Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :

import logging
import os

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import numpy as np

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator

from bob.pipelines import Sample, SampleBatch, SampleSet
from bob.pipelines.wrappers import _frmt

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def reduce_scores(scores, axis, fn="max"):
    Reduce scores using a function.

    scores: numpy.ndarray
        Scores to reduce.

    fn: function
        Function to use for reduction. You can also provide a string like
        ``max`` to use the corresponding function from numpy. Some possible
        values are: ``max``, ``min``, ``mean``, ``median``, ``sum``.

        Reduced scores.
    if isinstance(fn, str):
        fn = getattr(np, fn)
    return fn(scores, axis=axis)

def _data_valid(data):
    """Check if data is valid.

    data: object
        Data to check.

        True if data is valid, False otherwise.
    if data is None:
        return False
    if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
        return data.size > 0
    # we also have to check for [[]]
    if isinstance(data, list) and len(data) > 0:
        if isinstance(data[0], (list, tuple)):
            return len(data[0]) > 0
    return bool(data)

class BioAlgorithm(BaseEstimator, metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """Describes a base biometric comparator for the PipelineSimple

    A biometric algorithm converts each SampleSet (which is a list of
    samples/features) into a single template. Template creation is done for both
    enroll and probe samples but the format of the templates can be different
    between enrollment and probe samples. After the creation of the templates,
    the algorithm computes one similarity score for comparison of an enroll
    template with a probe template.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from import BioAlgorithm
    >>> class MyAlgorithm(BioAlgorithm):
    ...     def create_templates(self, list_of_feature_sets, enroll):
    ...         # you cannot call np.mean(list_of_feature_sets, axis=1) because the
    ...         # number of features in each feature set may vary.
    ...         return [np.mean(feature_set, axis=0) for feature_set in list_of_feature_sets]
    ...     def compare(self, enroll_templates, probe_templates):
    ...         scores = []
    ...         for enroll_template in enroll_templates:
    ...             scores.append([])
    ...             for probe_template in probe_templates:
    ...                 similarity = 1 / np.linalg.norm(model - probe)
    ...                 scores[-1].append(similarity)
    ...         scores = np.array(scores, dtype=float)
    ...         return scores

    def __init__(
        self, probes_score_fusion="max", enrolls_score_fusion="max", **kwargs
    ) -> None:
        self.probes_score_fusion = probes_score_fusion
        self.enrolls_score_fusion = enrolls_score_fusion

