"""Scikit-learn Estimator Wrappers."""
import logging
import os
import tempfile
import time
import traceback
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
import cloudpickle
import dask
import dask.array as da
import dask.bag
import numpy as np
from dask import delayed
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, MetaEstimatorMixin, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer
import bob.io.base
from .sample import DelayedSample, Sample, SampleBatch, SampleSet
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _frmt(estimator, limit=30, attr="estimator"):
# default value of limit is chosen so the log can be seen in dask graphs
def _n(e):
return e.__class__.__name__.replace("Wrapper", "")
name = ""
while hasattr(estimator, attr):
name += f"{_n(estimator)}|"
estimator = getattr(estimator, attr)
if (
isinstance(estimator, FunctionTransformer)
and type(estimator) is FunctionTransformer
name += str(estimator.func.__name__)
name += str(estimator)
name = f"{name:.{limit}}"
return name
def copy_learned_attributes(from_estimator, to_estimator):
attrs = {k: v for k, v in vars(from_estimator).items() if k.endswith("_")}
for k, v in attrs.items():
setattr(to_estimator, k, v)
class BaseWrapper(MetaEstimatorMixin, BaseEstimator):
"""The base class for all wrappers."""
def _more_tags(self):
return self.estimator._more_tags()
def _make_kwargs_from_samples(samples, arg_attr_list):
kwargs = {
arg: [getattr(s, attr) for s in samples] for arg, attr in arg_attr_list
return kwargs
def _check_n_input_output(samples, output, func_name):
ls, lo = len(samples), len(output)
if ls != lo:
raise RuntimeError(
f"{func_name} got {ls} samples but returned {lo} samples!"
class DelayedSamplesCall:
def __init__(
self, func, func_name, samples, sample_attribute="data", **kwargs
self.func = func
self.func_name = func_name
self.samples = samples
self.output = None
self.sample_attribute = sample_attribute
def __call__(self, index):
if self.output is None:
# Isolate invalid samples (when previous transformers returned None)
invalid_ids = [
i for i, s in enumerate(self.samples) if s.data is None
valid_samples = [s for s in self.samples if s.data is not None]
# Process only the valid samples
if len(valid_samples) > 0:
X = SampleBatch(
valid_samples, sample_attribute=self.sample_attribute
self.output = self.func(X)
valid_samples, self.output, self.func_name
if self.output is None:
self.output = [None] * len(valid_samples)
# Rebuild the full batch of samples (include the previously failed)
if len(invalid_ids) > 0:
self.output = list(self.output)
for i in invalid_ids:
self.output.insert(i, None)
return self.output[index]
class SampleWrapper(BaseWrapper, TransformerMixin):
"""Wraps scikit-learn estimators to work with :any:`Sample`-based
Do not use this class except for scikit-learn estimators.
The scikit-learn estimator that is wrapped.
fit_extra_arguments : [tuple]
Use this option if you want to pass extra arguments to the fit method of the
mixed instance. The format is a list of two value tuples. The first value in
tuples is the name of the argument that fit accepts, like ``y``, and the second
value is the name of the attribute that samples carry. For example, if you are
passing samples to the fit method and want to pass ``subject`` attributes of
samples as the ``y`` argument to the fit method, you can provide ``[("y",
"subject")]`` as the value for this attribute.
output_attribute : str
The name of a Sample attribute where the output of the estimator will be
saved to [Default is ``data``]. For example, if ``output_attribute`` is
``"annotations"``, then ``sample.annotations`` will contain the output of
the estimator.
transform_extra_arguments : [tuple]
Similar to ``fit_extra_arguments`` but for the transform and other similar
delayed_output : bool
If ``True``, the output will be an instance of ``DelayedSample`` otherwise it
will be an instance of ``Sample``.
