The GridTk User Guide¶
The gridtk
framework is a python library to help submitting, tracking and
querying SGE. Here is quick example on how to use the gridtk
framework to
submit a python script:
import sys
from gridtk.sge import JobManagerSGE
from import make_shell
manager = JobManagerSGE()
command = make_shell(sys.executable, ['', '--help'])
job = manager.submit(command)
You can do, programatically, everything you can do with the job manager - just
browse the help messages and the jman
script for more information.
API to the Job Managers¶
- class gridtk.manager.JobManager(database='submitted.sql3', wrapper_script=None, debug=False)[source]¶
This job manager defines the basic interface for handling jobs in the SQL database.
- run_job(job_id, array_id=None)[source]¶
This function is called to run a job (e.g. in the grid) with the given id and the given array index if applicable.
- list(job_ids, print_array_jobs=False, print_dependencies=False, long=False, print_times=False, status=('submitted', 'queued', 'waiting', 'executing', 'success', 'failure'), names=None, ids_only=False)[source]¶
Lists the jobs currently added to the database.
Defines the job manager which can help you managing submitted grid jobs.
- class gridtk.sge.JobManagerSGE(context='grid', **kwargs)[source]¶
The JobManager will submit and control the status of submitted jobs
- submit(command_line, name=None, array=None, dependencies=[], exec_dir=None, log_dir='logs', dry_run=False, verbosity=0, stop_on_failure=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Submits a job that will be executed in the grid.
- communicate(job_ids=None)[source]¶
Communicates with the SGE grid (using qstat) to see if jobs are still running.
- resubmit(job_ids=None, also_success=False, running_jobs=False, new_command=None, verbosity=0, keep_logs=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Re-submit jobs automatically
Defines the job manager which can help you managing submitted grid jobs.
- class gridtk.local.JobManagerLocal(**kwargs)[source]¶
Manages jobs run in parallel on the local machine.
- submit(command_line, name=None, array=None, dependencies=[], exec_dir=None, log_dir=None, dry_run=False, stop_on_failure=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Submits a job that will be executed on the local machine during a call to “run”. All kwargs will simply be ignored.
- resubmit(job_ids=None, also_success=False, running_jobs=False, new_command=None, keep_logs=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Re-submit jobs automatically
- stop_jobs(job_ids=None)[source]¶
Resets the status of the job to ‘submitted’ when they are labeled as ‘executing’.
The Models of the SQL3 Databases¶
- class gridtk.models.ArrayJob(id, job_id)[source]¶
This class defines one element of an array job.
- unique¶
- job¶
- id¶
- job_id¶
- status¶
- result¶
- machine_name¶
- submit_time¶
- start_time¶
- finish_time¶
- class gridtk.models.Job(command_line, name=None, exec_dir=None, log_dir=None, array_string=None, queue_name='local', machine_name=None, stop_on_failure=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
This class defines one Job that was submitted to the Job Manager.
- unique¶
- id¶
- submit_time¶
- start_time¶
- finish_time¶
- status¶
- result¶
- command_line¶
- name¶
- queue_name¶
- machine_name¶
- grid_arguments¶
- exec_dir¶
- log_dir¶
- stop_on_failure¶
- array_string¶
- queue(new_job_id=None, new_job_name=None, queue_name=None)[source]¶
Sets the status of this job to ‘queued’ or ‘waiting’.
- class gridtk.models.JobDependence(waiting_job_id, waited_for_job_id)[source]¶
This table defines a many-to-many relationship between Jobs.
- id¶
- waiting_job¶
- waited_for_job¶
- waiting_job_id¶
- waited_for_job_id¶
Functions that replace the shell based utilities for the grid submission and probing.
Creates a directory if it does not exists. Takes into consideration concurrent access support. Works like the shell’s ‘mkdir -p’.
Return the string representation of the given ‘name’. If it is a bytes object, it will be converted into str. If it is a str object, it will simply be resurned.
