Source code for bob.pad.base.algorithm.MLP

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :

import numpy

from bob.pad.base.algorithm import Algorithm
import bob.learn.mlp

from import FrameContainer
from bob.pad.base.utils import convert_frame_cont_to_array

from bob.core.log import setup
logger = setup("bob.pad.base")

class MLP(Algorithm):
    """Interfaces an MLP classifier used for PAD

    hidden_units : :py:obj:`tuple` of :any:`int`
      The number of hidden units in each hidden layer
    max_iter : :any:`int`
      The maximum number of training iterations
    precision : :any:`float`
      criterion to stop the training: if the difference
      between current and last loss is smaller than
      this number, then stop training.

    def __init__(self, hidden_units=(10, 10), max_iter=1000, precision=0.001, **kwargs):
        """Init function

        hidden_units : :py:obj:`tuple` of int
          The number of hidden units in each hidden layer
        max_iter : int
          The maximum number of training iterations
        precision : float
          criterion to stop the training: if the difference
          between current and last loss is smaller than
          this number, then stop training.

        self.hidden_units = hidden_units
        self.max_iter = max_iter
        self.precision = precision
        self.mlp = None

[docs] def train_projector(self, training_features, projector_file): """Trains the MLP Parameters ---------- training_features : :any:`list` of :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Data used to train the MLP. The real attempts are in training_features[0] and the attacks are in training_features[1] projector_file : str Filename where to save the trained model. """ # training is done in batch (i.e. using all training data) batch_size = len(training_features[0]) + len(training_features[1]) # The labels label_real = numpy.zeros((len(training_features[0]), 2), dtype='float64') label_real[:, 0] = 1 label_attack = numpy.zeros((len(training_features[1]), 2), dtype='float64') label_attack[:, 1] = 0 real = numpy.array(training_features[0]) attack = numpy.array(training_features[1]) X = numpy.vstack([real, attack]) Y = numpy.vstack([label_real, label_attack]) # Building MLP architecture input_dim = real.shape[1] shape = [] shape.append(input_dim) for i in range(len(self.hidden_units)): shape.append(self.hidden_units[i]) # last layer contains two units: one for each class (i.e. real and attack) shape.append(2) shape = tuple(shape) self.mlp = bob.learn.mlp.Machine(shape) self.mlp.output_activation = bob.learn.activation.Logistic() self.mlp.randomize() trainer = bob.learn.mlp.BackProp(batch_size, bob.learn.mlp.CrossEntropyLoss(self.mlp.output_activation), self.mlp, train_biases=True) n_iter = 0 previous_cost = 0 current_cost = 1 while (n_iter < self.max_iter) and (abs(previous_cost - current_cost) > self.precision): previous_cost = current_cost trainer.train(self.mlp, X, Y) current_cost = trainer.cost(self.mlp, X, Y) n_iter += 1 logger.debug("Iteration {} -> cost = {} (previous = {}, max_iter = {})".format(n_iter, trainer.cost(self.mlp, X, Y), previous_cost, self.max_iter)) f =, 'w')
[docs] def project(self, feature): """Project the given feature Parameters ---------- feature : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` The feature to classify Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The value of the two units in the last layer of the MLP. """ # if isinstance(feature, FrameContainer): # feature = convert_frame_cont_to_array(feature) return self.mlp(feature)
[docs] def score(self, toscore): """Returns the probability of the real class. Parameters ---------- toscore : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Returns ------- float probability of the authentication attempt to be real. """ if toscore.ndim == 1: return [toscore[0]] else: return numpy.mean([toscore[:, 0]])