[docs] def fuse_probe_scores(self, scores, axis): return reduce_scores(scores, axis, self.probes_score_fusion)
[docs] def fuse_enroll_scores(self, scores, axis): return reduce_scores(scores, axis, self.enrolls_score_fusion)
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_templates(self, list_of_feature_sets, enroll): """Creates enroll or probe templates from multiple sets of features. The enroll template format can be different from the probe templates. Parameters ---------- list_of_feature_sets : list A list of list of features with the shape of Nx?xD. N templates should be computed. Note that you cannot call np.array(list_of_feature_sets) because the number of features per set can be different depending on the database. enroll : bool If True, the features are for enrollment. If False, the features are for probe. Returns ------- templates : list A list of templates which has the same length as ``list_of_feature_sets``. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def compare(self, enroll_templates, probe_templates): """Computes the similarity score between all enrollment and probe templates. Parameters ---------- enroll_templates : list A list (length N) of enrollment templates. probe_templates : list A list (length M) of probe templates. Returns ------- scores : numpy.ndarray A matrix of shape (N, M) containing the similarity scores. """ pass
[docs] def create_templates_from_samplesets(self, list_of_samplesets, enroll): """Creates enroll or probe templates from multiple SampleSets. Parameters ---------- list_of_samplesets : list A list (length N) of SampleSets. enroll : bool If True, the SampleSets are for enrollment. If False, the SampleSets are for probe. Returns ------- templates : list A list of Samples which has the same length as ``list_of_samplesets``. Each Sample contains a template. """ logger.debug( f"{_frmt(self)}.create_templates_from_samplesets(... enroll={enroll})" ) # create templates from .data attribute of samples inside sample_sets list_of_feature_sets = [] for sampleset in list_of_samplesets: data = [ for s in sampleset.samples] valid_data = [d for d in data if d is not None] if len(data) != len(valid_data): logger.warning( f"Removed {len(data)-len(valid_data)} invalid enrollment samples." ) if not valid_data and enroll: # we do not support failure to enroll cases currently raise NotImplementedError( f"None of the enrollment samples were valid for {sampleset}." ) list_of_feature_sets.append(valid_data) templates = self.create_templates(list_of_feature_sets, enroll) expected_size = len(list_of_samplesets) assert len(templates) == expected_size, ( "The number of (%s) templates (%d) created by the algorithm does not match " "the number of sample sets (%d)" % ( "enroll" if enroll else "probe", len(templates), expected_size, ) ) # return a list of Samples (one per template) templates = [ Sample(t, parent=sampleset) for t, sampleset in zip(templates, list_of_samplesets) ] return templates
[docs] def score_sample_templates( self, probe_samples, enroll_samples, score_all_vs_all ): """Computes the similarity score between all probe and enroll templates. Parameters ---------- probe_samples : list A list (length N) of Samples containing probe templates. enroll_samples : list A list (length M) of Samples containing enroll templates. score_all_vs_all : bool If True, the similarity scores between all probe and enroll templates are computed. If False, the similarity scores between the probes and their associated enroll templates are computed. Returns ------- score_samplesets : list A list of N SampleSets each containing a list of M score Samples if score_all_vs_all is True. Otherwise, a list of N SampleSets each containing a list of <=M score Samples depending on the database. """ logger.debug( f"{_frmt(self)}.score_sample_templates(... score_all_vs_all={score_all_vs_all})" ) # Returns a list of SampleSets where a Sampleset for each probe # SampleSet where each Sample inside the SampleSets contains the score # for one enroll SampleSet score_samplesets = [] if score_all_vs_all: probe_data = [ for s in probe_samples] valid_probe_indices = [ i for i, d in enumerate(probe_data) if _data_valid(d) ] valid_probe_data = [probe_data[i] for i in valid_probe_indices] scores =, valid_probe_data) scores = np.asarray(scores, dtype=float) if len(valid_probe_indices) != len(probe_data): # inject None scores for invalid probe samples scores: list = scores.T.tolist() for i in range(len(probe_data)): if i not in valid_probe_indices: scores.insert(i, [None] * len(enroll_samples)) # transpose back to original shape scores = np.array(scores, dtype=float).T expected_shape = (len(enroll_samples), len(probe_samples)) assert scores.shape == expected_shape, ( "The shape of the similarity scores (%s) does not match the expected shape (%s)" % (scores.shape, expected_shape) ) for j, probe in enumerate(probe_samples): samples = [] for i, enroll in enumerate(enroll_samples): samples.append(Sample(scores[i, j], parent=enroll)) score_samplesets.append(SampleSet(samples, parent=probe)) else: for probe in probe_samples: references = [str(ref) for ref in probe.references] # get the indices of references for enroll samplesets indices = [ i for i, enroll in enumerate(enroll_samples) if str(enroll.reference_id) in references ] if not indices: raise ValueError( f"No enroll sampleset found for probe {probe} and its required references {references}. " "Did you mean to set score_all_vs_all=True?" ) if not _data_valid( scores = [[None]] * len(indices) else: scores = SampleBatch([enroll_samples[i] for i in indices]), SampleBatch([probe]), ) scores = np.asarray(scores, dtype=float) expected_shape = (len(indices), 1) assert scores.shape == expected_shape, ( "The shape of the similarity scores (%s) does not match the expected shape (%s)" % (scores.shape, expected_shape) ) samples = [] for i, j in enumerate(indices): samples.append( Sample(scores[i, 0], parent=enroll_samples[j]) ) score_samplesets.append(SampleSet(samples, parent=probe)) return score_samplesets
class Database(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class for PipelineSimple databases""" def __init__( self, name, protocol, score_all_vs_all=False, annotation_type=None, fixed_positions=None, memory_demanding=False, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) = name self.protocol = protocol self.score_all_vs_all = score_all_vs_all self.annotation_type = annotation_type self.fixed_positions = fixed_positions self.memory_demanding = memory_demanding def __str__(self): args = ", ".join( [ "{}={}".format(k, v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith("_") ] ) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({args})"
[docs] @abstractmethod def background_model_samples(self): """Returns :any:`bob.pipelines.Sample`'s to train a background model Returns ------- samples : list List of samples for background model training. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def references(self, group="dev"): """Returns references to enroll biometric references Parameters ---------- group : :py:class:`str`, optional Limits samples to this group Returns ------- references : list List of samples for the creation of biometric references. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def probes(self, group): """Returns probes to score biometric references Parameters ---------- group : str Limits samples to this group Returns ------- probes : list List of samples for the creation of biometric probes. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def all_samples(self, groups=None): """Returns all the samples of the dataset Parameters ---------- groups: list or `None` List of groups to consider (like 'dev' or 'eval'). If `None`, will return samples from all the groups. Returns ------- samples: list List of all the samples of the dataset. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def groups(self): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def protocols(self): pass
[docs] def reference_ids(self, group): return [s.reference_id for s in self.references(group=group)]
class ScoreWriter(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Defines base methods to read, write scores and concatenate scores for :any:`` """ def __init__(self, path, extension=".txt", **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.path = path self.extension = extension
[docs] @abstractmethod def write(self, sampleset, path): pass
[docs] def post_process(self, score_paths, filename): def _post_process(score_paths, filename): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) with open(filename, "w") as f: for path in score_paths: with open(path) as f2: f.writelines(f2.readlines()) return filename import dask import dask.bag if isinstance(score_paths, dask.bag.Bag): all_paths = dask.delayed(list)(score_paths) return dask.delayed(_post_process)(all_paths, filename) return _post_process(score_paths, filename)