Source code for bob.rppg.cvpr14.filter_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

# Copyright (c) 2017 Idiap Research Institute,
# Written by Guillaume Heusch <>,
# This file is part of bob.rpgg.base.
# bob.rppg.base is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# bob.rppg.base is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with bob.rppg.base. If not, see <>.

import numpy

[docs]def detrend(signal, Lambda): """detrend(signal, Lambda) -> filtered_signal This function applies a detrending filter. This code is based on the following article "An advanced detrending method with application to HRV analysis". Tarvainen et al., IEEE Trans on Biomedical Engineering, 2002. **Parameters** ``signal`` (1d numpy array): The signal where you want to remove the trend. ``Lambda`` (int): The smoothing parameter. **Returns** ``filtered_signal`` (1d numpy array): The detrended signal. """ signal_length = signal.shape[0] # observation matrix H = numpy.identity(signal_length) # second-order difference matrix from scipy.sparse import spdiags ones = numpy.ones(signal_length) minus_twos = -2*numpy.ones(signal_length) diags_data = numpy.array([ones, minus_twos, ones]) diags_index = numpy.array([0, 1, 2]) D = spdiags(diags_data, diags_index, (signal_length-2), signal_length).toarray() filtered_signal = - numpy.linalg.inv(H + (Lambda**2) *, D))), signal) return filtered_signal
[docs]def average(signal, window_size): """average(signal, window_size) -> filtered_signal Moving average filter. **Parameters** ``signal`` (1d numpy array): The signal to filter. ``window_size`` (int): The size of the window to compute the average. **Returns** ``filtered_signal`` (1d numpy array): The averaged signal. """ from scipy.signal import lfilter a = 1.0 b = numpy.zeros(window_size) b += (1.0 / float(window_size)) filtered_signal = lfilter(b, a, signal) return filtered_signal