Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :

Implementation of a pipeline that post process scores


import logging
import os

from functools import partial

import dask.dataframe
import numpy as np

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.special import expit
from scipy.stats import beta, gamma, weibull_min
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression


from import get_split_dataframe
from bob.pipelines import Sample, SampleSet, getattr_nested, is_instance_nested

from .pipelines import PipelineSimple

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class PipelineScoreNorm:
    Apply Z, T or ZT Score normalization on top of Pimple Pipeline

    Reference bibliography from: A Generative Model for Score Normalization in
    Speaker Recognition

       >>> from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer
       >>> from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
       >>> from import Distance
       >>> from import PipelineSimple, PipelineScoreNorm, ZNormScores
       >>> from bob.pipelines import wrap
       >>> import numpy
       >>> linearize = lambda samples: [numpy.reshape(x, (-1,)) for x in samples]
       >>> transformer = wrap(["sample"], FunctionTransformer(linearize))
       >>> transformer_pipeline = make_pipeline(transformer)
       >>> biometric_algorithm = Distance()
       >>> pipeline_simple = PipelineSimple(transformer_pipeline, biometric_algorithm)
       >>> z_norm_postprocessor = ZNormScores()
       >>> z_pipeline = PipelineScoreNorm(pipeline_simple, z_norm_postprocessor)
       >>> zt_pipeline(...) #doctest: +SKIP

    pipeline_simple: :any:`PipelineSimple`
        An instance :any:`PipelineSimple` to the wrapped with score

    post_processor: :py:class`sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline` or a `sklearn.base.BaseEstimator`
        Transformer that will post process the scores

        A ScoreWriter to write the scores

    def __init__(
        pipeline_simple: PipelineSimple,

        self.pipeline_simple = pipeline_simple
        self.post_processor = post_processor

        # check_valid_pipeline(self)

    def biometric_algorithm(self):
        return self.pipeline_simple.biometric_algorithm

    def biometric_algorithm(self, value):
        self.pipeline_simple.biometric_algorithm = value

    def transformer(self):
        return self.pipeline_simple.transformer

    def transformer(self, value):
        self.pipeline_simple.transformer = value

    def score_writer(self):
        return self.pipeline_simple.score_writer

    def score_writer(self, value):
        self.pipeline_simple.score_writer = value

    def __call__(
        raw_scores, enroll_templates, probe_templates = self.pipeline_simple(

        # TODO: I know this is ugly, but I don't want to create one pipeline for every single
        # normalization strategy
        if is_instance_nested(

            if is_instance_nested(
                self.biometric_algorithm.biometric_algorithm.biometric_reference_dir = os.path.join(

                self.biometric_algorithm.biometric_reference_dir = os.path.join(

        template_format = getattr_nested(
            self.post_processor, "post_process_template"
        if template_format == "probe":
            post_process_templates = self.pipeline_simple.probe_templates(
            post_process_scores = self.pipeline_simple.compute_scores(
        elif template_format == "enroll":
            post_process_templates = self.pipeline_simple.enroll_templates(
            post_process_scores = self.pipeline_simple.compute_scores(
            raise ValueError(
                "post_process_template must be either 'probe' or 'enroll', got {}".format(
        post_processed_scores = self.post_processor.transform(raw_scores)