def __init__(
self.estimator = estimator
bob_tags = get_bob_tags(self.estimator)
self.input_attribute = input_attribute or bob_tags["bob_input"]
self.transform_extra_arguments = (
transform_extra_arguments or bob_tags["bob_transform_extra_input"]
self.fit_extra_arguments = (
fit_extra_arguments or bob_tags["bob_fit_extra_input"]
self.output_attribute = output_attribute or bob_tags["bob_output"]
self.delayed_output = delayed_output
def _samples_transform(self, samples, method_name):
# Transform either samples or samplesets
method = getattr(self.estimator, method_name)
func_name = f"{self}.{method_name}"
if isinstance(samples[0], SampleSet):
return [
self._samples_transform(sset.samples, method_name),
for sset in samples
kwargs = _make_kwargs_from_samples(
samples, self.transform_extra_arguments
delayed = DelayedSamplesCall(
partial(method, **kwargs),
if self.output_attribute != "data":
# Edit the sample.<output_attribute> instead of data
for i, s in enumerate(samples):
setattr(s, self.output_attribute, delayed(i))
new_samples = samples
new_samples = []
for i, s in enumerate(samples):
if self.delayed_output:
sample = DelayedSample(
partial(delayed, index=i), parent=s
sample = Sample(delayed(i), parent=s)
return new_samples
[docs] def decision_function(self, samples):
return self._samples_transform(samples, "decision_function")
[docs] def predict(self, samples):
return self._samples_transform(samples, "predict")
[docs] def predict_proba(self, samples):
return self._samples_transform(samples, "predict_proba")
[docs] def score(self, samples):
return self._samples_transform(samples, "score")
[docs] def fit(self, samples, y=None, **kwargs):
# If samples is a dask bag or array, pass the arguments unmodified
# The data is already prepared in the DaskWrapper
if isinstance(samples, (dask.bag.core.Bag, dask.array.Array)):
self.estimator.fit(samples, y=y, **kwargs)
return self
if y is not None:
raise TypeError(
"We don't accept `y` in fit arguments because `y` should be part of "
"the sample. To pass `y` to the wrapped estimator, use "
"`fit_extra_arguments` tag."
if not estimator_requires_fit(self.estimator):
return self
# if the estimator needs to be fitted.
# Samples is list of either Sample or DelayedSample created with
# DelayedSamplesCall function, therefore some element in the list can be
# None.
# Filter out invalid samples (i.e. samples[k] == None), otherwise
# SampleBatch will fail and throw exceptions
samples = [
s for s in samples if getattr(s, self.input_attribute) is not None
X = SampleBatch(samples, sample_attribute=self.input_attribute)
kwargs = _make_kwargs_from_samples(samples, self.fit_extra_arguments)
self.estimator = self.estimator.fit(X, **kwargs)
copy_learned_attributes(self.estimator, self)
return self
class CheckpointWrapper(BaseWrapper, TransformerMixin):
"""Wraps :any:`Sample`-based estimators so the results are saved in
The scikit-learn estimator to be wrapped.
model_path: str
Saves the estimator state in this directory if the `estimator` is stateful
features_dir: str
Saves the transformed data in this directory
extension: str
Default extension of the transformed features.
If None, will use the ``bob_checkpoint_extension`` tag in the estimator, or
default to ``.h5``.
Pointer to a customized function that saves transformed features to disk.
If None, will use the ``bob_feature_save_fn`` tag in the estimator, or default
to ``bob.io.base.save``.
Pointer to a customized function that loads transformed features from disk.
If None, will use the ``bob_feature_load_fn`` tag in the estimator, or default
to ``bob.io.base.load``.
sample_attribute: str
Defines the payload attribute of the sample.
If None, will use the ``bob_output`` tag in the estimator, or default to
Pointer to a hash function. This hash function maps
`sample.key` to a hash code and this hash code corresponds a relative directory
where a single `sample` will be checkpointed.
This is useful when is desirable file directories with less than
a certain number of files.
Number of checkpoint attempts. Sometimes, because of network/disk issues
files can't be saved. This argument sets the maximum number of attempts
to checkpoint a sample.
