
Very often during the processing of sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline with big chunks of data, it is useful to have checkpoints of some steps of the pipeline into the disk. This is useful for several purposes, such as:

  • Reusing samples that are expensive to be re-computed.

  • Inspection of algorithms.

Scikit-learn has a caching mechanism that allows the caching of sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline that can be used for such purpose. Although useful, such structure is not user friendly.

As we detailed in Samples, a way to enhance scikit pipelines with metadata, sklearn estimators can be extended to handle samples with metadata. Now, one metadata can be a unique identifier of each sample. We will refer to this unique identifier as sample.key. If we have that in our samples, we can use that identifier to save and load samples from disk. This is what we call checkpointing and to do this, all you need to do is to wrap your estimator with CheckpointWrapper and make sure your samples have the .key metadata.

Checkpointing samples

Below, you will see an example on how checkpointing works. First, let’s make a transformer.

>>> # by convention, we import bob.pipelines as mario, because mario works with pipes ;)
>>> import bob.pipelines as mario
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator
>>> class MyTransformer(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator):
...     def transform(self, X, sample_specific_offsets):
...         print(f"Transforming {len(X)} samples ...")
...         return np.array(X) + np.array(sample_specific_offsets)
...     def fit(self, X):
...         print("Fit was called!")
...         return self

All checkpointing transformers must be able to handle Sample’s. For that, we can use SampleWrapper:

>>> transform_extra_arguments=[("sample_specific_offsets", "offset")]
>>> sample_transformer = mario.SampleWrapper(MyTransformer(), transform_extra_arguments)

Then, we wrap it with CheckpointWrapper:

>>> # create some samples with ``key`` metadata
>>> # Creating X: 3 samples, 2 features
>>> X = np.zeros((3, 2))
>>> # 3 offsets: one for each sample
>>> offsets = np.arange(3).reshape((3, 1))
>>> # key values must be string because they will be used to create file names.
>>> samples = [mario.Sample(x, offset=o, key=str(i)) for i, (x, o) in enumerate(zip(X, offsets))]
>>> samples[0]
Sample(data=array([0., 0.]), offset=array([0]), key='0')

>>> import tempfile
>>> import os
>>> # create a temporary directory to save checkpoints
>>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dir_name:
...    checkpointing_transformer = mario.CheckpointWrapper(
...        sample_transformer, features_dir=dir_name)
...    # transform samples
...    transformed_samples = checkpointing_transformer.transform(samples)
...    # Let's check the features directory
...    list(sorted(os.listdir(dir_name)))
Transforming 3 samples ...
['0.h5', '1.h5', '2.h5']


By default, CheckpointWrapper saves samples inside HDF5 files but you can change that. Refer to its documentation to see how.

If checkpoints for a sample already exists, it will not be recomputed but loaded from disk:

>>> # create a temporary directory to save checkpoints
>>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dir_name:
...    checkpointing_transformer = mario.CheckpointWrapper(
...        sample_transformer, features_dir=dir_name)
...    # transform samples for the first time, it should print transforming 3 samples
...    transformed_samples1 = checkpointing_transformer.transform(samples)
...    # transform samples again. This time it should not print transforming 3
...    # samples
...    transformed_samples2 = checkpointing_transformer.transform(samples)
...    # It should print True
...    print(np.allclose(transformed_samples1[1].data, transformed_samples2[1].data))
Transforming 3 samples ...


SampleSet’s can be checkpointed as well. The samples inside them should have the .key metadata.

Checkpointing estimators

We can also checkpoint estimators after their training ( This allows us to load the estimator from disk instead of training it if .fit is called and a checkpoint exists.

>>> # create a temporary directory to save checkpoints
>>> with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="model", suffix=".pkl") as f:
...    f.close()
...    checkpointing_transformer = mario.CheckpointWrapper(
...        sample_transformer,
...    # call .fit for the first time, it should print Fit was called!
...    __ =
...    # call .fit again. This time it should not print anything
...    __ =
Fit was called!

Convenience wrapper function

We provide a wrap function to wrap estimators in several layers easily. So far we learned that we need to wrap our estimators with SampleWrapper and CheckpointWrapper. There is also a Dask wrapper: DaskWrapper which you’ll learn about in Dask: Scale your scikit.learn pipelines. Below, is an example on how to use it. Instead of:

>>> transformer = MyTransformer()

>>> transform_extra_arguments=[("sample_specific_offsets", "offset")]
>>> transformer = mario.SampleWrapper(transformer, transform_extra_arguments)

>>> transformer = mario.CheckpointWrapper(
...     transformer, features_dir="features", model_path="model.pkl")

>>> transformer = mario.DaskWrapper(transformer)

You can write:

>>> transformer = mario.wrap(
...     [MyTransformer, "sample", "checkpoint", "dask"],
...     transform_extra_arguments=transform_extra_arguments,
...     features_dir="features",
...     model_path="model.pkl",
... )
>>> # or if your estimator is already created.
>>> transformer = mario.wrap(
...     ["sample", "checkpoint", "dask"],
...     MyTransformer(),
...     transform_extra_arguments=transform_extra_arguments,
...     features_dir="features",
...     model_path="model.pkl",
... )

Much simpler, no? Internally "sample" string will be replaced by SampleWrapper. You provide a list of classes to wrap as the first argument, optionally provide an estimator to be wrapped as the second argument. If the second argument is missing, the first class will be used to create the estimator. Then, you provide the __init__ parameters of all classes as kwargs. Internally, wrap will pass kwargs to classes that accept it.


wrap is a convenience function but it might be limited in what it can do. You can always use the wrapper classes directly.

wrap recognizes sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline objects and when pipelines are passed, it wraps the steps inside them instead. For example, instead of:

>>> transformer1 = mario.wrap(
...     [MyTransformer, "sample"],
...     transform_extra_arguments=transform_extra_arguments,
... )
>>> transformer2 = mario.wrap(
...     [MyTransformer, "sample"],
...     transform_extra_arguments=transform_extra_arguments,
... )
>>> from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
>>> pipeline = make_pipeline(transformer1, transformer2)

you can write:

>>> pipeline = make_pipeline(MyTransformer(), MyTransformer())
>>> pipeline = mario.wrap(["sample"], pipeline, transform_extra_arguments=transform_extra_arguments)

It will pass transform_extra_arguments to all steps when wrapping them with the SampleWrapper. You cannot pass specific arguments to one of the steps. Wrapping pipelines with wrap, while limited, becomes useful when we are wrapping them with Dask as we will see in Dask: Scale your scikit.learn pipelines.