
class bob.machine.MultipliedHyperbolicTangentActivation((object)self[, (float)C=1.0[, (float)M=1.0]]) → None :

Bases: bob.machine._machine.Activation

Computes \(f(z) = C \cdot \tanh(Mz)\) as activation function

Builds a new hyperbolic tangent activation fucntion with a given constant for the inner and outter products. Don’t use this if you just want to set the constants to the default values (1.0). In such a case, prefer to use the more efficient bob.machine.HyperbolicTangentActivation.

__init__((object)self[, (float)C=1.0[, (float)M=1.0]]) → None :

Builds a new hyperbolic tangent activation fucntion with a given constant for the inner and outter products. Don’t use this if you just want to set the constants to the default values (1.0). In such a case, prefer to use the more efficient bob.machine.HyperbolicTangentActivation.


__init__((object)self [, (float)C=1.0 [, …) Builds a new hyperbolic tangent activation fucntion with a given constant for the inner and outter products.
f((Activation)self, (object)z, (object)res) Computes the activated value, given an input array z, placing results in res (and returning it)
f_prime((Activation)self, (object)z, (object)res) Computes the derivative of the activated value, placing results in res (and returning it)
f_prime_from_f((Activation)self, (object)a, …) Computes the derivative of the activated value, given the activated value a, placing results in res (and returning it)
load((Activation)self, (HDF5File)h5f) Loads itself from a
save((Activation)self, (HDF5File)h5f) Saves itself to a
unique_identifier((Activation)self) Returns a unique identifier, used by this class in connection to the Activation registry.


C The outside multiplication factor for the hyperbolic tangent function
M The inner multiplication factor for the argument

The outside multiplication factor for the hyperbolic tangent function


The inner multiplication factor for the argument

__call__((Activation)self, (object)z, (object)res) → object :

Computes the activated value, given an input array z, placing results in res (and returning it)

__call__( (Activation)self, (object)z) -> object :
Computes the activated value, given an input array z. Returns a newly allocated array with the same size as z
__call__( (Activation)self, (float)z) -> float :
Computes the activated value, given an input z
f((Activation)self, (object)z, (object)res) → object :

Computes the activated value, given an input array z, placing results in res (and returning it)

f( (Activation)self, (object)z) -> object :
Computes the activated value, given an input array z. Returns a newly allocated array with the answers
f( (Activation)self, (float)z) -> float :
Computes the activated value, given an input z
f_prime((Activation)self, (object)z, (object)res) → object :

Computes the derivative of the activated value, placing results in res (and returning it)

f_prime( (Activation)self, (object)z) -> object :
Computes the derivative of the activated value, given an input array z. Returns a newly allocated array with the same size as z
f_prime( (Activation)self, (float)z) -> float :
Computes the derivative of the activated value.
f_prime_from_f((Activation)self, (object)a, (object)res) → object :

Computes the derivative of the activated value, given the activated value a, placing results in res (and returning it)

f_prime_from_f( (Activation)self, (object)z) -> object :
Computes the derivative of the activated value, given the activated value a. Returns a newly allocated array with the same size as a with the answer.
f_prime_from_f( (Activation)self, (float)a) -> float :
Computes the derivative of the activation value, given the activated value a.
load((Activation)self, (HDF5File)h5f) → None :

Loads itself from a

save((Activation)self, (HDF5File)h5f) → None :

Saves itself to a

unique_identifier((Activation)self) → str :

Returns a unique identifier, used by this class in connection to the Activation registry.