.. _bob.install: *************************** Installation Instructions *************************** We offer pre-compiled binary installations of Bob using `conda`_ for Linux and MacOS 64-bit operating systems. Currently, we do not support Windows. Please install and get familiar with `conda`_ first by referring to their website before getting started. Then, make sure you have an up-to-date `conda`_ installation with the **correct configuration** by running the commands below: .. code:: sh $ conda update -n root conda $ conda config --set show_channel_urls True $ conda config --add channels defaults $ conda config --add channels https://www.idiap.ch/software/bob/conda Now you can create an envrionment and install |project| in that environment: .. code:: sh $ conda create -n bob_py3 --override-channels \ -c https://www.idiap.ch/software/bob/conda \ -c defaults \ python=3 bob $ source activate bob_py3 $ python -c 'import bob.io.base' .. warning:: Be aware that if you use packages from our channel and other user/community channels (especially ``conda-forge``) in one environment, you may end up with a broken envrionment. We can only guarantee that the packages in our channel are compatible with the ``defaults`` channel. You can install other |project| `packages`_ by reading the instructions on their webpage. In most cases, the installation should be as simple as: .. code:: sh $ conda install or if there are no conda packages available for that package: .. code:: sh $ pip install For a comprehensive list of packages that are either part of |project| or use |project|, please visit `packages`_. .. include:: links.rst