Source code for bob.pad.face.extractor.LBPHistogram

from bob.ip.base import LBP, histogram
import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin

class LBPHistogram(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator):
    """Calculates a normalized LBP histogram over an image.
    These features are implemented based on [CAM12]_.

    lbp_type : str
        The type of the LBP operator (regular, uniform or riu2)
    elbp_type : str
        Which type of LBP codes should be computed; possible values: ('regular',
        'transitional', 'direction-coded'). For the old 'modified' method,
        specify `elbp_type` as 'regular` and `to_average` as True.
    to_average : bool
        Compare the neighbors to the average of the pixels instead of the central pixel?
    radius : float
        The radius of the circle on which the points are taken (for circular LBP)
    neighbors : int
        The number of points around the central point on which LBP is
        computed (4, 8, 16)
    circular : bool
        True if circular LBP is needed, False otherwise
    n_hor : int
        Number of blocks horizontally for spatially-enhanced LBP/MCT
        histograms. Default: 1
        Number of blocks vertically for spatially-enhanced LBP/MCT
        histograms. Default: 1

    dtype : numpy.dtype
        If a ``dtype`` is specified in the constructor, it is assured that the
        resulting features have that dtype.
    lbp : bob.ip.base.LBP
        The LPB extractor object.

    def __init__(

        self.lbp_type = lbp_type
        self.elbp_type = elbp_type
        self.to_average = to_average
        self.radius = radius
        self.neighbors = neighbors
        self.circular = circular
        self.dtype = dtype
        self.n_hor = n_hor
        self.n_vert = n_vert

[docs] def fit(self, X=None, y=None): self.lbp_ = LBP( neighbors=self.neighbors, radius=self.radius, circular=self.circular, to_average=self.to_average, uniform=self.lbp_type in ("uniform", "riu2"), rotation_invariant=self.lbp_type == "riu2", elbp_type=self.elbp_type, ) return self
def __getstate__(self): d = self.__dict__.copy() d.pop("lbp_") return d def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state)
[docs] def comp_block_histogram(self, data): """ Extracts LBP/MCT histograms from a gray-scale image/block. Takes data of arbitrary dimensions and linearizes it into a 1D vector; Then, calculates the histogram. enforcing the data type, if desired. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray The preprocessed data to be transformed into one vector. Returns ------- 1D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` The extracted feature vector, of the desired ``dtype`` (if specified) """ assert isinstance(data, np.ndarray) # allocating the image with lbp codes lbpimage = np.ndarray(self.lbp_.lbp_shape(data), "uint16") self.lbp_(data, lbpimage) # calculating the lbp image hist = histogram(lbpimage, (0, self.lbp_.max_label - 1), self.lbp_.max_label) hist = hist / np.sum(hist) # histogram normalization if self.dtype is not None: hist = hist.astype(self.dtype) return hist
[docs] def transform_one_image(self, data): """ Extracts spatially-enhanced LBP/MCT histograms from a gray-scale image. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray The preprocessed data to be transformed into one vector. Returns ------- 1D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` The extracted feature vector, of the desired ``dtype`` (if specified) """ # Make sure the data can be split into equal blocks: row_max = int(data.shape[0] / self.n_vert) * self.n_vert col_max = int(data.shape[1] / self.n_hor) * self.n_hor data = data[:row_max, :col_max] blocks = [ sub_block for block in np.hsplit(data, self.n_hor) for sub_block in np.vsplit(block, self.n_vert) ] hists = [self.comp_block_histogram(block) for block in blocks] hist = np.hstack(hists) hist = hist / len(blocks) # histogram normalization return hist
[docs] def transform(self, images): return [self.transform_one_image(img) for img in images]
def _more_tags(self): return {"stateless": True, "requires_fit": False}