
My research interests are in the connections between human cognition and deep learning. Specifically, understanding the connection between deep attention-based models and Bayesian nonparametrics for Natural Language Processing. You can find my papers on Google Scholar, Arxiv and DeepAI.


Nonparametric Variational Regularisation of Pretrained Transformers
F. Fehr, J. Henderson
ArXiv, 2023.
Learning to Abstract with Nonparametric Variational Information Bottleneck
M. Behjati, F. Fehr, J. Henderson
EMNLP, 2023
(Paper) (Demo) (Poster) (Code)
HyperMixer: An MLP-based Low Cost Alternative to Transformers
F. Mai, A. Pannatier, F. Fehr, H. Chen, F. Marelli, F. Fleuret, J. Henderson
ACL, 2023
(Paper) (Poster) (Code)
A Variational AutoEncoder for Transformers with Nonparametric Variational Information Bottleneck,
J. Henderson, F. Fehr
ICLR, 2023
(Paper) (Poster) (Code)


A Variational AutoEncoder for Transformers with Nonparametric Variational Information Bottleneck,
J. Henderson, F. Fehr
Arxiv, 2022
HyperMixer: An MLP-based Green AI Alternative to Transformers,
F. Mai, A. Pannatier, F. Fehr, H. Chen, F. Marelli, F. Fleuret, J. Henderson.
Arxiv, 2022


Modelling non-linearity in 3D shapes: A comparative study of Gaussian process morphable models and variational autoencoders for 3D shape data,
F. Fehr
OpenUCT MSc Thesis, 2020


Text Content Classification on News Articles,
F. Fehr S. Soutar
UCT BBusSc Thesis, 2018.