), plots the rank axis in logarithmic scale using matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx() or in linear scale using matplotlib.pyplot.plot()

  • kwargs (dict, optional) – Extra plotting parameters, which are passed directly to matplotlib.pyplot.plot().


The lines that were added as defined by the return value of matplotlib.pyplot.plot().

Return type

list of matplotlib.lines.Line2D

A set of utilities to load score files with different formats.

bob.measure.load.split(filename) negatives, positives[source]

Loads the scores from the given file and splits them into positive and negative arrays. The file must be a two columns file where the first column contains -1 or 1 (for negative or positive respectively) and the second the corresponding scores.


filename (str:) – The name of the file containing the scores.


  • negatives (1D numpy.ndarray of type float) – This array contains the list of negative scores

  • positives (1D numpy.ndarray of type float) – This array contains the list of positive scores


Parse a list of files using split()


filenameslist: A list of file paths


  • :any:`list` (A list of tuples, where each tuple contains the)

  • negative and positive scores for one probe of the database. Both

  • negatives and positives can be either an 1D

  • numpy.ndarray of type float, or None.

utility functions for bob.measure


Remove NaN(s) in the given array


scoresnumpy.ndarray : array


  • :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` (array without NaN(s))

  • :py:class:`int` (number of NaN(s) in the input array)

  • :py:class:`int` (length of the input array)

calculates the Failure To Acquire (FtA) rate, i.e. proportion of NaN(s)

in the input scores


scores – Tuple of (positive, negative) numpy.ndarray.


  • (:py:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`) (scores without)

  • NaN(s)

  • :py:class:`float` (failure to acquire rate)


Get FTAs for a list of scores


scores (list) – list of scores


  • neg_list (list) – list of negatives

  • pos_list (list) – list of positives

  • fta_list (list) – list of FTAs

bob.measure.utils.get_thres(criter, neg, pos, far=None)[source]

Get threshold for the given positive/negatives scores and criterion

  • criter – Criterion (eer or hter or far)

  • neg (numpy.ndarray:) – array of negative scores pos : numpy.ndarray:: array of positive scores



Return type



Get a list of matplotlib colors


n (int) – Number of colors to output


list of colors

Return type


bob.measure.utils.get_linestyles(n, on=True)[source]

Get a list of matplotlib linestyles


n (int) – Number of linestyles to output


list of linestyles

Return type


bob.measure.utils.confidence_for_indicator_variable(x, n, alpha=0.05)[source]

Calculates the confidence interval for proportion estimates The Clopper-Pearson interval method is used for estimating the confidence intervals.

  • x (int) – The number of successes.

  • n (int) – The number of trials. alpha : float, optional The 1-confidence value that you want. For example, alpha should be 0.05 to obtain 95% confidence intervals.


a tuple of (lower_bound, upper_bound) which shows the limit of your success rate: lower_bound < x/n < upper_bound

Return type

(float, float)

Runs error analysis on score sets, outputs metrics and plots

bob.measure.script.figure.check_list_value(values, desired_number, name, name2='systems')[source]
class bob.measure.script.figure.MeasureBase(ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for metrics and plots. This abstract class define the framework to plot or compute metrics from a list of (positive, negative) scores tuples.


Function that is used to load the input files


Generate outputs (e.g. metrics, files, pdf plots). This function calls abstract methods init_process() (before loop), compute() (in the loop iterating through the different systems) and end_process() (after the loop).


Called in MeasureBase().run before iterating through the different systems. Should reimplemented in derived classes

abstract compute(idx, input_scores, input_names)[source]

Compute metrics or plots from the given scores provided by run(). Should reimplemented in derived classes

  • idx (int) – index of the system

  • input_scores (list) – list of scores returned by the loading function

  • input_names (list) – list of base names for the input file of the system

abstract end_process()[source]

Called in MeasureBase().run after iterating through the different systems. Should reimplemented in derived classes

class bob.measure.script.figure.Metrics(ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load, names=('False Positive Rate', 'False Negative Rate', 'Precision', 'Recall', 'F1-score', 'Area Under ROC Curve', 'Area Under ROC Curve (log scale)'))[source]

Bases: bob.measure.script.figure.MeasureBase

Compute metrics from score files


output stream



get_thres(criterion, dev_neg, dev_pos, far)[source]
compute(idx, input_scores, input_names)[source]