        return raw_scores, post_processed_scores

[docs] def write_scores(self, scores): return self.pipeline_simple.write_scores(scores)
[docs] def post_process(self, score_paths, filename): return self.pipeline_simple.post_process(score_paths, filename)
def copy_learned_attributes(from_estimator, to_estimator): attrs = {k: v for k, v in vars(from_estimator).items() if k.endswith("_")} for k, v in attrs.items(): setattr(to_estimator, k, v) class ZNormScores(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator): """ Apply Z-Norm Score normalization on top of Simple Pipeline Reference bibliography from: A Generative Model for Score Normalization in Speaker Recognition Parameters ---------- """ post_process_template = "probe" def __init__( self, top_norm=False, top_norm_score_fraction=0.8, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.top_norm = top_norm self.top_norm_score_fraction = top_norm_score_fraction
[docs] def fit(self, z_scores, y=None): # TODO: THIS IS SUPER INNEFICIENT, BUT # IT'S THE MOST READABLE SOLUTION # Stacking scores by biometric reference self.z_stats = dict() for sset in z_scores: for s in sset: if s.reference_id not in self.z_stats: self.z_stats[s.reference_id] = Sample([], parent=s) self.z_stats[s.reference_id].data.append( # Now computing the statistics in place for key in self.z_stats: data = self.z_stats[key].data # Selecting the top scores if self.top_norm: # Sorting in ascending order data = -np.sort(-data) proportion = int( np.floor(len(data) * self.top_norm_score_fraction) ) data = data[0:proportion] self.z_stats[key].mu = np.mean(self.z_stats[key].data) self.z_stats[key].std = np.std(self.z_stats[key].data) # self._z_stats[key].std = legacy_std( # self._z_stats[key].mu, self._z_stats[key].data # ) self.z_stats[key].data = [] return self
[docs] def transform(self, X): if len(X) <= 0: # Nothing to be transformed return [] def _transform_samples(X): scores = [] for no_normed_score in X: score = ( - self.z_stats[no_normed_score.reference_id].mu ) / self.z_stats[no_normed_score.reference_id].std z_score = Sample(score, parent=no_normed_score) scores.append(z_score) return scores if isinstance(X[0], SampleSet): z_normed_scores = [] # Transforming either Samples or SampleSets for probe_scores in X: z_normed_scores.append( SampleSet( _transform_samples(probe_scores), parent=probe_scores ) ) else: # If it is Samples z_normed_scores = _transform_samples(X) return z_normed_scores
class TNormScores(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator): """ Apply T-Norm Score normalization on top of Simple Pipeline Reference bibliography from: A Generative Model for Score Normalization in Speaker Recognition Parameters ---------- """ post_process_template = "enroll" def __init__( self, top_norm=False, top_norm_score_fraction=0.8, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.top_norm = top_norm self.top_norm_score_fraction = top_norm_score_fraction
[docs] def fit(self, t_scores, y=None): # TODO: THIS IS SUPER INNEFICIENT, BUT # IT'S THE MOST READABLE SOLUTION # Stacking scores by biometric reference self.t_stats = dict() for sset in t_scores: self.t_stats[sset.reference_id] = Sample( [ for s in sset], parent=sset ) # Now computing the statistics in place for key in self.t_stats: data = self.t_stats[key].data # Selecting the top scores if self.top_norm: # Sorting in ascending order data = -np.sort(-data) proportion = int( np.floor(len(data) * self.top_norm_score_fraction) ) data = data[0:proportion] self.t_stats[key].mu = np.mean(self.t_stats[key].data) self.t_stats[key].std = np.std(self.t_stats[key].data) # self._z_stats[key].std = legacy_std( # self._z_stats[key].mu, self._z_stats[key].data # ) self.t_stats[key].data = [] return self
[docs] def transform(self, X): if len(X) <= 0: # Nothing to be transformed return [] def _transform_samples(X, stats): scores = [] for no_normed_score in X: score = ( - / stats.std t_score = Sample(score, parent=no_normed_score) scores.append(t_score) return scores if isinstance(X[0], SampleSet): t_normed_scores = [] # Transforming either Samples or SampleSets for probe_scores in X: stats = self.t_stats[probe_scores.reference_id] t_normed_scores.append( SampleSet( _transform_samples(probe_scores, stats), parent=probe_scores, ) ) else: # If it is Samples t_normed_scores = _transform_samples(X) return t_normed_scores
class LLRCalibration(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator): """ Implements the linear calibration using a logistic function defined in: `Mandasari, Miranti Indar, et al. "Score calibration in face recognition." Iet Biometrics 3.4 (2014): 246-256.` """
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): self.regressor = LogisticRegression( class_weight="balanced", fit_intercept=True, penalty="l2" ), y) return self
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X): def get_sigmoid_score(X, regressor): return expit(X * regressor.coef_ + regressor.intercept_).ravel() return get_sigmoid_score(X, self.regressor)
