Run Video Face Recognition Experiments

This package is part of the packages, which provide open source tools to run comparable and reproducible biometric recognition experiments. In this package, tools to run video face recognition experiments are provided.

For more detailed information about the structure of the packages, please refer to the documentation of

In the following, we provide more detailed information about the particularities of this package only.

Get Started (TLTR)

To run biometric experiments using the Vanilla Biometrics: Introduction to biometric recognition in practice with video databases, please make usage of the video-wrapper entry-point. For instance the example below uses the video-wrapper to run face recognition experiments using one of our baselines from and the Youtube Face datase:

$ bob bio pipelines vanilla-biometrics youtube arcface-insightface video-wrapper

Please, go through the documentation of this package and to see how these commands work.

Users Guide

Reference Manual


This documentation is still under development. Here is a list of things that needs to be done:

Indices and tables