Source code for

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2023 Idiap Research Institute <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

"""Image transformations for our pipelines.

Differences between methods here and those from
:py:mod:`torchvision.transforms` is that these support multiple simultaneous
image inputs, which are required to feed segmentation networks (e.g. image and
labels or masks).  We also take care of data augmentations, in which random
flipping and rotation needs to be applied across all input images, but color
jittering, for example, only on the input image.

import random

import numpy
import PIL.Image
import PIL.ImageOps
import torchvision.transforms
import torchvision.transforms.functional

[docs] class TupleMixin: """Adds support to work with tuples of objects to torchvision transforms.""" def __call__(self, *args): return [super(TupleMixin, self).__call__(k) for k in args]
[docs] class CenterCrop(TupleMixin, torchvision.transforms.CenterCrop): pass
[docs] class Pad(TupleMixin, torchvision.transforms.Pad): pass
[docs] class Resize(TupleMixin, torchvision.transforms.Resize): pass
[docs] class ToTensor(TupleMixin, torchvision.transforms.ToTensor): pass
[docs] class Compose(torchvision.transforms.Compose): def __call__(self, *args): for t in self.transforms: args = t(*args) return args
# NEVER USED IN THE PACKAGE # Should it be kept?
[docs] class SingleCrop: """Crops one image at the given coordinates. Attributes ---------- i : int upper pixel coordinate. j : int left pixel coordinate. h : int height of the cropped image. w : int width of the cropped image. """ def __init__(self, i, j, h, w): self.i = i self.j = j self.h = h self.w = w def __call__(self, img): return img.crop((self.j, self.i, self.j + self.w, self.i + self.h))
[docs] class Crop(TupleMixin, SingleCrop): """Crops multiple images at the given coordinates. Attributes ---------- i : int upper pixel coordinate. j : int left pixel coordinate. h : int height of the cropped image. w : int width of the cropped image. """ pass
[docs] class SingleAutoLevel16to8: """Converts a 16-bit image to 8-bit representation using "auto-level". This transform assumes that the input image is gray-scaled. To auto-level, we calculate the maximum and the minimum of the image, and consider such a range should be mapped to the [0,255] range of the destination image. """ def __call__(self, img): imin, imax = img.getextrema() irange = imax - imin return PIL.Image.fromarray( numpy.round( 255.0 * (numpy.array(img).astype(float) - imin) / irange ).astype("uint8"), ).convert("L")
[docs] class AutoLevel16to8(TupleMixin, SingleAutoLevel16to8): """Converts multiple 16-bit images to 8-bit representations using "auto- level". This transform assumes that the input images are gray-scaled. To auto-level, we calculate the maximum and the minimum of the image, and consider such a range should be mapped to the [0,255] range of the destination image. """ pass
[docs] class SingleToRGB: """Converts from any input format to RGB, using an ADAPTIVE conversion. This transform takes the input image and converts it to RGB using py:method:`PIL.Image.Image.convert`, with `mode='RGB'` and using all other defaults. This may be aggressive if applied to 16-bit images without further considerations. """ def __call__(self, img): return img.convert(mode="RGB")
[docs] class ToRGB(TupleMixin, SingleToRGB): """Converts from any input format to RGB, using an ADAPTIVE conversion. This transform takes the input image and converts it to RGB using py:method:`PIL.Image.Image.convert`, with `mode='RGB'` and using all other defaults. This may be aggressive if applied to 16-bit images without further considerations. """ pass
[docs] class RandomHorizontalFlip(torchvision.transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip): """Randomly flips all input images horizontally.""" def __call__(self, *args): if random.random() < self.p: return [ torchvision.transforms.functional.hflip(img) for img in args ] else: return args
[docs] class RandomVerticalFlip(torchvision.transforms.RandomVerticalFlip): """Randomly flips all input images vertically.""" def __call__(self, *args): if random.random() < self.p: return [ torchvision.transforms.functional.vflip(img) for img in args ] else: return args