-, queue=None, cwd=True, name=None, deps=[], stdout='', stderr='', env=[], array=None, context='grid', hostname=None, memfree=None, hvmem=None, gpumem=None, pe_opt=None, io_big=False, sge_extra_args='')[source]¶
Submits a shell job to a given grid queue
Keyword parameters:
- command
The command to be submitted to the grid
- queue
A valid queue name or None, to use the default queue
- cwd
If the job should change to the current working directory before starting
- name
An optional name to set for the job. If not given, defaults to the script name being launched.
- deps
Job ids to which this job will be dependent on
- stdout
The standard output directory. If not given, defaults to what qsub has as a default.
- stderr
The standard error directory (if not given, defaults to the stdout directory).
- env
This is a list of extra variables that will be set on the environment running the command of your choice.
- array
If set should be either:
a string in the form m[-n[:s]] which indicates the starting range ‘m’, the closing range ‘n’ and the step ‘s’.
an integer value indicating the total number of jobs to be submitted. This is equivalent ot set the parameter to a string “1-k:1” where “k” is the passed integer value
a tuple that contains either 1, 2 or 3 elements indicating the start, end and step arguments (“m”, “n”, “s”).
The minimum value for “m” is 1. Giving “0” is an error.
If submitted with this option, the job to be created will be an SGE parametric job. In this mode SGE does not allow individual control of each job. The environment variable SGE_TASK_ID will be set on the executing process automatically by SGE and indicates the unique identifier in the range for which the current job instance is for.
- context
The setshell context in which we should try a ‘qsub’. Normally you don’t need to change the default. This variable can also be set to a context dictionary in which case we just setup using that context instead of probing for a new one, what can be fast.
- memfree
If set, it asks the queue for a node with a minimum amount of memory Used only if mem is not set (cf. qsub -l mem_free=<…>)
- hvmem
If set, it asks the queue for a node with a minimum amount of memory Used only if mem is not set (cf. qsub -l h_vmem=<…>)
- gpumem
Applicable only for GPU-based queues. If set, it asks for the GPU queue with a minimum amount of memory. The amount should not be more than 24. (cf. qsub -l gpumem=<…>)
- hostname
If set, it asks the queue to use only a subset of the available nodes Symbols: | for OR, & for AND, ! for NOT, etc. (cf. qsub -l hostname=<…>)
- pe_opt
If set, add a -pe option when launching a job (for instance pe_exclusive* 1-)
- io_big
If set to true, the io_big flag will be set. Use this flag if your process will need a lot of Input/Output operations.
- sge_extra_args
This is used to send extra argument to SGE. Note that all its arguments are directly used in qsub command. For example, jman submit -e “-P project_name -l pytorch=true” – … will be translated to qsub -P project_name -l pytorch=true – …
Returns the job id assigned to this job (integer)
-, command)[source]¶
Returns a single command given a shell and a command to be qsub’ed
Keyword parameters:
- shell
The path to the shell to use when submitting the job.
- command
The script path to be submitted
Returns the command parameters to be supplied to qsub()
-, context='grid')[source]¶
Queries status of a given job.
Keyword parameters:
- jobid
The job identifier as returned by qsub()
- context
The setshell context in which we should try a ‘qsub’. Normally you don’t need to change the default. This variable can also be set to a context dictionary in which case we just setup using that context instead of probing for a new one, what can be fast.
Returns a dictionary with the specific job properties
-, context='grid')[source]¶
Halts a given job.
Keyword parameters:
- jobid
The job identifier as returned by qsub()
- context
The setshell context in which we should try a ‘qsub’. Normally you don’t need to change the default. This variable can also be set to a context dictionary in which case we just setup using that context instead of probing for a new one, what can be fast.
A helper function that let’s you chunk a list in an SGE array job. Use this function like
a = a[get_array_job_slice(len(a))]
to only process a chunk ofa
.- Parameters
total_length (int) – The length of the list that you are trying to slice
- Returns
A slice to be used.
- Return type
- Raises
NotImplementedError – If “SGE_TASK_FIRST” and “SGE_TASK_STEPSIZE” are not 1.
Low-level Utilities¶
Wrappers for Idiap’s SETSHELL functionality
- gridtk.setshell.environ(context)[source]¶
Retrieves the environment for a particular SETSHELL context