Source code for gridtk.models

import os

from datetime import datetime
from pickle import dumps, loads

from sqlalchemy import (
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship

from .tools import logger

Base = declarative_base()

Status = ("submitted", "queued", "waiting", "executing", "success", "failure")

[docs]class ArrayJob(Base): """This class defines one element of an array job.""" __tablename__ = "ArrayJob" unique = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) id = Column(Integer) job_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("Job.unique")) status = Column(Enum(*Status)) result = Column(Integer) machine_name = Column(String(10)) submit_time = Column(DateTime) start_time = Column(DateTime) finish_time = Column(DateTime) job = relationship("Job", backref="array", order_by=id) def __init__(self, id, job_id): = id self.job_id = job_id self.status = Status[0] self.result = None self.machine_name = None # will be set later, by the Job class self.submit_time = self.start_time = None self.finish_time = None
[docs] def std_out_file(self): return ( self.job.std_out_file() + "." + str( if self.job.log_dir else None )
[docs] def std_err_file(self): return ( self.job.std_err_file() + "." + str( if self.job.log_dir else None )
def __str__(self): n = "<ArrayJob %d> of <Job %d>" % (, if self.result is not None: r = "%s (%d)" % (self.status, self.result) else: r = "%s" % self.status return "%s : %s" % (n, r)
[docs] def format(self, format): """Formats the current job into a nicer string to fit into a table.""" job_id = "%d - %d" % (, queue = ( self.job.queue_name if self.machine_name is None else self.machine_name ) status = "%s" % self.status + ( " (%d)" % self.result if self.result is not None else "" ) return format.format("", job_id, queue, status)
[docs]class Job(Base): """This class defines one Job that was submitted to the Job Manager.""" __tablename__ = "Job" unique = Column( Integer, primary_key=True ) # The unique ID of the job (not corresponding to the grid ID) command_line = Column( String(255) ) # The command line to execute, converted to one string name = Column(String(20)) # A hand-chosen name for the task queue_name = Column(String(20)) # The name of the queue machine_name = Column( String(10) ) # The name of the machine in which the job is run grid_arguments = Column( String(255) ) # The kwargs arguments for the job submission (e.g. in the grid) id = Column(Integer) # The ID of the job as given from the grid exec_dir = Column( String(255) ) # The directory in which the command should be executed log_dir = Column( String(255) ) # The directory where the log files will be put to array_string = Column( String(255) ) # The array string (only needed for re-submission) stop_on_failure = Column( Boolean ) # An indicator whether to stop depending jobs when this job finishes with an error submit_time = Column(DateTime) start_time = Column(DateTime) finish_time = Column(DateTime) status = Column(Enum(*Status)) result = Column(Integer) def __init__( self, command_line, name=None, exec_dir=None, log_dir=None, array_string=None, queue_name="local", machine_name=None, stop_on_failure=False, **kwargs ): """Constructs a Job object without an ID (needs to be set later).""" self.command_line = dumps(command_line) = name self.queue_name = ( queue_name # will be set during the queue command later ) self.machine_name = ( machine_name # will be set during the execute command later ) self.grid_arguments = dumps(kwargs) self.exec_dir = exec_dir self.log_dir = log_dir self.stop_on_failure = stop_on_failure self.array_string = dumps(array_string) self.submit()
[docs] def submit(self, new_queue=None): """Sets the status of this job to 'submitted'.""" self.status = "submitted" self.result = None self.machine_name = None if new_queue is not None: self.queue_name = new_queue for array_job in self.array: array_job.status = "submitted" array_job.result = None array_job.machine_name = None self.submit_time = self.start_time = None self.finish_time = None
[docs] def queue(self, new_job_id=None, new_job_name=None, queue_name=None): """Sets the status of this job to 'queued' or 'waiting'.""" # update the job id (i.e., when the job is executed in the grid) if new_job_id is not None: = new_job_id if new_job_name is not None: = new_job_name if queue_name is not None: self.queue_name = queue_name new_status = "queued" self.result = None # check if we have to wait for another job to finish for job in self.get_jobs_we_wait_for(): if job.status not in ("success", "failure"): new_status = "waiting" elif self.stop_on_failure and job.status == "failure": new_status = "failure" # reset the queued jobs that depend on us to waiting status for job in self.get_jobs_waiting_for_us(): if job.status == "queued": job.status = "failure" if new_status == "failure" else "waiting" self.status = new_status for array_job in self.array: if array_job.status not in ("success", "failure"): array_job.status = new_status
