""" utility functions for bob.measure """
import logging
import numpy
import scipy.stats
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def remove_nan(scores):
Remove NaN(s) in the given array
scores :
:py:class:`numpy.ndarray` : array
:py:class:`numpy.ndarray` : array without NaN(s)
:py:class:`int` : number of NaN(s) in the input array
:py:class:`int` : length of the input array
nans = numpy.isnan(scores)
sum_nans = sum(nans)
total = len(scores)
if sum_nans > 0:
LOGGER.warning("Found {} NaNs in {} scores".format(sum_nans, total))
return scores[~nans], sum_nans, total
[docs]def get_fta(scores):
calculates the Failure To Acquire (FtA) rate, i.e. proportion of NaN(s)
in the input scores
scores :
Tuple of (``positive``, ``negative``) :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`.
(:py:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`): scores without
:py:class:`float` : failure to acquire rate
fta_sum, fta_total = 0.0, 0.0
neg, sum_nans, total = remove_nan(scores[0])
fta_sum += sum_nans
fta_total += total
pos, sum_nans, total = remove_nan(scores[1])
fta_sum += sum_nans
fta_total += total
return ((neg, pos), fta_sum / fta_total)
[docs]def get_fta_list(scores):
"""Get FTAs for a list of scores
scores: :any:`list`
list of scores
neg_list: :any:`list`
list of negatives
pos_list: :any:`list`
list of positives
fta_list: :any:`list`
list of FTAs
neg_list = []
pos_list = []
fta_list = []
for score in scores:
neg = pos = fta = None
if score is not None:
(neg, pos), fta = get_fta(score)
if neg is None:
raise ValueError("While loading dev-score file")
return (neg_list, pos_list, fta_list)
[docs]def get_thres(criter, neg, pos, far=None):
"""Get threshold for the given positive/negatives scores and criterion
criter :
Criterion (`eer` or `hter` or `far`)
neg : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`:
array of negative scores
pos : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`::
array of positive scores
if criter == "eer":
from . import eer_threshold
return eer_threshold(neg, pos)
elif criter == "min-hter":
from . import min_hter_threshold
return min_hter_threshold(neg, pos)
elif criter == "far":
if far is None:
raise ValueError(
"FAR value must be provided through "
"``--far-value`` or ``--fpr-value`` option."
from . import far_threshold
return far_threshold(neg, pos, far)
raise ValueError("Incorrect plotting criterion: ``%s``" % criter)
[docs]def get_colors(n):
Get a list of matplotlib colors
n : :obj:`int`
Number of colors to output
list of colors
if n > 10:
from matplotlib import pyplot
cmap = pyplot.cm.get_cmap(name="magma")
return [cmap(i) for i in numpy.linspace(0, 1.0, n + 1)]
return ["C0", "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5", "C6", "C7", "C8", "C9"]
[docs]def get_linestyles(n, on=True):
"""Get a list of matplotlib linestyles
n : :obj:`int`
Number of linestyles to output
list of linestyles
if not on:
return [None] * n
list_linestyles = [
(0, ()), # solid
(0, (1, 1)), # densely dotted
(0, (5, 5)), # dashed
(0, (5, 1)), # densely dashed
(0, (3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)), # densely dashdotdotted
(0, (3, 10, 1, 10, 1, 10)), # loosely dashdotdotted
(0, (3, 5, 1, 5, 1, 5)), # dashdotdotted
(0, (3, 1, 1, 1)), # densely dashdotted
(0, (1, 5)), # dotted
(0, (3, 5, 1, 5)), # dashdotted
(0, (5, 10)), # loosely dashed
(0, (3, 10, 1, 10)), # loosely dashdotted
(0, (1, 10)), # loosely dotted
while n > len(list_linestyles):
list_linestyles += list_linestyles
return list_linestyles
[docs]def confidence_for_indicator_variable(x, n, alpha=0.05):
"""Calculates the confidence interval for proportion estimates
The Clopper-Pearson interval method is used for estimating the confidence
x : int
The number of successes.
n : int
The number of trials.
alpha : :obj:`float`, optional
The 1-confidence value that you want. For example, alpha should be 0.05
to obtain 95% confidence intervals.
(:obj:`float`, :obj:`float`)
a tuple of (lower_bound, upper_bound) which
shows the limit of your success rate: lower_bound < x/n < upper_bound
lower_bound = scipy.stats.beta.ppf(alpha / 2.0, x, n - x + 1)
upper_bound = scipy.stats.beta.ppf(1 - alpha / 2.0, x + 1, n - x)
if numpy.isnan(lower_bound):
lower_bound = 0
if numpy.isnan(upper_bound):
upper_bound = 1
return (lower_bound, upper_bound)