
bob.measure.farfrr((object)negatives, (object)positives, (float)threshold) → tuple :

Calculates the FA ratio and the FR ratio given positive and negative scores and a threshold. ‘positives’ holds the score information for samples that are labelled to belong to a certain class (a.k.a., ‘signal’ or ‘client’). ‘negatives’ holds the score information for samples that are labelled not to belong to the class (a.k.a., ‘noise’ or ‘impostor’).

It is expected that ‘positive’ scores are, at least by design, greater than ‘negative’ scores. So, every positive value that falls bellow the threshold is considered a false-rejection (FR). ‘negative’ samples that fall above the threshold are considered a false-accept (FA).

Positives that fall on the threshold (exactly) are considered correctly classified. Negatives that fall on the threshold (exactly) are considered incorrectly classified. This equivalent to setting the comparision like this pseudo-code:

foreach (positive as K) if K < threshold: falseRejectionCount += 1 foreach (negative as K) if K >= threshold: falseAcceptCount += 1

The ‘threshold’ value does not necessarily have to fall in the range covered by the input scores (negatives and positives altogether), but if it does not, the output will be either (1.0, 0.0) or (0.0, 1.0) depending on the side the threshold falls.

The output is in form of a std::pair of two double-precision real numbers. The numbers range from 0 to 1. The first element of the pair is the false-accept ratio. The second element of the pair is the false-rejection ratio.

It is possible that scores are inverted in the negative/positive sense. In some setups the designer may have setup the system so ‘positive’ samples have a smaller score than the ‘negative’ ones. In this case, make sure you normalize the scores so positive samples have greater scores before feeding them into this method.