
class bob.core.random.uniform_int32((object)arg1[, (int)min=0[, (int)max=9]]) → None :

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

Uniform distribution within a range (integer numbers).

The distribution class uniform_int32 (boost::uniform_int<int32>) models a uniform random distribution. On each invocation, it returns a random integer value uniformly distributed in the set of integer numbers {min, min+1, min+2, …, max}.

Constructs a new object of this type, ‘min’ and ‘max’ are parameters of the distribution

__init__((object)arg1[, (int)min=0[, (int)max=9]]) → None :

Constructs a new object of this type, ‘min’ and ‘max’ are parameters of the distribution


__init__((object)arg1 [, (int)min=0 [, …) Constructs a new object of this type, ‘min’ and ‘max’ are parameters of the distribution
reset((uniform_int32)self) This is a noop for this distribution, here only for consistency


max The maximum for this distribution
min The minimum for this distribution
__call__((uniform_int32)self, (mt19937)rng) → int

The maximum for this distribution


The minimum for this distribution

reset((uniform_int32)self) → None :

This is a noop for this distribution, here only for consistency