force: bool
If True, will recompute the checkpoints even if they exists
def __init__(
bob_tags = get_bob_tags(estimator)
self.extension = extension or bob_tags["bob_checkpoint_extension"]
self.save_func = save_func or bob_tags["bob_features_save_fn"]
self.load_func = load_func or bob_tags["bob_features_load_fn"]
self.sample_attribute = sample_attribute or bob_tags["bob_output"]
if not bob_tags["bob_checkpoint_features"]:
"Checkpointing is disabled for %s beacuse the bob_checkpoint_features tag is False.",
features_dir = None
self.force = force
self.estimator = estimator
self.model_path = model_path
self.features_dir = features_dir
self.hash_fn = hash_fn
self.attempts = attempts
# Paths check
if model_path is None and features_dir is None:
"Both model_path and features_dir are None. "
f"Nothing will be checkpointed. From: {self}"
def _checkpoint_transform(self, samples, method_name):
# Transform either samples or samplesets
method = getattr(self.estimator, method_name)
# if features_dir is None, just transform all samples at once
if self.features_dir is None:
return method(samples)
def _transform_samples(samples):
paths = [self.make_path(s) for s in samples]
should_compute_list = [
self.force or p is None or not os.path.isfile(p) for p in paths
# call method on non-checkpointed samples
non_existing_samples = [
for s, should_compute in zip(samples, should_compute_list)
if should_compute
# non_existing_samples could be empty
computed_features = []
if non_existing_samples:
computed_features = method(non_existing_samples)
non_existing_samples, computed_features, method
# return computed features and checkpointed features
features, com_feat_index = [], 0
for s, p, should_compute in zip(
samples, paths, should_compute_list
if should_compute:
feat = computed_features[com_feat_index]
com_feat_index += 1
# save the computed feature when valid (not None)
if (
p is not None
and getattr(feat, self.sample_attribute) is not None
# sometimes loading the file fails randomly
for _ in range(self.attempts):
feat = self.load(s, p)
except Exception:
error = traceback.format_exc()
raise RuntimeError(
f"Could not load using: {self.load}({s}, {p}) with the following error: {error}"
features.append(self.load(s, p))
return features
if isinstance(samples[0], SampleSet):
return [
SampleSet(_transform_samples(s.samples), parent=s)
for s in samples
return _transform_samples(samples)
[docs] def decision_function(self, samples):
return self.estimator.decision_function(samples)
[docs] def predict(self, samples):
return self.estimator.predict(samples)
[docs] def predict_proba(self, samples):
return self.estimator.predict_proba(samples)
[docs] def score(self, samples):
return self.estimator.score(samples)
[docs] def fit(self, samples, y=None, **kwargs):
if not estimator_requires_fit(self.estimator):
return self
# if the estimator needs to be fitted.
if self.model_path is not None and os.path.isfile(self.model_path):
logger.info("Found a checkpoint for model. Loading ...")
return self.load_model()
self.estimator = self.estimator.fit(samples, y=y, **kwargs)
copy_learned_attributes(self.estimator, self)
return self.save_model()
[docs] def make_path(self, sample):
if self.features_dir is None:
return None
key = str(sample.key)
if key.startswith(os.sep) or ".." in key:
raise ValueError(
"Sample.key values should be relative paths with no "
f"reference to upper folders. Got: {key}"
hash_dir_name = self.hash_fn(key) if self.hash_fn is not None else ""
return os.path.join(
self.features_dir, hash_dir_name, key + self.extension
[docs] def save(self, sample):
path = self.make_path(sample)
# Gets sample.data or sample.<sample_attribute> if specified
to_save = getattr(sample, self.sample_attribute)
for _ in range(self.attempts):
dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
# Atomic writing
extension = "".join(Path(path).suffixes)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
dir=dirname, delete=False, suffix=extension
) as f:
self.save_func(to_save, f.name)
os.replace(f.name, path)
# test loading
except Exception:
error = traceback.format_exc()
raise RuntimeError(
f"Could not save {to_save} of type {type(to_save)} using {self.save_func} with the following error: {error}"
[docs] def load(self, sample, path):
# because we are checkpointing, we return a DelayedSample
# instead of a normal (preloaded) sample. This allows the next
# phase to avoid loading it would it be unnecessary (e.g. next
# phase is already check-pointed)
if self.sample_attribute == "data":
return DelayedSample(partial(self.load_func, path), parent=sample)
loaded = self.load_func(path)
setattr(sample, self.sample_attribute, loaded)
return sample
[docs] def load_model(self):
if not estimator_requires_fit(self.estimator):
return self
with open(self.model_path, "rb") as f:
loaded_estimator = cloudpickle.load(f)
