7. Backend Maintenance

This guide contains information about administrative tasks related to the backend. Activities include cache clean-up actions and backend (workers, environments, queues) reconfiguration.

7.1. Configuration

The administrative command qsetup can be used to configure or re-configure the backend:

System Message: ERROR/6 (/scratch/builds/beat/docs/doc/beat/beat.web/doc/admin/backend.rst, line 40)

Command './bin/django qsetup --help' failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './bin/django': './bin/django'

This command will check current queue usage w.r.t. submitted experiments and will modify the queue/worker/environment configuration on-the-fly. Running schedulers and workers will not be affected.

By default, all new workers inserted are made inactive. This flag should be turned-on by the worker process itself once it is started.

7.2. Cache Maintenance

If your cache becomes very large, you may have to delete old files. The administative command cleanup_cache can help you in that task:

System Message: ERROR/6 (/scratch/builds/beat/docs/doc/beat/beat.web/doc/admin/backend.rst, line 58)

Command './bin/django cleanup_cache --help' failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './bin/django': './bin/django'

This command will first check running experiments and database files and make sure not to remove any files currently used by those are removed. You may then specify the amount of time in minutes from the current time, cache files should be considered outdated and must be removed.

Notice the command, by default, does not remove any files - it only lists the files it would remove. In order to actually remove the files, you must also specify the option --delete.