class WeibullCalibration(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator): """ Implements the weibull calibration using a pair of Weibull pdf's defined in: `Macarulla Rodriguez, Andrea, Zeno Geradts, and Marcel Worring. "Likelihood Ratios for Deep Neural Networks in Face Comparison." Journal of forensic sciences 65.4 (2020): 1169-1183.` """
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): def weibull_pdf_genuines(x, c, scale): return weibull_min.pdf(np.abs(x), c, scale=scale) def weibull_pdf_impostors(x, c, scale): return weibull_min.pdf(np.abs(x), c, scale=scale) bins = 20 impostors_X, impostors_Y = np.histogram( X[y == 0], bins=bins, density=True ) # averaging the bins impostors_Y = 0.5 * (impostors_Y[1:] + impostors_Y[:-1]) # Binining genuies and impostors for the fit genuines_X, genuines_Y = np.histogram( X[y == 1], bins=bins, density=True ) # averaging the bins genuines_Y = 0.5 * (genuines_Y[1:] + genuines_Y[:-1]) # Weibull fit for impostor distribution impostors_popt, _ = curve_fit( weibull_pdf_impostors, xdata=impostors_X, ydata=impostors_Y, p0=[1.0, 1.0], ) impostors_c, impostors_scale = impostors_popt # Fitting weibull for genuines and impostors genuines_popt, _ = curve_fit( weibull_pdf_genuines, xdata=genuines_X, ydata=genuines_Y, p0=[1.0, 1.0], ) genuines_c, genuines_scale = genuines_popt self.gen_dist = partial( weibull_pdf_genuines, c=genuines_c, scale=genuines_scale ) self.imp_dist = partial( weibull_pdf_impostors, c=impostors_c, scale=impostors_scale ) return self
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X): epsilon = 1e-10 return +1 * ( np.log10(self.gen_dist(X) + epsilon) - np.log10(self.imp_dist(X) + epsilon) )
class GammaCalibration(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator): """ Implements the weibull calibration using a pair of Gamma pdf's defined in: """
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): def gamma_pdf_genuines(x, a, scale): return gamma.pdf(np.abs(x), a, scale=scale) def gamma_pdf_impostors(x, a, scale): return gamma.pdf(np.abs(x), a, scale=scale) bins = 100 impostors_X, impostors_Y = np.histogram( X[y == 0], bins=bins, density=True ) # averaging the bins impostors_Y = 0.5 * (impostors_Y[1:] + impostors_Y[:-1]) # Binining genuies and impostors for the fit genuines_X, genuines_Y = np.histogram( X[y == 1], bins=bins, density=True ) # averaging the bins genuines_Y = 0.5 * (genuines_Y[1:] + genuines_Y[:-1]) # gamma fit for impostor distribution impostors_popt, _ = curve_fit( gamma_pdf_impostors, xdata=impostors_X, ydata=impostors_Y, p0=[1.0, 1.0], ) impostors_a, impostors_scale = impostors_popt # Fitting weibull for genuines and impostors genuines_popt, _ = curve_fit( gamma_pdf_genuines, xdata=genuines_X, ydata=genuines_Y, p0=[1.0, 1.0], ) genuines_a, genuines_scale = genuines_popt self.gen_dist = partial( gamma_pdf_genuines, a=genuines_a, scale=genuines_scale ) self.imp_dist = partial( gamma_pdf_impostors, a=impostors_a, scale=impostors_scale ) return self
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X): epsilon = 1e-10 return +1 * ( np.log10(self.gen_dist(X) + epsilon) - np.log10(self.imp_dist(X) + epsilon) )
class BetaCalibration(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator): """ Implements the weibull calibration using a pair of Beta pdf's defined in: """
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): def beta_pdf(x, a, b): return beta.pdf(np.abs(x), a, b) bins = 100 impostors_X, impostors_Y = np.histogram( X[y == 0], bins=bins, density=True ) # averaging the bins impostors_Y = 0.5 * (impostors_Y[1:] + impostors_Y[:-1]) # Binining genuies and impostors for the fit genuines_X, genuines_Y = np.histogram( X[y == 1], bins=bins, density=True ) # averaging the bins genuines_Y = 0.5 * (genuines_Y[1:] + genuines_Y[:-1]) # gamma fit for impostor distribution impostors_popt, _ = curve_fit( beta_pdf, xdata=impostors_X, ydata=impostors_Y, p0=[1, 0.5] ) impostors_a, impostors_b = impostors_popt # Fitting weibull for genuines and impostors genuines_popt, _ = curve_fit( beta_pdf, xdata=genuines_X, ydata=genuines_Y, p0=[1.0, 0.5] ) genuines_a, genuines_b = genuines_popt self.gen_dist = partial(beta_pdf, a=genuines_a, b=genuines_b) self.imp_dist = partial(beta_pdf, a=impostors_a, b=impostors_b) return self
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X): epsilon = 1e-10 return +1 * ( np.log10(self.gen_dist(X) + epsilon) - np.log10(self.imp_dist(X) + epsilon) )
