Bug Reporting and Feature Requesting

Reporting bugs and then resolving them quickly is not an easy task. For this reason we ask that you follow the guidelines outlined below when logging a bug or asked for new features. Please read this entire document before submitting tickets. It will help us fix your bug faster! Bug submissions or feature requests that do not meet these guidelines tend to be investigated last or, more likely, closed as invalid. For great insights on bug reporting, also read through the very good suggestions offered by Eric Raymond’s How To Ask Questions The Smart Way and Simon Tatham’s How to Report Bugs Effectively.


Useful bug reports get bugs fixed, and normally have the following three qualities:

  1. Reproducible: If a developer can’t see a bug or conclusively prove that it exists, the developer will probably not be able to fix it. He or she will move on to the next bug. Every relevant detail you provide helps.
  2. Specific: Give us details. If you’re crashing on a certain action, please take the time to isolate what is triggering the crash, and include it in the bug report if possible. The quicker the developer can isolate the issue to a specific problem, the more likely it will be fixed in a timely manner.
  3. Not a Duplicate: Please search before filing bug reports. Try a variety of words in case the one(s) you’re using isn’t the usual one to describe what you’re talking about. If you’re running a nigthly release look at the associated milestone on the Roadmap to see if your bug is already there. Time spent by the team sorting through different tickets on duplicate issues may be time not spent fixing a bug.

The list of known bugs are listed here. If you don’t find an existing ticket about your issue, then you get to file one! If you do find an existing ticket about your problem, then it has already been reported. This is a good thing. If you wish, you can vote on the ticket by clicking the “up” arrow at the top of the page.

Once you have filed a bug or a feature request, please make sure you keep an eye on the bug and answer any follow up questions that have been asked of you. If possible, include additional useful information.

Examples of good and bad reports

Let’s say you crash while running a Bob program, and want to write up a bug report:

  • Bad report: “My program crashed. I think I am not sure what it was. I think that this is a really bad problem and you should fix it or else nobody will use your library. By the way, my sister thinks your web pages really suck. Oh, that is also the opinion of other folks down here. Thx 4 fixing theze bugz.”
  • Useful report: “Bob crashes immediately each time I try to use the bob::LBP4R type, using version 1.0.1 on a Mac OS X 10.6.5 system. It crashes upon the initialization of the class. I am attaching the crash reports here, together with a small program that I wrote that can reproduce the issue.”

Composing a new ticket

Follow the link to submit a new bug report at GitHub. A few things to note:

  • Please only put one issue in each ticket. File multiple tickets if you can confirm multiple bugs or want multiple features implemented;

  • Please make sure to file your ticket in English, as that is the only language that most of our developers understand;

  • Please keep the comments related to fixing the bug or relevant to the feature request;

  • Please include the following information in every bug report you file:

    • A list of steps to reproduce the problem. If you need to compile a program to cause the bug, please create a small version of the program that still causes the crash and upload it with the bug report. Please keep the examples to an absolute minimum but also ensure that you have uploaded all of the files needed to reproduce the bug. When uploading these files focus on finding an easy way to explain your problem and make it reproducible;

    • The specific versions of Bob and the operating system that you are using (not “I’m using the latest/previous version”). You can obtain version numbers by executing the following script that is provided with Bob:

      $ bob_config.py