How to get help and contribute

Example usages of Bob

Bob paper packages can serve as good examples of how to use Bob. Search for bob.paper in our Gitlab: AND in PyPI: for paper packages. Please note that the older a bob.paper package is, it is more likely that it uses some deprecated practices.

For example, you can look at:

How to get help

There are several ways to get help if you are facing a problem.

First, you should search for possible existing answers in:

or you may just want to search on the Internet for possible answers.

Second, feel free to ask us. We encourage you to do so. The preferred way of asking is by using public channels. Here is a list of places that you can ask questions:

How to contribute

Bob is open source and we welcome contributions. We maintain a mirror of Bob packages on Feel free to open issues and/or pull requests on this mirror.