Source code for bob.rppg.cvpr14.extract_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

# Copyright (c) 2017 Idiap Research Institute,
# Written by Guillaume Heusch <>,
# This file is part of bob.rpgg.base.
# bob.rppg.base is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# bob.rppg.base is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with bob.rppg.base. If not, see <>.

import os, sys
import numpy

import bob.ip.draw
import bob.ip.color

[docs]def kp66_to_mask(image, keypoints, indent=10, plot=False): """kp66_to_mask(image, keypoints[, indent][, plot]) -> mask, mask_points This function builds a mask on the lower part of the face The mask is built using selected keypoints retrieved by a Discriminative Response Map Fitting (DRMF) algorithm. Note that the DRMF is not implemented here, and that the keypoints are loaded from file (and are not provided in the package). Note also that this function is explicitly made for the keypoints set generated by the Matlab software downloaded from If you decide to use another keypoint detector, you may need to rewrite a function to build the mask from your keypoints. **Parameters:** ``image`` (3d numpy array): The current frame. ``keypoints`` (2d numpy array 66x2): the set of 66 keypoints retrieved by DRMF. ``indent`` ([Optional] int): The percentage of the facewidth [in pixels] by which selected keypoints are shifted inside the face to build the mask. THe facewidth is defined by the distance between the two keypoints located on the right and left edge of the face, at the eyes' height. Default to 10. ``plot`` ([Optional] boolean): If set to True, plots the current face with the selected keypoints and the built mask. Default to False **Returns** ``mask`` (2d numpy boolean array): A boolean array of the size of the original image, where the region corresponding to the mask is True. ``mask_points`` (list of tuples, 9x2): The points corresponding to vertices of the mask. """ assert keypoints.shape[0] == 66, "You should provide a set 66 keypoints" if plot: imkey = numpy.copy(image) # there are 9 points to define the mask mask_points = [] for k in range(keypoints.shape[0]): if k == 1 or k == 3 or k == 5 or k == 8 or k == 11 or k == 13 or k == 15 or k == 41 or k == 47: mask_points.append([int(keypoints[k, 0]), int(keypoints[k, 1])]) if plot: bob.ip.draw.cross(imkey, (int(keypoints[k, 0]), int(keypoints[k, 1])), 4, (255,0,0)) # indent in pixel will be the percentage provided of the face width # face width is defined as the distance between point 0 and point 6 face_width = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum((numpy.array(mask_points[0]) - numpy.array(mask_points[6]))**2)) indent = int(float(indent)/100 * face_width) # left contour mask_points[0][1] += indent mask_points[1][1] += indent mask_points[2][1] += indent # chin tip mask_points[3][0] -= indent # right contour mask_points[4][1] -= indent mask_points[5][1] -= indent mask_points[6][1] -= indent # below left eye mask_points[7][0] += indent # below right eye mask_points[8][0] += indent # swap left and right eye such that vertices are following each other swp = mask_points[7] mask_points[7] = mask_points[8] mask_points[8] = swp if plot: for k in range(len(mask_points)-1): bob.ip.draw.line(imkey, (mask_points[k][0], mask_points[k][1]), (mask_points[k+1][0], mask_points[k+1][1]), (0,255,0)) bob.ip.draw.line(imkey, (mask_points[0][0], mask_points[0][1]), (mask_points[8][0], mask_points[8][1]), (0,255,0)) from matplotlib import pyplot pyplot.imshow(numpy.rollaxis(numpy.rollaxis(imkey, 2),2)) pyplot.title('Built mask') mask = get_mask(image, mask_points) return mask_points, mask
[docs]def get_mask(image, mask_points): """get_mask(image, mask_points) -> mask This function returns a boolean array where the mask is True. It turns mask points into a region of interest and returns the corresponding boolean array, of the same size as the image. Taken from **Parameters** ``image`` (3d numpy array): The current frame. ``mask_points`` (list of tuples, 9x2): The points corresponding to vertices of the mask. **Returns** ``mask`` (2d numpy boolean array): A boolean array of the size of the original image, where the region corresponding to the mask is True. """ import matplotlib.path as mplPath ny = image.shape[1] nx = image.shape[2] poly_verts = [(mask_points[0][1], mask_points[0][0])] for i in range(len(mask_points)-1, -1, -1): poly_verts.append((mask_points[i][1], mask_points[i][0])) x, y = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.arange(nx), numpy.arange(ny)) x, y = x.flatten(), y.flatten() points = numpy.vstack((x,y)).T ROIpath = mplPath.Path(poly_verts, closed=True) grid = ROIpath.contains_points(points).reshape((ny,nx)) grid = grid.astype('bool') return grid
