Source code for bob.pad.voice.algorithm.TensorflowEval

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# @author: Pavel Korshunov <>
# @date: Wed 19 Oct 23:43:22 2016

from bob.pad.base.algorithm import Algorithm
import numpy

import os

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("bob.pad.voice")

class TensorflowEval(Algorithm):
    """This class is for evaluating data stored in tensorflow tfrecord format using a pre-trained LSTM model."""

    def __init__(self,
                 input_shape=[200, 81],  # [temporal_length, feature_size]
                 network_size=60,  # the output size of LSTM cell
                 normalization_file=None,  # file with normalization parameters from train set
        """Generates a test value that is read and written"""

        # call base class constructor registering that this tool performs everything.

        self.architecture_name = architecture_name
        self.input_shape = input_shape
        self.num_time_steps = input_shape[0]
        self.network_size = network_size
        self.data_std = None
#        import ipdb
#        ipdb.set_trace()
        features_length = input_shape[1]
        if normalization_file and os.path.exists(normalization_file):
  "Loading normalization file '%s' " % normalization_file)
            npzfile = numpy.load(normalization_file)
            self.data_mean = npzfile['data_mean']
            self.data_std = numpy.array(npzfile['data_std'])
            if not self.data_std.shape:  # if std was saved as scalar
                self.data_std = numpy.ones(features_length)
  "Normalization file '%s' does not exist!" % normalization_file)
            self.data_mean = 0
            self.data_std = 1

        self.data_reader = None
        self.session = None
        self.dnn_model = None
        self.data_placeholder = None

    # def simple_lstm_network(self, train_data_shuffler, batch_size=10, lstm_cell_size=64,
    #                         num_time_steps=28, num_classes=10, seed=10, reuse=False):
    #     import tensorflow as tf
    #     from bob.learn.tensorflow.layers import lstm
    #     slim = tf.contrib.slim
    #     if isinstance(train_data_shuffler, tf.Tensor):
    #         inputs = train_data_shuffler
    #     else:
    #         inputs = train_data_shuffler("data", from_queue=False)
    #     initializer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(seed=seed)
    #     # Creating an LSTM network
    #     graph = lstm(inputs, lstm_cell_size, num_time_steps=num_time_steps, batch_size=batch_size,
    #                  output_activation_size=num_classes, scope='lstm', name='sync_cell',
    #                  weights_initializer=initializer, activation=tf.nn.sigmoid, reuse=reuse)
    #     # fully connect the LSTM output to the classes
    #     graph = slim.fully_connected(graph, num_classes, activation_fn=None, scope='fc1',
    #                                  weights_initializer=initializer, reuse=reuse)
    #     return graph