class CategoricalCalibration(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator): r""" Implements an adaptation of the Categorical Calibration defined in: `Mandasari, Miranti Indar, et al. "Score calibration in face recognition." Iet Biometrics 3.4 (2014): 246-256.` In such a work the calibration is defined as:: :math:`s = \sum_{i=0}^{N} (\text{calibrator}_i)(X)` The category calibration is implemented in the tails of the score distributions in this implementation. For the impostor score distribution, the tail is defined between :math:`q_3(x)` and :math:`q3(x)+\alpha * (q3(x)-q1(x))`, where :math:`q_n` represents the quantile and :math:`\alpha` represents an offset. For the genuines score distribution, the tail is defined between :math:`q_1(x)` and :math:`q1(x)-\alpha * (q3(x)-q1(x))`. In this implementation one calibrator per category is fitted at training time. At test time, the maximum of the calibrated scores is returned. Parameters ---------- field_name: str Reference field name in the csv score file. E.g. race, gender, .., field_values: list Possible values for `field_name`. E.g ['male', 'female'], ['black', 'white'] score_selection_method: str Method to select the scores for fetting the calibration models. `median-q3`: It will select the scores from the median to q3 from the impostor scores (q1 to median for genuines) `q3-outlier`: It will select the scores from q3 to outlier (q3+1.5*IQD) from the impostor scores (q1 to outlier for genuines) `q1-median`: `all`: It will select all the scores. Default to `median-q3` reduction_function: Pointer to a function to reduce the scores. Default to `np.mean` fit_estimator: None Estimator used for calibrations. Default to `LLRCalibration` """ def __init__( self, field_name, field_values, score_selection_method="all", reduction_function=np.mean, fit_estimator=None, ): self.field_name = field_name self.field_values = field_values self.quantile_factor = 1.5 self.score_selection_method = score_selection_method self.reduction_function = reduction_function if fit_estimator is None: self.fit_estimator = LLRCalibration else: self.fit_estimator = fit_estimator
[docs] def fit(self, input_score_file_name): """ Fit the calibrator Parameters ---------- input_score_file_name: str Reference score file used to fit the calibrator (E.g `scores-dev.csv`). """ def impostor_threshold(impostor_scores): """ score > Q3 + 1.5*IQR """ q1 = np.quantile(impostor_scores, 0.25) q3 = np.quantile(impostor_scores, 0.75) if self.score_selection_method == "q3-outlier": outlier_zone = q3 + self.quantile_factor * (q3 - q1) return impostor_scores[ (impostor_scores > q3) & (impostor_scores <= outlier_zone) ] elif self.score_selection_method == "q1-median": median = np.median(impostor_scores) return impostor_scores[ (impostor_scores > q1) & (impostor_scores <= median) ] elif self.score_selection_method == "median-q3": median = np.median(impostor_scores) return impostor_scores[ (impostor_scores < q3) & (impostor_scores >= median) ] else: return impostor_scores def genuine_threshold(genuine_scores): """ score <= Q3 - 1.5*IQR """ q1 = np.quantile(genuine_scores, 0.25) q3 = np.quantile(genuine_scores, 0.75) if self.score_selection_method == "q3-outlier": outlier_zone = q1 - self.quantile_factor * (q3 - q1) return genuine_scores[ (genuine_scores < q1) & (genuine_scores >= outlier_zone) ] elif self.score_selection_method == "q1-median": median = np.median(genuine_scores) return genuine_scores[ (genuine_scores < q3) & (genuine_scores <= median) ] elif self.score_selection_method == "median-q3": median = np.median(genuine_scores) return genuine_scores[ (genuine_scores > q1) & (genuine_scores <= median) ] else: return genuine_scores impostors, genuines = get_split_dataframe(input_score_file_name) self._categorical_fitters = [] def get_sigmoid_score(X, regressor): return expit(X * regressor.coef_ + regressor.intercept_).ravel() for value in self.field_values: # Filtering genunines and impostors per group impostors_per_group = ( impostors[ (impostors[f"probe_{self.field_name}"] == value) & (impostors[f"bio_ref_{self.field_name}"] == value) ]["score"] .compute() .to_numpy() ) genuines_per_group = ( genuines[(genuines[f"probe_{self.field_name}"] == value)][ "score" ] .compute() .to_numpy() ) impostors_per_group = impostor_threshold(impostors_per_group) genuines_per_group = genuine_threshold(genuines_per_group) # Training the regressor y = np.hstack( ( np.zeros(len(impostors_per_group)), np.ones(len(genuines_per_group)), ) ) X = np.expand_dims( np.hstack((impostors_per_group, genuines_per_group)), axis=1 ) fitter = self.fit_estimator().fit(X, y) self._categorical_fitters.append(fitter) return self
[docs] def transform(self, input_scores, calibrated_scores): """ Calibrates a score Parameters ---------- input_scores: list Input score files to be calibrated calibrated_files: list Output score files """ assert isinstance(input_scores, list) or isinstance(input_scores, tuple) assert isinstance(calibrated_scores, list) or isinstance( calibrated_scores, tuple ) assert len(calibrated_scores) == len(input_scores) for file_name, output_file_name in zip(input_scores, calibrated_scores): # Fetching scores dataframe = dask.dataframe.read_csv(file_name) dataframe = dataframe.compute() X = dataframe["score"].to_numpy() calibrated_scores = np.vstack( [ fitter.predict_proba(X) for fitter in self._categorical_fitters ] ).T calibrated_scores = self.reduction_function( calibrated_scores, axis=1 ) dataframe["score"] = calibrated_scores dataframe.to_csv(output_file_name, index=False) return calibrated_scores