Compute metrics thresholds and tables (FPR, FNR, precision, recall, f1_score) for given system inputs


Close log file if needed

class bob.measure.script.figure.MultiMetrics(ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load, names=('NaNs Rate', 'False Positive Rate', 'False Negative Rate', 'False Accept Rate', 'False Reject Rate', 'Half Total Error Rate'))[source]

Bases: bob.measure.script.figure.Metrics

Computes average of metrics based on several protocols (cross validation)


output stream




List of names for the metrics.



compute(idx, input_scores, input_names)[source]

Computes the average of metrics over several protocols.


Close log file if needed

class bob.measure.script.figure.PlotBase(ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load)[source]

Bases: bob.measure.script.figure.MeasureBase

Base class for plots. Regroup several options and code shared by the different plots


Open pdf and set axis font size if provided


Set title, legend, axis labels, grid colors, save figures, drow lines and close pdf if needed


Print legend on current plot

class bob.measure.script.figure.Roc(ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load)[source]

Bases: bob.measure.script.figure.PlotBase

Handles the plotting of ROC

compute(idx, input_scores, input_names)[source]

Plot ROC for dev and eval data using bob.measure.plot.roc()

class bob.measure.script.figure.Det(ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load)[source]

Bases: bob.measure.script.figure.PlotBase

Handles the plotting of DET

compute(idx, input_scores, input_names)[source]

Plot DET for dev and eval data using bob.measure.plot.det()

class bob.measure.script.figure.Epc(ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load, hter='HTER')[source]

Bases: bob.measure.script.figure.PlotBase

Handles the plotting of EPC

compute(idx, input_scores, input_names)[source]

Plot EPC using bob.measure.plot.epc()

class bob.measure.script.figure.GridSubplot(ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load)[source]

Bases: bob.measure.script.figure.PlotBase

A base class for plots that contain subplots and legends.

To use this class, use create_subplot in compute each time you need a new axis. and call finalize_one_page in compute when a page is finished rendering.


Open pdf and set axis font size if provided

create_subplot(n, shared_axis=None)[source]

Print legend on current page

class bob.measure.script.figure.Hist(ctx, scores, evaluation, func_load, nhist_per_system=2)[source]

Bases: bob.measure.script.figure.GridSubplot

Functional base class for histograms

compute(idx, input_scores, input_names)[source]

Draw histograms of negative and positive scores.

Click commands for bob.measure

Generate random scores.

bob.measure.script.gen.gen_score_distr(mean_neg, mean_pos, sigma_neg=1, sigma_pos=1)[source]

Generate scores from normal distributions

  • mean_neg (float) – Mean for negative scores

  • mean_pos (float) – Mean for positive scores

  • sigma_neg (float) – STDev for negative scores

  • sigma_pos (float) – STDev for positive scores


  • neg_scores (numpy.ndarray (1D, float)) – Negatives scores

  • pos_scores (numpy.ndarray (1D, float)) – Positive scores

bob.measure.script.gen.write_scores_to_file(neg, pos, filename)[source]

Writes score distributions into 2-column score files.

For the format of the 2-column score files, please refer to Bob’s documentation. See bob.measure.load.split().

  • neg (numpy.ndarray) – Scores for negative samples.

  • pos (numpy.ndarray) – Scores for positive samples.

  • filename (str) – The path to write the score to.

Stores click common options for plots

bob.measure.script.common_options.scores_argument(min_arg=1, force_eval=False, **kwargs)[source]

Get the argument for scores, and add dev-scores and eval-scores in the context when –eval flag is on (default)


min_arg (int) – the minimum number of file needed to evaluate a system. For example, vulnerability analysis needs licit and spoof and therefore min_arg = 2


A decorator to be used for adding score arguments for click commands

Return type


bob.measure.script.common_options.alpha_option(dflt=1, **kwargs)[source]

An alpha option for plots

bob.measure.script.common_options.no_legend_option(dflt=True, **kwargs)[source]

Get option flag to say if legend should be displayed or not


Get option flag to say if eval-scores are provided

bob.measure.script.common_options.hide_dev_option(dflt=False, **kwargs)[source]