[docs]def get_good_features_to_track(face, npoints, quality=0.01, min_distance=10, plot=False): """get_good_features_to_track(face, npoints[, quality][, min_distance][, plot]) -> corners This function applies the openCV function "good features to track" **Parameters** ``face`` (3d numpy array): The cropped face image ``npoints`` (int): The maximum number of strong corners you want to detect ``quality`` ([Optional] float): The minimum relative quality of the detected corners. Note that increasing this value decreases the number of detected corners. Defaluts to 0.01. ``min_distance`` ([Optional] int): minimum euclidean distance between detected corners. Defaults to 10. ``plot`` ([Optional] boolean): if we should plot the currently selected features to track. Defaults to False. **Returns** ``corners`` (numpy array of dim (npoints, 1, 2)): the detected strong corners. """ from cv2 import goodFeaturesToTrack gray = bob.ip.color.rgb_to_gray(face) #corners = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(gray, npoints, quality, min_distance) corners = goodFeaturesToTrack(gray, npoints, quality, min_distance) if plot: display = numpy.copy(face) int_corners = numpy.int0(corners) for i in int_corners: x,y = i.ravel() bob.ip.draw.cross(display, (y, x), 3, (255,0,0)) from matplotlib import pyplot pyplot.imshow(numpy.rollaxis(numpy.rollaxis(display, 2),2)) pyplot.title('Good features to track') return corners
[docs]def track_features(previous, current, previous_points, plot=False): """track_features(previous, current, previous_points[, plot]) -> current points This function projects the features from the previous frame in the current frame. **Parameters** ``previous`` (3d numpy array): the previous frame. ``current`` (3d numpy array): the current frame. ``previous_points`` (numpy array of dim (npoints, 1, 2)): the set of keypoints to track (in the previous frame). ``plot`` ([Optional] boolean): Plots the keypoints projected on the current frame. Defaults to False. **Returns** ``current_points`` (numpy array of dim (npoints, 1, 2)): the set of keypoints in the current frame. """ prev_gray = bob.ip.color.rgb_to_gray(previous) curr_gray = bob.ip.color.rgb_to_gray(current) from cv2 import calcOpticalFlowPyrLK current_points = calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prev_gray, curr_gray, prevPts=previous_points, nextPts=None) if plot: display = numpy.copy(current) int_corners = numpy.int0(current_points[0]) for i in int_corners: x,y = i.ravel() bob.ip.draw.cross(display, (y, x), 3, (255,0,0)) from matplotlib import pyplot pyplot.imshow(numpy.rollaxis(numpy.rollaxis(display, 2),2)) pyplot.title('Result of the tracked features') return current_points[0]
[docs]def find_transformation(previous_points, current_points): """find_transformation(previous_points, current_points) -> transformation matrix: This function finds the transformation matrix from previous points to current points. The transformation matrix is found using estimateRigidTransform (fancier alternatives have been tried, but are not that stable). **Parameters** ``previous_points`` (numpy array): Set of 'starting' 2d points ``current_points`` (numpy array): Set of 'destination' 2d points **Returns** ``transformation_matrix`` (numpy array of dim (3,2)): the affine transformation matrix between the two sets of points. """ from cv2 import estimateRigidTransform #return cv2.estimateRigidTransform(previous_points, current_points, False) return estimateRigidTransform(previous_points, current_points, False)
[docs]def get_current_mask_points(previous_mask_points, transfo_matrix): """get_current_mask_points(previous_mask_points, transfo_matrix) -> current_mask_points This projects the previous mask points to get the current mask. **Parameters** ``previous_mask_points`` (numpy array): The points forming the mask in the previous frame ``transformation_matrix`` (numpy array (3x2)): the affine transformation matrix between the two sets of points. **Returns** ``current_mask_points`` (numpy array): The points forming the mask in the current frame """ previous_mask_points = numpy.array([previous_mask_points], dtype='float64') from cv2 import transform #new_mask_points = cv2.transform(previous_mask_points, transfo_matrix) new_mask_points = transform(previous_mask_points, transfo_matrix) return new_mask_points[0].tolist()
[docs]def compute_average_colors_mask(image, mask, plot=False): """compute_average_colors_mask(image, mask[, plot]) -> green_color This function computes the average green color within a given mask. **Parameters** ``image`` (3d numpy array ): The image containing the face. ``mask`` (2d numpy boolean array): A boolean array of the size of the original image, where the region corresponding to the mask is True. ``plot`` ([Optional] boolean): Plot the mask as an overlay on the original image. Defaults to False. **Returns** ``color`` (float): The average green color inside the mask ROI. """ if plot: from matplotlib import pyplot display = numpy.copy(image) display[:, mask] = 255 pyplot.imshow(numpy.rollaxis(numpy.rollaxis(display, 2),2)) pyplot.title('Mask overlaid on the original frame') green = image[1, mask] return numpy.mean(green)
[docs]def compute_average_colors_wholeface(image, plot=False): """compute_average_colors_mask(image [, plot]) -> green_color This function computes the average green color within the provided face image **Parameters** ``image`` (3d numpy array ): The cropped face image ``plot`` ([Optional] boolean): Plot the mask as an overlay on the original image. Defaults to False. **Returns** ``color`` (float): The average green color inside the face """ if plot: from matplotlib import pyplot display = numpy.copy(image) pyplot.imshow(numpy.rollaxis(numpy.rollaxis(display, 2),2)) pyplot.title('Face area used to compute the mean green value') green = image[1, :] return numpy.mean(green)