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FP7 Vision Day

Idiap is organizing a workshop to brainstorm about possible future "research visions", which could be exploited in future EU-FP7 calls, or in other research projects, such as AMI and IM2.

This event is by invitation only, and will take place on September 4th (afternoon) and 5th (all day) 2006 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Our goal is to gather for 1.5 days between 20 and 30 people involved in research, with a good balance between project involvement (IM2, AMI, others), genders, PhD students, senior researchers, management, entrepreneurs, also including a few people not directly involved in the above projects. The first condition is to be "innovative" and "outspoken".

Although this workshop will be under invitation only, and with limited attendance (max 30 people), we intend to publish a report at the end of the workshop about the process as well as the conclusions, which will then be made publicly available.

To help us with this event, we have hired a meeting facilitator, Jim Pulcrano, who will use the DeepDive process to optimize interactions, creativity, and outcome. This should help you to see that the meeting should be very well run, and also fun.

We will ask you to cover your own (probably very limited) travel and hotel expenses (although we will be happy to help you with hotel accommodations).

Travel Grants


A small number of travel grants are available. These will be preferentially awarded to young researchers and students. Ask us for more details.