The following deliverables were defined in the MUCATAR white paper:

D1: MUCATAR Project First Year Progress Report:  (July 2003)
    Technical report on the development and testing of a single camera, single
    person robust tracker.  Download the report here.

D2: Sequential Monte Carlo Software Description:  (July 2003)
     Software and associated users guide, corresponding to the implemantion of
    a modular software tool for sequential Monte-Carlo filters.  Download the
    report here.

D3: Joint Tracking and Activity Recognition:  (January 2004)
    Activity report on the development of algorithms for activity recognition of
    a singer person performing a predefined task. Download the report here.

D4: Multi-Object, Multi-Camera Tracking and Activity Recognition  (July 2004)
    Technical report on the development of activity recognition in single and multiple-camera
    scenarios. Download the report here.

D5: MUCATAR Demonstrator Web Site  (July 2004)
    Demonstrator implemented for tracking and activity recognition with single/multiple
    cameras.  (