[docs] class RandomRotation(torchvision.transforms.RandomRotation): """Randomly rotates all input images by the same amount. Unlike the current torchvision implementation, we also accept a probability for applying the rotation. Parameters ---------- p : :py:class:`float`, Optional probability at which the operation is applied **kwargs : dict passed to parent. Notice that, if not set, we use the following defaults here for the underlying transform from torchvision: * ``degrees``: 15 * ``interpolation``: ``torchvision.transforms.functional.InterpolationMode.BILINEAR`` """ def __init__(self, p=0.5, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("degrees", 15) kwargs.setdefault( "interpolation", torchvision.transforms.functional.InterpolationMode.BILINEAR, ) super().__init__(**kwargs) self.p = p def __call__(self, *args): # applies **the same** rotation to all inputs (data and ground-truth) if random.random() < self.p: angle = self.get_params(self.degrees) return [ torchvision.transforms.functional.rotate( img, angle, self.interpolation, self.expand, ) for img in args ] else: return args def __repr__(self): retval = super().__repr__() return retval.replace("(", f"(p={self.p},", 1)
[docs] class ColorJitter(torchvision.transforms.ColorJitter): """Randomly applies a color jitter transformation on the **first** image. Notice this transform extension, unlike others in this module, only affects the first image passed as input argument. Unlike the current torchvision implementation, we also accept a probability for applying the jitter. Parameters ---------- p : :py:class:`float`, Optional probability at which the operation is applied **kwargs : dict passed to parent. Notice that, if not set, we use the following defaults here for the underlying transform from torchvision: * ``brightness``: 0.3 * ``contrast``: 0.3 * ``saturation``: 0.02 * ``hue``: 0.02 """ def __init__(self, p=0.5, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("brightness", 0.3) kwargs.setdefault("contrast", 0.3) kwargs.setdefault("saturation", 0.02) kwargs.setdefault("hue", 0.02) super().__init__(**kwargs) self.p = p def __call__(self, *args): if random.random() < self.p: # applies color jitter only to the input image not ground-truth return [super().__call__(args[0]), *args[1:]] else: return args def __repr__(self): retval = super().__repr__() return retval.replace("(", f"(p={self.p},", 1)
def _expand2square(pil_img, background_color): """Function that pad the minimum between the height and the width to fit a square. Parameters ---------- pil_img : PIL.Image.Image A PIL image that represents the image for analysis. background_color: py:class:`tuple`, Optional A tuple to represent the color of the background of the image in order to pad with the same color. If the image is an RGB image background_color should be a tuple of size 3 , if it's a grayscale image the variable can be represented with an integer. Returns ------- image : PIL.Image.Image A new image with height equal to width. """ width, height = pil_img.size if width == height: return pil_img elif width > height: result =, (width, width), background_color) result.paste(pil_img, (0, (width - height) // 2)) return result else: result =, (height, height), background_color) result.paste(pil_img, ((height - width) // 2, 0)) return result
[docs] class ShrinkIntoSquare: """Crops black borders and then resize to a square with minimal padding. This transform can crop all the images by removing the black pixels in the width and height until it finds a non-black pixel. Then, expands the image back until it makes a square with minimal size. Parameters ---------- reference : :py:class:`int`, Optional Which reference part of the sample to use for cropping black borders. If not set, use the first object on the sample (typically, the image). threshold : :py:class:`int`, Optional Threshold to use for when considering what is a "black" border """ def __init__(self, reference=0, threshold=0): self.reference = reference self.threshold = threshold def __call__(self, *args): ref = numpy.asarray(args[self.reference].convert("L")) width = numpy.sum(ref, axis=0) > self.threshold height = numpy.sum(ref, axis=1) > self.threshold border = ( width.argmax(), height.argmax(), width[::-1].argmax(), height[::-1].argmax(), ) new_args = [PIL.ImageOps.crop(k, border) for k in args] def _black_background(i): return (0, 0, 0) if i.mode == "RGB" else 0 return [_expand2square(k, _black_background(k)) for k in new_args]