[docs] def execute(self, array_id=None, machine_name=None): """Sets the status of this job to 'executing'.""" self.status = "executing" if array_id is not None: for array_job in self.array: if == array_id: array_job.status = "executing" if machine_name is not None: array_job.machine_name = machine_name array_job.start_time = elif machine_name is not None: self.machine_name = machine_name if self.start_time is None: self.start_time = # sometimes, the 'finish' command did not work for array jobs, # so check if any old job still has the 'executing' flag set for job in self.get_jobs_we_wait_for(): if job.array and job.status == "executing": job.finish(0, -1)
[docs] def finish(self, result, array_id=None): """Sets the status of this job to 'success' or 'failure'.""" # check if there is any array job still running new_status = "success" if result == 0 else "failure" new_result = result finished = True if array_id is not None: for array_job in self.array: if == array_id: array_job.status = new_status array_job.result = result array_job.finish_time = if array_job.status not in ("success", "failure"): finished = False elif new_result == 0: new_result = array_job.result if finished: # There was no array job, or all array jobs finished self.status = "success" if new_result == 0 else "failure" self.result = new_result self.finish_time = # update all waiting jobs for job in self.get_jobs_waiting_for_us(): if job.status == "waiting": job.queue()
[docs] def refresh(self): """Refreshes the status information.""" if self.status == "executing" and self.array: new_result = 0 for array_job in self.array: if array_job.status == "failure" and new_result is not None: new_result = array_job.result elif array_job.status not in ("success", "failure"): new_result = None if new_result is not None: self.status = "success" if new_result == 0 else "failure" self.result = new_result
[docs] def get_command_line(self): """Returns the command line for the job.""" # In python 2, the command line is unicode, which needs to be converted to string before pickling; # In python 3, the command line is bytes, which can be pickled directly return ( loads(self.command_line) if isinstance(self.command_line, bytes) else loads(self.command_line.encode()) )
[docs] def set_command_line(self, command_line): """Sets / overwrites the command line for the job.""" self.command_line = dumps(command_line)
[docs] def get_exec_dir(self): """Returns the command line for the job.""" # In python 2, the command line is unicode, which needs to be converted to string before pickling; # In python 3, the command line is bytes, which can be pickled directly return ( str(os.path.realpath(self.exec_dir)) if self.exec_dir is not None else None )
[docs] def get_array(self): """Returns the array arguments for the job; usually a string.""" # In python 2, the command line is unicode, which needs to be converted to string before pickling; # In python 3, the command line is bytes, which can be pickled directly return ( loads(self.array_string) if isinstance(self.array_string, bytes) else loads(self.array_string.encode()) )
[docs] def get_arguments(self): """Returns the additional options for the grid (such as the queue, memory requirements, ...).""" # In python 2, the command line is unicode, which needs to be converted to string before pickling; # In python 3, the command line is bytes, which can be pickled directly args = ( loads(self.grid_arguments)["kwargs"] if isinstance(self.grid_arguments, bytes) else loads(self.grid_arguments.encode())["kwargs"] ) # in any case, the commands have to be converted to str retval = {} if "pe_opt" in args: retval["pe_opt"] = args["pe_opt"] if "memfree" in args and args["memfree"] is not None: retval["memfree"] = args["memfree"] if "hvmem" in args and args["hvmem"] is not None: retval["hvmem"] = args["hvmem"] if "gpumem" in args and args["gpumem"] is not None: retval["gpumem"] = args["gpumem"] if "env" in args and len(args["env"]) > 0: retval["env"] = args["env"] if "io_big" in args and args["io_big"]: retval["io_big"] = True if "sge_extra_args" in args: retval["sge_extra_args"] = args["sge_extra_args"] # also add the queue if self.queue_name is not None: retval["queue"] = str(self.queue_name) return retval
[docs] def set_arguments(self, **kwargs): self.grid_arguments = dumps(kwargs)
[docs] def get_jobs_we_wait_for(self): return [ j.waited_for_job for j in self.jobs_we_have_to_wait_for if j.waited_for_job is not None ]
[docs] def get_jobs_waiting_for_us(self): return [ j.waiting_job for j in self.jobs_that_wait_for_us if j.waiting_job is not None ]
