
class bob.ip.FaceEyesNorm((object)self, (float)eyes_distance, (int)crop_height, (int)crop_width, (float)crop_eyecenter_offset_h, (float)crop_eyecenter_offset_w) → None :

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

Objects of this class, after configuration, can extract and normalize faces, given their eye center coordinates.

Constructs a FaceEyeNorm object.

__init__( (object)self, (int)crop_height, (int)crop_width, (int)re_y, (int)re_x, (int)le_y, (int)le_x) -> None :
Creates a FaceEyesNorm class that will put the eyes to the given locations and crop the image to the desired size.

__init__( (object)self, (FaceEyesNorm)other) -> None

__init__((object)self, (float)eyes_distance, (int)crop_height, (int)crop_width, (float)crop_eyecenter_offset_h, (float)crop_eyecenter_offset_w) → None :

Constructs a FaceEyeNorm object.

__init__( (object)self, (int)crop_height, (int)crop_width, (int)re_y, (int)re_x, (int)le_y, (int)le_x) -> None :
Creates a FaceEyesNorm class that will put the eyes to the given locations and crop the image to the desired size.

__init__( (object)self, (FaceEyesNorm)other) -> None


__init__((object)self, (float)eyes_distance, …) Constructs a FaceEyeNorm object.


crop_height Height of the cropping area after the geometric normalization.
crop_offset_h y-coordinate of the point in the cropping area which is the middle of the segment defined by the eyes after the geometric normalization.
crop_offset_w x-coordinate of the point in the cropping area which is the middle of the segment defined by the eyes after the geometric normalization.
crop_width Width of the cropping area after the geometric normalization.
eyes_distance Expected distance between the eyes after the geometric normalization.
last_angle The angle value (in degrees) used by the rotation involved in the last call of the operator ()
last_scale The scaling factor used by the scaling involved in the last call of the operator ()
__call__((FaceEyesNorm)self, (object)input, (object)output, (float)re_y, (float)re_x, (float)le_y, (float)le_x) → None :

Extracts a face given the coordinates of the left (le_y, le_x) and right (re_y, re_x) eye centers. Please note that the horizontal position le_x of the left eye is usually larger than the position re_x of the right eye.

__call__( (FaceEyesNorm)self, (object)input, (float)re_y, (float)re_x, (float)le_y, (float)le_x) -> object :
Extracts a face given the coordinates of the left (le_y, le_x) and right (re_y, re_x) eye centers. Please note that the horizontal position le_x of the left eye is usually larger than the position re_x of the right eye. The output is allocated and returned.
__call__( (FaceEyesNorm)self, (object)input, (object)input_mask, (object)output, (object)output_mask, (float)re_y, (float)re_x, (float)le_y, (float)le_x) -> None :
Extracts a face given the coordinates of the left (le_y, le_x) and right (re_y, re_x) eye centers, taking mask into account.

Height of the cropping area after the geometric normalization.


y-coordinate of the point in the cropping area which is the middle of the segment defined by the eyes after the geometric normalization.


x-coordinate of the point in the cropping area which is the middle of the segment defined by the eyes after the geometric normalization.


Width of the cropping area after the geometric normalization.


Expected distance between the eyes after the geometric normalization.


The angle value (in degrees) used by the rotation involved in the last call of the operator ()


The scaling factor used by the scaling involved in the last call of the operator ()