[docs] class GaussianBlur(torchvision.transforms.GaussianBlur): """Randomly applies a gaussian blur transformation on the **first** image. Notice this transform extension, unlike others in this module, only affects the first image passed as input argument. Unlike the current torchvision implementation, we also accept a probability for applying the blur. Parameters ---------- p : :py:class:`float`, Optional probability at which the operation is applied **kwargs : dict passed to parent. Notice that, if not set, we use the following defaults here for the underlying transform from torchvision: * ``kernel_size``: (5, 5) * ``sigma``: (0.1, 5) """ def __init__(self, p=0.5, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("kernel_size", (5, 5)) kwargs.setdefault("sigma", (0.1, 5)) super().__init__(**kwargs) self.p = p def __call__(self, *args): if random.random() < self.p: # applies gaussian blur only to the input image not ground-truth return [super().__call__(args[0]), *args[1:]] else: return args
[docs] class GroundTruthCrop: """Crop image in a square keeping only the area with the ground truth. This transform can crop all images given a ground-truth mask as reference. Notice that the crop will result in a square image at the end, which means that it will keep the bigger dimension and adjust the smaller one to fit into a square. There's an option to add extra area around the gt bounding box. If resulting dimensions are larger than the boundaries of the image, minimal padding will be done to keep the image in a square shape. Parameters ---------- reference : :py:class:`int`, Optional Which reference part of the sample to use for getting coordinates. If not set, use the second object on the sample (typically, the mask). extra_area : :py:class:`float`, Optional Multiplier that will add the extra area around the ground-truth bounding box. Example: 0.1 will result in a crop with dimensions of the largest side increased by 10%. If not set, the default will be 0 (only the ground-truth box). """ def __init__(self, reference=1, extra_area=0.0): self.reference = reference self.extra_area = extra_area def __call__(self, *args): ref = args[self.reference] max_w, max_h = ref.size where = numpy.where(ref) y0 = numpy.min(where[0]) y1 = numpy.max(where[0]) x0 = numpy.min(where[1]) x1 = numpy.max(where[1]) w = x1 - x0 h = y1 - y0 extra_x = self.extra_area * w / 2 extra_y = self.extra_area * h / 2 new_w = (1 + self.extra_area) * w new_h = (1 + self.extra_area) * h diff = abs(new_w - new_h) / 2 if new_w == new_h: x0_new = x0.copy() - extra_x x1_new = x1.copy() + extra_x y0_new = y0.copy() - extra_y y1_new = y1.copy() + extra_y elif new_w > new_h: x0_new = x0.copy() - extra_x x1_new = x1.copy() + extra_x y0_new = y0.copy() - extra_y - diff y1_new = y1.copy() + extra_y + diff else: x0_new = x0.copy() - extra_x - diff x1_new = x1.copy() + extra_x + diff y0_new = y0.copy() - extra_y y1_new = y1.copy() + extra_y border = (x0_new, y0_new, max_w - x1_new, max_h - y1_new) def _expand_img( pil_img, background_color, x0_pad=0, x1_pad=0, y0_pad=0, y1_pad=0 ): width = pil_img.size[0] + x0_pad + x1_pad height = pil_img.size[1] + y0_pad + y1_pad result = pil_img.mode, (width, height), background_color ) result.paste(pil_img, (x0_pad, y0_pad)) return result def _black_background(i): return (0, 0, 0) if i.mode == "RGB" else 0 d_x0 = numpy.rint(max([0 - x0_new, 0])).astype(int) d_y0 = numpy.rint(max([0 - y0_new, 0])).astype(int) d_x1 = numpy.rint(max([x1_new - max_w, 0])).astype(int) d_y1 = numpy.rint(max([y1_new - max_h, 0])).astype(int) new_args = [ _expand_img( k, _black_background(k), x0_pad=d_x0, x1_pad=d_x1, y0_pad=d_y0, y1_pad=d_y1, ) for k in args ] new_args = [PIL.ImageOps.crop(k, border) for k in new_args] return new_args