[docs] def normalize_data(self, features): mean = numpy.mean(features, axis=0) std = numpy.std(features, axis=0) return numpy.divide(features - mean, std)
def _check_feature(self, feature): """Checks that the features are appropriate.""" if not isinstance(feature, numpy.ndarray) or feature.ndim != 2 or feature.dtype != numpy.float32: raise ValueError("The given feature is not appropriate", feature) return True
[docs] def restore_trained_model(self, projector_file): import tensorflow as tf if self.session is None: self.session = tf.Session() # add extra dimension to the input, so that 2D convolution would work data_pl = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None,) + tuple(self.input_shape) + (1,), name="data") # create an empty graph of the correct architecture but with needed batch_size==1 # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() if self.architecture_name == '3lstm': from import triple_lstm_network graph = triple_lstm_network(data_pl, batch_size=1, lstm_cell_size=self.network_size, num_time_steps=self.num_time_steps, num_classes=2, reuse=False) elif self.architecture_name == '2lstm': from import double_lstm_network graph = double_lstm_network(data_pl, batch_size=1, lstm_cell_size=self.network_size, num_time_steps=self.num_time_steps, num_classes=2, reuse=False) elif self.architecture_name == 'lstm': from import simple_lstm_network graph = simple_lstm_network(data_pl, batch_size=1, lstm_cell_size=self.network_size, num_time_steps=self.num_time_steps, num_classes=2, reuse=False) elif self.architecture_name == 'mlp': from import mlp_network graph = mlp_network(data_pl, hidden_layer_size=self.network_size, num_time_steps=self.num_time_steps, num_classes=2, reuse=False) elif self.architecture_name == 'simplecnn': from import simple2Dcnn_network graph = simple2Dcnn_network(data_pl, num_classes=2, reuse=False) elif self.architecture_name == 'lightcnn': from import LightCNN9 network = LightCNN9(n_classes=2, device="/cpu:0") graph = network(data_pl, reuse=False) else: return None saver = tf.train.Saver() # saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(projector_file + ".meta", clear_devices=True) saver.restore(self.session, projector_file) return tf.nn.softmax(graph, name="softmax"), data_pl
# return graph, data_pl
[docs] def load_projector(self, projector_file):"Loading pretrained model from {0}".format(projector_file)) self.dnn_model, self.data_placeholder = self.restore_trained_model(projector_file)
[docs] def project_feature(self, feature):" .... Projecting %d features vector" % feature.shape[0]) from bob.learn.tensorflow.datashuffler import DiskAudio if not self.data_reader: self.data_reader = DiskAudio([0], [0], [1] + self.input_shape) # normalize the feature using pre-loaded normalization parameters if self.data_std is not None and self.data_std.all() > 0: feature = numpy.divide(feature - self.data_mean, self.data_std) # split the feature in the sliding window frames frames, _ = self.data_reader.split_features_in_windows(features=feature, label=1, win_size=self.num_time_steps, sliding_step=1) #" .... And frames of shape {0} are extracted to pass into DNN model".format(frames.shape)) if frames is None: return None" .... And frames of shape {0} are extracted to pass into DNN model".format(frames.shape)) projections = numpy.zeros((len(frames), 2), dtype=numpy.float32) for i in range(frames.shape[0]): frame = frames[i] # reshape to 4D shape, so that all networks, including CNN-based # would work propery frame = numpy.reshape(frame, [1] + self.input_shape + [1])" .... projecting frame of shape {0} onto DNN model".format(frame.shape)) if self.session is not None: forward_output =, feed_dict={self.data_placeholder: frame}) projections[i] = forward_output[0] else: raise ValueError("Tensorflow session was not initialized, so cannot project on DNN model!")"Projected scores {0}".format(projections)) return numpy.asarray(projections, dtype=numpy.float32)
[docs] def project(self, feature): """project(feature) -> projected This function will project the given feature. It is assured that the :py:meth:`load_projector` was called once before the ``project`` function is executed. **Parameters:** feature : object The feature to be projected. **Returns:** projected : object The projected features. Must be writable with the :py:meth:`write_feature` function and readable with the :py:meth:`read_feature` function. """ if len(feature) > 0: # if we have a set of independent blocks to process # collect all projections and flatten them in one output array if isinstance(feature, list): projections = [] for feat in feature: feat = numpy.cast['float32'](feat) self._check_feature(feat) projection = self.project_feature(feat) if projection is not None: projections.extend(projection) if len(projections) == 0: return None return numpy.asarray(projections, dtype=numpy.float32) else: feature = numpy.cast['float32'](feature) self._check_feature(feature) return self.project_feature(feature) else: return numpy.zeros(1, dtype=numpy.float64)
[docs] def score_for_multiple_projections(self, toscore): """scorescore_for_multiple_projections(toscore) -> score **Returns:** score : float A score value for the object ``toscore``. """ scores = numpy.asarray(toscore, dtype=numpy.float32) real_scores = scores[:, 1] logger.debug("Mean score %f", numpy.mean(real_scores)) return [numpy.mean(real_scores)]
[docs] def score(self, toscore): """Returns the evarage value of the probe""" logger.debug("score() score %f", toscore) # return only real score return [toscore[0]]
algorithm = TensorflowEval()