# We update self.estimator instead of replacing it because
# self.estimator might be referenced elsewhere.
_update_estimator(self.estimator, loaded_estimator)
return self
[docs] def save_model(self):
if (
not estimator_requires_fit(self.estimator)
or self.model_path is None
return self
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.model_path), exist_ok=True)
with open(self.model_path, "wb") as f:
cloudpickle.dump(self.estimator, f)
return self
def _update_estimator(estimator, loaded_estimator):
# recursively update estimator with loaded_estimator without replacing
# estimator.estimator
if hasattr(estimator, "estimator"):
_update_estimator(estimator.estimator, loaded_estimator.estimator)
for k, v in loaded_estimator.__dict__.items():
if k != "estimator":
estimator.__dict__[k] = v
def is_checkpointed(estimator):
return is_instance_nested(estimator, "estimator", CheckpointWrapper)
[docs]def getattr_nested(estimator, attr):
if hasattr(estimator, attr):
return getattr(estimator, attr)
elif hasattr(estimator, "estimator"):
return getattr_nested(estimator.estimator, attr)
return None
def _sample_attribute(samples, attribute):
return [getattr(s, attribute) for s in samples]
def _len_samples(samples):
return [len(samples)]
def _shape_samples(samples):
return [[s.shape for s in samples]]
def _array_from_sample_bags(X: dask.bag.Bag, attribute: str, ndim: int = 2):
if ndim not in (1, 2):
raise NotImplementedError(f"ndim must be 1 or 2. Got: {ndim}")
if ndim == 1:
stack_function = np.concatenate
stack_function = np.vstack
# because samples could be delayed samples, we convert sample bags to
# sample.attribute bags first and then persist
X = X.map_partitions(_sample_attribute, attribute=attribute).persist()
# convert sample.attribute bags to arrays
delayeds = X.to_delayed()
lengths = X.map_partitions(_len_samples)
shapes = X.map_partitions(_shape_samples)
lengths, shapes = dask.compute(lengths, shapes)
dtype, X = None, []
for length_, shape_, delayed_samples_list in zip(lengths, shapes, delayeds):
delayed_samples_list._length = length_
if dtype is None:
dtype = np.array(delayed_samples_list[0].compute()).dtype
# stack the data in each bag
stacked_samples = dask.delayed(stack_function)(delayed_samples_list)
# make sure shapes are at least 2d
for i, s in enumerate(shape_):
if len(s) == 1 and ndim == 2:
shape_[i] = (1,) + s
elif len(s) == 0:
# if shape is empty, it means that the samples are scalars
if ndim == 1:
shape_[i] = (1,)
shape_[i] = (1, 1)
stacked_shape = sum(s[0] for s in shape_)
stacked_shape = [stacked_shape] + list(shape_[0][1:])
darray = da.from_delayed(
# stack data from all bags
X = stack_function(X)
return X
class DaskWrapper(BaseWrapper, TransformerMixin):
"""Wraps Scikit estimators to handle Dask Bags as input.
fit_resource: str
Mark the delayed(self.fit) with this value. This can be used in
a future delayed(self.fit).compute(resources=resource_tape) so
dask scheduler can place this task in a particular resource
(e.g GPU)
transform_resource: str
Mark the delayed(self.transform) with this value. This can be used in
a future delayed(self.transform).compute(resources=resource_tape) so
dask scheduler can place this task in a particular resource
(e.g GPU)
def __init__(
self.estimator = estimator
self._dask_state = estimator
self.resource_tags = dict()
self.fit_tag = fit_tag
self.transform_tag = transform_tag
self.fit_supports_dask_array = (
or get_bob_tags(self.estimator)["bob_fit_supports_dask_array"]
self.fit_supports_dask_bag = (
or get_bob_tags(self.estimator)["bob_fit_supports_dask_bag"]
def _make_dask_resource_tag(self, tag):
return {tag: 1}
def _dask_transform(self, X, method_name):
graph_name = f"{_frmt(self)}.{method_name}"
def _transf(X_line, dask_state):
return getattr(dask_state, method_name)(X_line)
# change the name to have a better name in dask graphs
_transf.__name__ = graph_name
# scatter the dask_state to all workers for efficiency
dask_state = dask.delayed(self._dask_state)
map_partitions = X.map_partitions(_transf, dask_state)
if self.transform_tag:
] = self._make_dask_resource_tag(self.transform_tag)
return map_partitions
[docs] def decision_function(self, samples):
return self._dask_transform(samples, "decision_function")
[docs] def predict(self, samples):
return self._dask_transform(samples, "predict")
[docs] def predict_proba(self, samples):
return self._dask_transform(samples, "predict_proba")
[docs] def score(self, samples):
return self._dask_transform(samples, "score")
def _get_fit_params_from_sample_bags(self, bags):
logger.debug("Preparing data as dask arrays for fit")
input_attribute = getattr_nested(self, "input_attribute")
fit_extra_arguments = getattr_nested(self, "fit_extra_arguments")
# convert X which is a dask bag to a dask array
X = _array_from_sample_bags(bags, input_attribute, ndim=2)
kwargs = dict()
for arg, attr in fit_extra_arguments:
# we only create a dask array if the arg is named ``y``
if arg == "y":
kwargs[arg] = _array_from_sample_bags(bags, attr, ndim=1)
raise NotImplementedError(
f"fit_extra_arguments: {arg} is not supported, only ``y`` is supported."
