Source code for

import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv

import json

import bob.ip.color


def load_camera_config(filepath, camera_name=None):
    """ Load camera config from a JSON file."""
    camera_list = {}
    with open(filepath, 'r') as data_config_file:
        data_config = json.load(data_config_file)
        for name in data_config:
            camera_config   = data_config[name]
            camera_matrix   = np.array(camera_config['camera_matrix'])
            dist_coeffs     = np.array(camera_config['distortion_coefs'])
            R               = np.array(camera_config['relative_rotation'])
            T               = np.array(camera_config['relative_translation'])
            markers         = np.array(camera_config['markers'])

            camera_list[name] = Camera(camera_matrix, dist_coeffs, R, T, markers)
    if camera_name is not None:
        return camera_list[camera_name]
        return camera_list


class Camera:
    """ This class represents the camera view in 3D space together with its
        projection matrix and lens distortion. In addition, 4 marker points
        can be added to perform 2D perspective transformations.

        camera_matrix : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            Camera projection matrix, according to OpenCV's standards.
        dist_coeffs : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            Distortion coefficeints, according to OpenCV's standards.
        R : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            Rotation matrix relative to left stereo camera.
        T : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            Translation vector relative to left stereo camera.
        markers : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            Four points in 2D image coordinates that can be maapped 
            to another set of four points in a different camera view.

    def __init__(self, camera_matrix, dist_coeffs, R, T, markers):
        self.camera_matrix  = camera_matrix
        self.dist_coeffs    = dist_coeffs
        self.R              = R
        self.T              = T
        self.markers        = markers

class CameraPair:
    """ This class represents the camera view in 3D space together with its
        projection matrix and lens distortion. In addition, 4 marker points
        can be added to perform 2D perspective transformations.

        camera_matrix : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            Camera projection matrix, according to OpenCV's standards.
        dist_coeffs : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            Distortion coefficeints, according to OpenCV's standards.
        R : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            Rotation matrix relative to left stereo camera.
        T : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            Translation vector relative to left stereo camera.
        markers : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            Four points in 2D image coordinates that can be maapped 
            to another set of four points in a different camera view.

    def __init__(self, camera_left, camera_right):
        self.camera_matrix_l    = camera_left.camera_matrix
        self.camera_matrix_r    = camera_right.camera_matrix
        self.dist_coeffs_l      = camera_left.dist_coeffs
        self.dist_coeffs_r      = camera_right.dist_coeffs
        self.R                  = camera_right.R
        self.T                  = camera_right.T

[docs] def get_rectification_matrices(self, dim0, dim1): RL, RR, PL, PR, Q, _, _ = cv.stereoRectify( self.camera_matrix_l, self.dist_coeffs_l, self.camera_matrix_r, self.dist_coeffs_r, (dim0, dim1), self.R, self.T, alpha=-1) return RL, RR, PL, PR, Q
[docs] def stereo_rectify(self, img_l, img_r): RL, RR, PL, PR, Q = self.get_rectification_matrices(img_l.shape[0], img_l.shape[1]) mapL1, mapL2 = cv.initUndistortRectifyMap( self.camera_matrix_l, self.dist_coeffs_l, RL, PL, img_l.shape[::-1], cv.CV_32FC1) mapR1, mapR2 = cv.initUndistortRectifyMap( self.camera_matrix_r, self.dist_coeffs_r, RR, PR, img_l.shape[::-1], cv.CV_32FC1) undistorted_rectifiedL = cv.remap(img_l, mapL1, mapL2, cv.INTER_LINEAR) undistorted_rectifiedR = cv.remap(img_r, mapR1, mapR2, cv.INTER_LINEAR) return undistorted_rectifiedL, undistorted_rectifiedR, Q