[docs] def std_out_file(self, array_id=None): return ( os.path.join( self.log_dir, ( if else "job") + ".o" + str(, ) if self.log_dir else None )
[docs] def std_err_file(self, array_id=None): return ( os.path.join( self.log_dir, ( if else "job") + ".e" + str(, ) if self.log_dir else None )
def _cmdline(self): cmdline = self.get_command_line() c = "" for cmd in cmdline: if cmd[0] == "-": c += "%s " % cmd else: c += "'%s' " % cmd return c def __str__(self): id = "%d (%d)" % (self.unique, if self.machine_name: m = "%s - %s" % (self.queue_name, self.machine_name) else: m = self.queue_name if self.array: a = "[%d-%d:%d]" % self.get_array() else: a = "" if is not None: n = "<Job: %s %s - '%s'>" % (id, a, else: n = "<Job: %s>" % id if self.result is not None: r = "%s (%d)" % (self.status, self.result) else: r = "%s" % self.status return "%s | %s : %s -- %s" % (n, m, r, self._cmdline())
[docs] def format(self, format, dependencies=0, limit_command_line=None): """Formats the current job into a nicer string to fit into a table.""" command_line = self._cmdline() if ( limit_command_line is not None and len(command_line) > limit_command_line ): command_line = command_line[: limit_command_line - 3] + "..." job_id = "%d" % + ( " [%d-%d:%d]" % self.get_array() if self.array else "" ) status = "%s" % self.status + ( " (%d)" % self.result if self.result is not None else "" ) queue = ( self.queue_name if self.machine_name is None else self.machine_name ) if limit_command_line is None: grid_opt = self.get_arguments() if grid_opt: # add additional information about the job at the end command_line = ( "<" + ",".join( [ "%s=%s" % (key, value) for key, value in grid_opt.items() ] ) + ">: " + command_line ) if self.exec_dir is not None: command_line += ( "; [Executed in directory: '%s']" % self.exec_dir ) if dependencies: deps = str( sorted( list( set([dep.unique for dep in self.get_jobs_we_wait_for()]) ) ) ) if dependencies < len(deps): deps = deps[: dependencies - 3] + "..." return format.format( self.unique, job_id, queue[:12], status, str(, deps, command_line, ) else: return format.format( self.unique, job_id, queue[:12], status, str(, command_line, )
[docs]class JobDependence(Base): """This table defines a many-to-many relationship between Jobs.""" __tablename__ = "JobDependence" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) waiting_job_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey("Job.unique") ) # The ID of the waiting job waited_for_job_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey("Job.unique") ) # The ID of the job to wait for # This is twisted: The 'jobs_we_have_to_wait_for' field in the Job class needs to be joined with the waiting job id, so that jobs_we_have_to_wait_for.waiting_job is correct # Honestly, I am lost but it seems to work... waiting_job = relationship( "Job", backref="jobs_we_have_to_wait_for", primaryjoin=(Job.unique == waiting_job_id), order_by=id, ) # The job that is waited for waited_for_job = relationship( "Job", backref="jobs_that_wait_for_us", primaryjoin=(Job.unique == waited_for_job_id), order_by=id, ) # The job that waits def __init__(self, waiting_job_id, waited_for_job_id): self.waiting_job_id = waiting_job_id self.waited_for_job_id = waited_for_job_id
[docs]def add_job( session, command_line, name="job", dependencies=[], array=None, exec_dir=None, log_dir=None, stop_on_failure=False, **kwargs ): """Helper function to create a job, add the dependencies and the array jobs.""" job = Job( command_line=command_line, name=name, exec_dir=exec_dir, log_dir=log_dir, array_string=array, stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure, kwargs=kwargs, ) session.add(job) session.flush() session.refresh(job) # by default id and unique id are identical, but the id might be overwritten later on = job.unique for d in dependencies: if d == job.unique: logger.warn("Adding self-dependency of job %d is not allowed" % d) continue depending = list(session.query(Job).filter(Job.unique == d)) if len(depending): session.add(JobDependence(job.unique, depending[0].unique)) else: logger.warn( "Could not find dependent job with id %d in database" % d ) if array: (start, stop, step) = array # add array jobs for i in range(start, stop + 1, step): session.add(ArrayJob(i, job.unique)) session.commit() return job
[docs]def times(job): """Returns a string containing timing information for teh given job, which might be a :py:class:`Job` or an :py:class:`ArrayJob`.""" timing = "Submitted: %s" % job.submit_time.ctime() if job.start_time is not None: timing += "\nStarted : %s \t Job waited : %s" % ( job.start_time.ctime(), job.start_time - job.submit_time, ) if job.finish_time is not None: timing += "\nFinished : %s \t Job executed: %s" % ( job.finish_time.ctime(), job.finish_time - job.start_time, ) return timing