return X, kwargs
def _fit_on_dask_array(self, bags, y=None, **fit_params):
if y is not None or fit_params:
raise ValueError(
"y or fit_params should be passed through fit_extra_arguments of the SampleWrapper"
X, fit_params = self._get_fit_params_from_sample_bags(bags)
self.estimator.fit(X, **fit_params)
return self
def _fit_on_dask_bag(self, bags, y=None, **fit_params):
# X is a dask bag of Samples convert to required fit parameters
logger.debug("Converting dask bag of samples to bags of fit parameters")
def getattr_list(samples, attribute):
return SampleBatch(samples, sample_attribute=attribute)
# we prepare the input parameters here instead of doing this in the
# SampleWrapper. The SampleWrapper class then will pass these dask bags
# directly to the underlying estimator.
bob_tags = get_bob_tags(self.estimator)
input_attribute = bob_tags["bob_input"]
fit_extra_arguments = bob_tags["bob_fit_extra_input"]
X = bags.map_partitions(getattr_list, input_attribute)
kwargs = {
arg: bags.map_partitions(getattr_list, attr)
for arg, attr in fit_extra_arguments
self.estimator.fit(X, **kwargs)
return self
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None, **fit_params):
if not estimator_requires_fit(self.estimator):
return self
model_path = None
if is_checkpointed(self):
model_path = getattr_nested(self, "model_path")
model_path = model_path or ""
if os.path.isfile(model_path):
f"Checkpointed estimator detected at {model_path}. The estimator ({_frmt(self)}) will be loaded and training will not run."
# we should load the estimator outside dask graph to make sure that
# the estimator loads in the scheduler
return self
if self.fit_supports_dask_array:
return self._fit_on_dask_array(X, y, **fit_params)
elif self.fit_supports_dask_bag:
return self._fit_on_dask_bag(X, y, **fit_params)
def _fit(X, y, **fit_params):
self.estimator = self.estimator.fit(X, y, **fit_params)
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Something went wrong when fitting {self.estimator} "
f"from {self}"
) from e
copy_learned_attributes(self.estimator, self)
return self.estimator
# change the name to have a better name in dask graphs
_fit.__name__ = f"{_frmt(self)}.fit"
_fit_call = delayed(_fit)(X, y, **fit_params)
self._dask_state = _fit_call.persist()
if self.fit_tag is not None:
# If you do `delayed(_fit)(X, y)`, two tasks are generated;
# the `finalize-TASK` and `TASK`. With this, we make sure
# that the two are annotated
for k in ["", "finalize-"]
] = self._make_dask_resource_tag(self.fit_tag)
return self
class ToDaskBag(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator):
"""Transform an arbitrary iterator into a :any:`dask.bag.Bag`
>>> import bob.pipelines as mario
>>> transformer = mario.ToDaskBag()
>>> dask_bag = transformer.transform([1,2,3])
>>> # dask_bag.map_partitions(...)
npartitions : int
Number of partitions used in :any:`dask.bag.from_sequence`
def __init__(self, npartitions=None, partition_size=None, **kwargs):
self.npartitions = npartitions
self.partition_size = partition_size
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None):
return self
def _more_tags(self):
return {"requires_fit": False}
[docs]def wrap(bases, estimator=None, **kwargs):
"""Wraps several estimators inside each other.
If ``estimator`` is a pipeline, the estimators in that pipeline are wrapped.
