.. _bob.pipelines.sample: Samples, a way to enhance scikit pipelines with metadata ========================================================= Some tasks in pattern recognition demands the usage of metadata to support some processing (e.g. face cropping, audio segmentation). To support scikit-learn based estimators with such requirement task, this package provides two mechanisms that: 1. Wraps input data in a layer called :any:`Sample` that allows you to append some metadata to your original input data. 2. A wrapper class (:any:`SampleWrapper`) that interplay between :any:`Sample` and your estimator. What is a Sample ? ------------------ A :any:`Sample` is a simple container that wraps a data-point. The example below shows how this can be used to wrap a :any:`numpy.array`. .. doctest:: >>> # by convention, we import bob.pipelines as mario, because mario works with pipes ;) >>> import bob.pipelines as mario >>> import numpy as np >>> data = np.array([1, 3]) >>> sample = mario.Sample(data) >>> sample Sample(data=array([1, 3])) >>> sample.data is data True Sample and metadata ------------------- Metadata can be added as keyword arguments in :any:`Sample`, like: .. doctest:: >>> sample = mario.Sample(data, gender="Male") >>> sample Sample(data=array([1, 3]), gender='Male') >>> sample.gender 'Male' Transforming Samples -------------------- Imagine that we have the following transformer that requires some metadata to actually work: .. doctest:: >>> from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator >>> >>> class MyTransformer(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator): ... def transform(self, X, sample_specific_offsets): ... return np.array(X) + np.array(sample_specific_offsets) ... ... def fit(self, X): ... pass ... ... def _more_tags(self): ... return {"requires_fit": False} >>> >>> >>> # Creating X: 3 samples, 2 features >>> X = np.zeros((3, 2)) >>> # 3 offsets: one for each sample >>> offsets = np.arange(3).reshape((3, 1)) >>> transformer = MyTransformer() >>> >>> transformer.transform(X, offsets) array([[0., 0.], [1., 1.], [2., 2.]]) While this transformer works well by itself, it can't be used by :any:`sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline`: .. doctest:: >>> from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline >>> pipeline = make_pipeline(transformer) >>> pipeline.transform(X, offsets) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: _transform() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given To approach this issue, :any:`SampleWrapper` can be used. This class wraps other estimators and accepts as input samples and passes the data with metadata inside samples to the wrapped estimator: .. doctest:: >>> # construct a list of samples from the data we had before >>> samples = [mario.Sample(x, offset=o) for x, o in zip(X, offsets)] >>> samples[1] Sample(data=array([0., 0.]), offset=array([1])) Now we need to tell :any:`SampleWrapper` to pass the ``offset`` inside samples as an extra argument to our transformer as ``sample_specific_offsets``. This is accommodated by the ``transform_extra_arguments`` parameter. It accepts a list of tuples that maps sample metadata to arguments of the transformer: .. doctest:: >>> transform_extra_arguments=[("sample_specific_offsets", "offset")] >>> sample_transformer = mario.SampleWrapper(transformer, transform_extra_arguments) >>> transformed_samples = sample_transformer.transform(samples) >>> # transformed values will be stored in sample.data >>> np.array([s.data for s in transformed_samples]) array([[0., 0.], [1., 1.], [2., 2.]]) Note that wrapped estimators accept samples as input and return samples. Also, they keep the sample's metadata around in transformed samples. .. doctest:: >>> transformed_samples[1].data array([1., 1.]) >>> transformed_samples[1].offset # the `offset` metadata is available here too. array([1]) Now that our transformer is wrapped, we can also use it inside a pipeline: .. doctest:: >>> sample_pipeline = make_pipeline(sample_transformer) >>> np.array([s.data for s in sample_pipeline.transform(samples)]) array([[0., 0.], [1., 1.], [2., 2.]]) Delayed Sample -------------- Sometimes keeping several samples into memory and transferring them over the network can be very memory and bandwidth demanding. For these cases, there is :any:`DelayedSample`. A :any:`DelayedSample` acts like a :any:`Sample`, but its `data` attribute is implemented as a function that can load the respective data from its permanent storage representation. To create a :any:`DelayedSample`, you pass a ``load()`` function that when called without any parameter, it must load and return the required data. Below, follow an example on how to use :any:`DelayedSample`. .. doctest:: >>> def load(): ... # load data (usually from disk) and return ... print("Loading data from disk!") ... return np.zeros((2,)) >>> delayed_sample = mario.DelayedSample(load, metadata=1) >>> delayed_sample DelayedSample(metadata=1) As soon as you access the ``.data`` attribute, the data is loaded and returned: .. doctest:: >>> delayed_sample.data Loading data from disk! array([0., 0.]) :any:`DelayedSample` can be used instead of :any:`Sample` transparently: .. doctest:: >>> from functools import partial >>> def load_ith_data(i): ... return np.zeros((2,)) + i >>> >>> delayed_samples = [mario.DelayedSample(partial(load_ith_data, i), offset=[i]) for i in range(3)] >>> np.array([s.data for s in sample_pipeline.transform(delayed_samples)]) array([[0., 0.], [2., 2.], [4., 4.]]) .. note:: Actually, :any:`SampleWrapper` always returns :any:`DelayedSample`'s. This becomes useful when the data returned is not used. We will see that happening in :ref:`bob.pipelines.checkpoint`. Sample Set ---------- A :any:`SampleSet`, as the name suggests, represents a set of samples. Such set of samples can represent the samples that belongs to a class. Below, follow an snippet on how to use :any:`SampleSet`. .. doctest:: >>> sample_sets = [ ... mario.SampleSet(samples, class_name="A"), ... mario.SampleSet(delayed_samples, class_name="B"), ... ] >>> sample_sets[0] SampleSet(samples=[Sample(data=array([0., 0.]), offset=array([0])), Sample(data=array([0., 0.]), offset=array([1])), Sample(data=array([0., 0.]), offset=array([2]))], class_name='A') :any:`SampleWrapper` works transparently with :any:`SampleSet`'s as well. It will transform each sample inside and returns the same SampleSets with new data. .. doctest:: >>> transformed_sample_sets = sample_pipeline.transform(sample_sets) >>> transformed_sample_sets[0].samples[1] DelayedSample(offset=array([1])) >>> transformed_sample_sets[0].samples[1].data array([1., 1.])