Get option flag to say if dev plot should be hidden

bob.measure.script.common_options.sep_dev_eval_option(dflt=True, **kwargs)[source]

Get option flag to say if dev and eval plots should be in different plots

bob.measure.script.common_options.linestyles_option(dflt=False, **kwargs)[source]

Get option flag to turn on/off linestyles


Get option flag to say if cmc scores

bob.measure.script.common_options.semilogx_option(dflt=False, **kwargs)[source]

Option to use semilog X-axis

bob.measure.script.common_options.tpr_option(dflt=False, **kwargs)[source]

Option to use TPR (true positive rate) on y-axis

bob.measure.script.common_options.print_filenames_option(dflt=True, **kwargs)[source]

Option to tell if filenames should be in the title

bob.measure.script.common_options.const_layout_option(dflt=True, **kwargs)[source]

Option to set matplotlib constrained_layout

bob.measure.script.common_options.axes_val_option(dflt=None, **kwargs)[source]

Option for setting min/max values on axes


Option to give a list of thresholds

bob.measure.script.common_options.lines_at_option(dflt='1e-3', **kwargs)[source]

Get option to draw const far line

bob.measure.script.common_options.x_rotation_option(dflt=0, **kwargs)[source]

Get option for rotartion of the x axis lables

bob.measure.script.common_options.legend_ncols_option(dflt=3, **kwargs)[source]

Get option for number of columns for legends

bob.measure.script.common_options.subplot_option(dflt=111, **kwargs)[source]

Get option to set subplots


Get option to get cost for FPR


Get the number of points use to draw curves


Get the number of bins in the histograms

bob.measure.script.common_options.table_option(dflt='rst', **kwargs)[source]

Get table option for tabulate package More informnations:

bob.measure.script.common_options.output_plot_file_option(default_out='plots.pdf', **kwargs)[source]

Get options for output file for plots


Get options for output file for metrics


Get option flag to say if no line should be displayed

bob.measure.script.common_options.criterion_option(lcriteria=['eer', 'min-hter', 'far'], check=True, **kwargs)[source]

Get option flag to tell which criteriom is used (default:eer)


lcriteria (list) – List of possible criteria

bob.measure.script.common_options.decimal_option(dflt=1, short='-d', **kwargs)[source]

Get option to get decimal value

bob.measure.script.common_options.far_option(far_name='FAR', **kwargs)[source]

Get option to get far value

bob.measure.script.common_options.min_far_option(far_name='FAR', dflt=0.0001, **kwargs)[source]

Get option to get min far value

bob.measure.script.common_options.figsize_option(dflt='4,3', **kwargs)[source]

Get option for matplotlib figsize


dflt (str) – matplotlib default figsize for the command. must be a a list of int separated by commas.


A decorator to be used for adding score arguments for click commands

Return type


bob.measure.script.common_options.legend_loc_option(dflt='best', **kwargs)[source]

Get the legend location of the plot


Get line width option for the plots


Get marker style otpion for the plots


Get the legends option for the different systems


Get the title option for the different systems


Get the titles option for the different plots

bob.measure.script.common_options.x_label_option(dflt=None, **kwargs)[source]

Get the label option for X axis

bob.measure.script.common_options.y_label_option(dflt=None, **kwargs)[source]

Get the label option for Y axis


Get option for matplotlib style

bob.measure.script.common_options.metrics_command(docstring, criteria=('eer', 'min-hter', 'far'), far_name='FAR', check_criteria=True, **kwarg)[source]
bob.measure.script.common_options.roc_command(docstring, far_name='FAR')[source]
bob.measure.script.common_options.det_command(docstring, far_name='FAR')[source]
bob.measure.script.common_options.hist_command(docstring, far_name='FAR')[source]
bob.measure.script.common_options.evaluate_command(docstring, criteria=('eer', 'min-hter', 'far'), far_name='FAR')[source]
bob.measure.script.common_options.evaluate_flow(ctx, scores, evaluation, metrics, roc, det, epc, hist, **kwargs)[source]
bob.measure.script.common_options.n_protocols_option(required=True, **kwargs)[source]

Get option for number of protocols.

bob.measure.script.common_options.multi_metrics_command(docstring, criteria=('eer', 'min-hter', 'far'), far_name='FAR', **kwargs)[source]