The default behavior of wrappers can be customized through the tags; see
:any:`bob.pipelines.get_bob_tags` for more information.
bases : list
A list of classes to be used to wrap ``estimator``.
estimator : :any:`object`, optional
An initial estimator to be wrapped inside other wrappers.
If None, the first class will be used to initialize the estimator.
Extra parameters passed to the init of classes.
The wrapped estimator
If not all kwargs are consumed.
# if wrappers are passed as strings convert them to classes
for i, w in enumerate(bases):
if isinstance(w, str):
bases[i] = {
"sample": SampleWrapper,
"checkpoint": CheckpointWrapper,
"dask": DaskWrapper,
def _wrap(estimator, **kwargs):
# wrap the object and pass the kwargs
for w_class in bases:
valid_params = w_class._get_param_names()
params = {k: kwargs.pop(k) for k in valid_params if k in kwargs}
if estimator is None:
estimator = w_class(**params)
estimator = w_class(estimator, **params)
return estimator, kwargs
# if the estimator is a pipeline, wrap its steps instead.
# We don't look for pipelines recursively because most of the time we
# don't want the inner pipeline's steps to be wrapped.
if isinstance(estimator, Pipeline):
# wrap inner steps
for idx, name, trans in estimator._iter():
# when checkpointing a pipeline, checkpoint each transformer in its own folder
new_kwargs = dict(kwargs)
features_dir, model_path = (
if features_dir is not None:
new_kwargs["features_dir"] = os.path.join(features_dir, name)
if model_path is not None:
new_kwargs["model_path"] = os.path.join(
model_path, f"{name}.pkl"
trans, leftover = _wrap(trans, **new_kwargs)
estimator.steps[idx] = (name, trans)
# if being wrapped with DaskWrapper, add ToDaskBag to the steps
if DaskWrapper in bases:
valid_params = ToDaskBag._get_param_names()
params = {k: leftover.pop(k) for k in valid_params if k in leftover}
dask_bag = ToDaskBag(**params)
estimator.steps.insert(0, ("ToDaskBag", dask_bag))
estimator, leftover = _wrap(estimator, **kwargs)
if leftover:
raise ValueError(f"Got extra kwargs that were not consumed: {leftover}")
return estimator
[docs]def estimator_requires_fit(estimator):
if not hasattr(estimator, "_get_tags"):
raise ValueError(
f"Passed estimator: {estimator} does not have the _get_tags method."
# If the estimator is wrapped, check the wrapped estimator
if is_instance_nested(
estimator, "estimator", (SampleWrapper, CheckpointWrapper, DaskWrapper)
return estimator_requires_fit(estimator.estimator)
# If estimator is a Pipeline, check if any of the steps requires fit
if isinstance(estimator, Pipeline):
return any([estimator_requires_fit(e) for _, e in estimator.steps])
# We check for the FunctionTransformer since theoretically it
# does require fit but it does not really need it.
if is_instance_nested(estimator, "estimator", FunctionTransformer):
return False
# if the estimator does not require fit, don't call fit
# See: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/developers/develop.html
tags = estimator._get_tags()
return tags["requires_fit"]
[docs]def is_instance_nested(instance, attribute, isinstance_of):
Check if an object and its nested objects is an instance of a class.
This is useful while using aggregation and it's necessary to check if some
functionally was aggregated
Object to be searched
Attribute name to be recursively searched
Instance class to be searched
if isinstance(instance, isinstance_of):
return True
if not hasattr(instance, attribute):
return False
# Checking the current object and its immediate nested
if isinstance(instance, isinstance_of) or isinstance(
getattr(instance, attribute), isinstance_of
return True
# Recursive search
return is_instance_nested(
getattr(instance, attribute), attribute, isinstance_of
[docs]def is_pipeline_wrapped(estimator, wrapper):
Iterates over the transformers of :py:class:`sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline` checking and
checks if they were wrapped with `wrapper` class
estimator: sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline
Pipeline to be checked
wrapper: type
The Wrapper class or a tuple of classes to be checked
Returns a list of boolean values, where each value indicates if the corresponding estimator is wrapped or not
if not isinstance(estimator, Pipeline):
raise ValueError(f"{estimator} is not an instance of Pipeline")
return [
is_instance_nested(trans, "estimator", wrapper)
for _, _, trans in estimator._iter()