Source code for bob.pad.vein.database.verafinger

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy
from bob.pad.base.database import PadFile, PadDatabase

[docs]class VerafingerPadFile(PadFile): """High-level implementation of Files for the Verafinger database """ def __init__(self, f): self.f = f super(VerafingerPadFile, self).__init__(client_id=f.finger.unique_name, path=f.path, attack_type=None if f.source == 'bf' else 'attack',
[docs]class VerafingerPadDatabase(PadDatabase): """High-level implementation for the Verafinger database Parameters ---------- kwargs The arguments of the :py:class:`` base class constructor. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): from bob.db.verafinger import PADDatabase as LowLevelDatabase self.db = LowLevelDatabase() super(VerafingerPadDatabase, self).__init__(name='verafinger', **kwargs)
[docs] def objects(self, groups=None, protocol=None, purposes=None, model_ids=None, **kwargs): """Lists VerafingerPadFile objects, which fulfill the given restrictions. Parameters ---------- groups : :obj:`str` or [:obj:`str`] The groups of which the clients should be returned. Usually, groups are one or more elements of ('train', 'dev', 'eval') protocol : str The protocol for which the clients should be retrieved. The protocol is dependent on your database. If you do not have protocols defined, just ignore this field. purposes : :obj:`str` or [:obj:`str`] The purposes for which VerafingerPadFile objects should be retrieved. Usually it is either 'real' or 'attack'. model_ids This parameter is not supported in PAD databases yet **kwargs Returns ------- files : [VerafingerPadFile] A list of VerafingerPadFile objects. """ files = self.db.objects(protocol=protocol, groups=groups, purposes=purposes, **kwargs) return [VerafingerPadFile(f) for f in files]
[docs] def annotations(self, f): return None