Source code for bob.rppg.cvpr14.motion_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

# Copyright (c) 2017 Idiap Research Institute,
# Written by Guillaume Heusch <>,
# This file is part of bob.rpgg.base.
# bob.rppg.base is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# bob.rppg.base is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with bob.rppg.base. If not, see <>.

import numpy

[docs]def build_segments(signal, length): """build_segments(signal, length) -> segments Builds an array containing segments of the signal. The signal is divided into segments of provided length (no overlap) and the different segments are stacked. **Parameters** ``signal`` (1d numpy array): The signal to be processed. ``length`` (int): The length of the segments. **Returns** ``segments`` (2d numpy array (n_segments, length)): the segments composing the signal. ``end_index`` (int): The length of the signal (there may be a trail smaller than a segment at the end of the signal, that will be discarded). """ number_of_segments = int(numpy.floor(signal.shape[0] / float(length))) end_index = number_of_segments * length segments = numpy.reshape(signal[:end_index], (number_of_segments, length)) return segments, end_index
[docs]def prune_segments(segments, threshold): """prune_segments(segments, threshold) -> pruned_segments Remove segments. Segments are removed if their standard deviation is higher than the provided threshold. **Parameters** ``segments`` (2d numpy array): The set of segments. ``threshold`` (float): Threshold on the standard deviation. **Returns** ``pruned_segments`` (2d numpy array): The set of "stable" segments. ``gaps`` (list of dim (# of retained segments)): Boolean list that tells if a gap should be accounted for when building the final signal. ``cut_index`` (list of tuples): Contains the start and end index of each removed segment. Used for plotting purposes. """ final_segments = [] gaps = [] # the first kept segment could not have a gap cut_index = [] for i in range(segments.shape[0]): # if this segment is below the threshold, keep it if numpy.std(segments[i], ddof=1) <= threshold: final_segments.append(segments[i]) # if this is the first segment, no need to take care of the gap if len(final_segments) == 1: gaps.append(False) # if this is not the first segment, and that previous one was discarded, gap elif numpy.std(segments[i-1], ddof=1) > threshold : gaps.append(True) # this is not the first, but the previous one has not been discarded else: gaps.append(False) else: cut_index.append(((i*segments.shape[1]), ((i+1)*segments.shape[1]))) return numpy.array(final_segments), gaps, cut_index
[docs]def build_final_signal(segments, gaps): """build_final_signal(segments, gaps) -> final_signal Builds the final signal with remaining segments. **Parameters** ``segments`` (2d numpy array): The set of remaining segments. ``gaps`` (list): Boolean list that tells if a gap should be accounted for when building the final signal. **Returns** ``final_signal`` (1d numpy array): The final signal. """ signal_length = segments.shape[0] * segments.shape[1] final_signal = numpy.zeros(signal_length) gap = 0 for i in range(segments.shape[0]): final_signal[i*segments.shape[1]: (i+1)*segments.shape[1]] = segments[i] # fill the vertical gap if gaps[i]: # compute the gap between this segment and the previous one gap = segments[i, 0] - segments[i-1, -1] # correct all of the following segments (they will be shifted) segments[i:, :] -= gap # build the final signal using the shifted segment final_signal[i*segments.shape[1]:(i+1)*segments.shape[1]] = segments[i] return final_signal
[docs]def build_final_signal_cvpr14(segments, gaps): """def build_final_signal_original(segments, gaps) -> final_signal .. WARNING:: This contains a bug ! Builds the final signal, but reproducing the bug found in the code provided by the authors of [li-cvpr-2014]_. The bug is in the 'collage' of remaining segments. The gap is not always properly accounted for... **Parameters** ``segments`` (2d numpy array): The set of remaining segments. ``gaps`` (list): Boolean list that tells if a gap should be accounted for when building the final signal. **Returns** ``final_signal`` (1d numpy array): The final signal. """ signal_length = segments.shape[0] * segments.shape[1] final_signal = numpy.zeros(signal_length) gap = 0 original_segments = numpy.copy(segments) for i in range(segments.shape[0]): final_signal[i*segments.shape[1]: (i+1)*segments.shape[1]] = segments[i] # fill the vertical gap if gaps[i]: # compute the gap between this segment and the previous one # XXX the bug is here: gap is computed using the original signal # XXX instead of the corrected one (if there was one or more previous gaps) gap = segments[i, 0] - original_segments[i-1, -1] # correct all of the following segments (they will be shifted) segments[i:, :] -= gap # build the final signal using the shifted segment final_signal[i*segments.shape[1]:(i+1)*segments.shape[1]] = segments[i] return final_signal