Warp Calibration

When depth map / 3D pointcloud information is not available, the remapping of streams onto a reference is not useable. It is however still possible to align images in different streams, by using bounding boxes defined in the reference stream and applying a linear transform (warp).

This linear calibration is dependent of the distance camera-target: it simply is the shift of a point from on camera’s image to another camera, at a certain distance. Therefore the transform should only be used for images where the subject is at the same distance from the cameras than during the calibration.

To create such a transform, it is necessary to collect four fixed points, static in all streams. First, capture an hdf5 file with a chessboard target kept static during the whole capture, in front of the camears and at a defined distance.

The calibration can then be performed with the warp_calibration.py script.


Here is an example of JSON configuration to create for a warp calibration.

    "stream_config" : "/path/to/streams_config.json",
    "pattern_rows": 9,
    "pattern_columns": 6,
    "frame" : 0,
    "streams": {
        "camera1_rgb": null,
            "threshold" : 155,
            "closing" : 4,
            "invert" : true
            "threshold" : 105,
            "closing" : 2,
            "invert" : false
    "duplicate_calibration": {
        "camera3_nir": "camera3_depth"
- stream_config : Path to the JSON data config.
- pattern_rows/columns : Number of square rows/columns in the chessboard target. See the image below that corresponds to 9x6.
- frame : Frame number to select in each dataset in the hdf5 files.
- streams : Streams to calibrate. The names must correspond to the stream names in the stream_config.
- threshold : Pixel value (0-255) used to binary threshold grayscale image.
- closing : Closing size in pixel.
- invert : Invert the pixel intensity (used for thermal images, when black square render white pixel under halogen illumination).
- duplicate_calibration : To copy the calibration of one streams to another. Used by example for depth stream that is aligned with a NIR streams.


$ warp_calibration.py -i /path/to/capture.h5 -c warp_config.json -vvv -o /path/to/calibration.json

If the chessboard pattern is not automatically found, the image is displayed. The user must click on the internal 4 side-corners of the chessboard in this order:

  1. down-left (in blue)

  2. up-left (still in blue)

  3. down-right (in yellow)

  4. up-right (in yellow)


If the user does not want to output markers, the window can be closed, the stream will not appear in the JSON output.