#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# @author: Manuel Guenther <Manuel.Guenther@idiap.ch>
# @author: Pavel Korshunov <pavel.korshunov@idiap.ch>
# @date: Wed 19 Aug 13:43:21 2015
import bob.io.base
import bob.bio.base.score.load as bio_load
import bob.measure
import numpy
import os
import sys
import tarfile
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("bob.pad.base")
from .FileSelector import FileSelector
from bob.bio.base import utils
def _compute_scores(algorithm, extractor, toscore_objects, allow_missing_files):
"""Compute scores for the given list of objects using provided algorithm.
# the scores to be computed
scores = []
# Loops over the toscore sets
for i, toscore_element in enumerate(toscore_objects):
# filter missing files
if allow_missing_files and not os.path.exists(toscore_element):
# we keep NaN score for such elements
scores.insert(i, [numpy.nan])
# read toscore
if algorithm.performs_projection:
toscore = algorithm.read_feature(toscore_element)
toscore = extractor.read_feature(toscore_element)
# compute score
if isinstance(toscore, list) or isinstance(toscore[0], numpy.ndarray):
scores.insert(i, algorithm.score_for_multiple_projections(toscore))
scores.insert(i, algorithm.score(toscore))
# Returns the scores
return scores
def _open_to_read(score_file):
"""Checks for the existence of the normal and the compressed version of the file,
and calls :py:func:`bob.bio.base.score.load.open_file` for the existing one."""
if not os.path.exists(score_file):
score_file += '.tar.bz2'
if not os.path.exists(score_file):
raise IOError("The score file '%s' cannot be found. Aborting!" % score_file)
return bio_load.open_file(score_file)
def _open_to_write(score_file, write_compressed):
"""Opens the given score file for writing. If write_compressed is set to ``True``, a file-like structure is returned."""
if write_compressed:
if sys.version_info[0] <= 2:
import StringIO
f = StringIO.StringIO()
import io
f = io.BytesIO()
score_file += '.tar.bz2'
f = open(score_file, 'w')
return f
def _write(f, data, write_compressed):
"""Writes the given data to file, after converting it to the required type."""
if write_compressed:
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
data = str.encode(data)
def _close_written(score_file, f, write_compressed):
"""Closes the file f that was opened with :py:func:`_open_to_read`"""
if write_compressed:
tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(os.path.basename(score_file))
tarinfo.size = len(f.buf if sys.version_info[0] <= 2 else f.getbuffer())
tar = tarfile.open(score_file, 'w')
tar.addfile(tarinfo, f)
# close the file
def _save_scores(score_file, scores, toscore_objects, write_compressed=False):
"""Saves the scores of one model into a text file that can be interpreted by :py:func:`bob.measure.load.split_four_column`."""
assert len(toscore_objects) == len(scores)
# open file for writing
f = _open_to_write(score_file, write_compressed)
# write scores in four-column format as string
for i, toscore_object in enumerate(toscore_objects):
id_str = (str(toscore_object.client_id)).zfill(3)
sample_name = str(toscore_object.make_path())
# scores[i] is a list, so
# each sample is allowed to have multiple scores
for score in scores[i]:
if not toscore_object.attack_type or toscore_object.attack_type == "None":
_write(f, "%s %s %s %.12f\n" % (id_str, id_str, sample_name, score), write_compressed)
attackname = toscore_object.attack_type
_write(f, "%s %s %s %.12f\n" % (id_str, attackname, sample_name, score), write_compressed)
_close_written(score_file, f, write_compressed)
def _scores_all(algorithm, extractor, group, force, allow_missing_files=False, write_compressed=False):
"""Computes scores for all (real, attack) files in a given group using the provided algorithm."""
# the file selector object
fs = FileSelector.instance()
logger.info("- Scoring: computing scores for group '%s'", group)
# both real and attack objects
current_toscore_objects = fs.toscore_objects(group)
type_objects = ['real', 'attack']
total_scores = []
one_score_file_exists = False
for i in range(0, 2):
current_objects = current_toscore_objects[i]
obj_type = type_objects[i]
logger.info("- Scoring: len of current_objects: %d", len(current_objects))
logger.info("- Scoring: type of current_objects: %s", obj_type)
# test if the file is already there
score_file = fs.score_file_for_type(group, obj_type)
if utils.check_file(score_file, force):
logger.warn("Score file '%s' already exists.", score_file)
total_scores = []
one_score_file_exists = True
# get the attack files
current_files = fs.get_paths(current_objects, 'projected' if algorithm.performs_projection else 'extracted')
# compute scores for the list of File objects
cur_scores = _compute_scores(algorithm, extractor, current_files, allow_missing_files)
total_scores += cur_scores
# Save scores to text file
_save_scores(score_file, cur_scores, current_objects, write_compressed)
if total_scores != [] and not utils.check_file(fs.score_file_combined(group), force):
# save all scores together in one file
if one_score_file_exists:
logger.warn("Since at least one score file already pre-existed, "
"we skip combining individual score files together. "
"You can do it manually, using 'cat' or similar utilities.")
_save_scores(fs.score_file_combined(group), total_scores,
current_toscore_objects[0]+current_toscore_objects[1], write_compressed)
[docs]def compute_scores(algorithm, extractor, force=False, groups=['dev', 'eval'], allow_missing_files=False, write_compressed=False):
"""Computes the scores for the given groups.
This function computes all scores for the experiment and writes them to score files.
By default, scores are computed for both groups ``'dev'`` and ``'eval'``.
algorithm : py:class:`bob.bio.base.algorithm.Algorithm` or derived
The algorithm, used for enrolling model and writing them to file.
extractor : py:class:`bob.bio.base.extractor.Extractor` or derived
force : bool
If given, files are regenerated, even if they already exist.
groups : some of ``('dev', 'eval')``
The list of groups, for which scores should be computed.
write_compressed : bool
If enabled, score files are compressed as ``.tar.bz2`` files.
# the file selector object
fs = FileSelector.instance()
# load the projector if needed
if algorithm.requires_projector_training:
for group in groups:
_scores_all(algorithm, extractor, group, force, allow_missing_files, write_compressed)