Implementation of high-level interfaces for FileList-based databases that can be
used by both verification and PAD experiments.
from bob.pad.base.database import PadFile
from bob.pad.base.database import FileListPadDatabase
from bob.bio.base.database import FileListBioDatabase
from bob.bio.base.database.file import BioFile
import bob.io.base
import numpy
import scipy
class HighPadFile(PadFile):
A simple base class that defines basic properties of File object for the use in PAD experiments.
Replace this class for the specific database.
def __init__(self, client_id, path, attack_type=None, file_id=None):
"""**Constructor Documentation**
Initialize the Voice File object that can read WAV files.
For client_id, path, attack_type, and file_id, please refer
to :py:class:`bob.pad.base.database.PadFile` constructor
super(HighPadFile, self).__init__(client_id, path, attack_type, file_id)
def load(self, directory=None, extension='.wav'):
path = self.make_path(directory, extension)
# read audio
if extension == '.wav':
rate, audio = scipy.io.wavfile.read(path)
# We consider there is only 1 channel in the audio file => data[0]
return rate, numpy.cast['float'](audio)
elif extension == '.avi':
return bob.io.base.load(path)
class HighPadDatabase(FileListPadDatabase):
def __init__(self,
if not filelists_directory:
# if not provided, we assume the lists are located in '../lists'
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
filelists_directory = resource_filename(__name__, '../lists/' + db_name)
if not file_class:
file_class = HighPadFile
super(HighPadDatabase, self).__init__(filelists_directory, db_name, pad_file_class=file_class,
class HighBioDatabase(FileListBioDatabase):
Implements verification API for querying High database.
def __init__(self,
if not filelists_directory:
# if not provided, we assume the lists are located in '../lists'
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
filelists_directory = resource_filename(__name__, '../lists/' + db_name)
if not file_class:
file_class = HighPadFile
# call base class constructors to open a session to the database
super(HighBioDatabase, self).__init__(filelists_directory, db_name,
original_extension=original_extension, **kwargs)
self._pad_db = HighPadDatabase(filelists_directory=filelists_directory,
self.low_level_group_names = ('train', 'dev', 'eval')
self.high_level_group_names = ('world', 'dev', 'eval')
def _convert_protocol(self, protocol=None):
This conversion of the protocol with appended '-licit' or '-spoof' is a hack for verification experiments.
To adapt spoofing databases to the verification experiments, we need to be able to split a given protocol
into two parts: when data for licit (only real/genuine data is used) and data for spoof
(attacks are used instead of real data) is used in the experiment.
Hence, we use this trick with appending '-licit' or '-spoof' to the
protocol name, so we can distinguish these two scenarios.
By default, if nothing is appended, we assume licit protocol.
The distinction between licit and spoof is expressed via purposes parameters, but
the difference is in the terminology only.
if protocol == '.':
protocol = None
# if protocol was empty, we return None
if not protocol:
return None, None
# lets check if we have an appendix to the protocol name
modifier = None
if protocol:
modifier = protocol.split('-')[-1]
# if protocol was empty or there was no correct appendix, we just assume the 'licit' option
if not (modifier == 'licit' or modifier == 'spoof'):
modifier = 'licit'
# put back everything except the appendix into the protocol
protocol = '-'.join(protocol.split('-')[:-1])
return protocol, modifier
def _convert_purposes(self, purposes, modifier):
We assume there is no enrollment data, since
PAD File database has real and attack lists only,
so we cannot assume any availability of enrollment data
If your PAD File lists also have for_model.lst
and/or for_probe.lst files, you need to change this method
purposes: The original purposes supplied by Bio verification framework
modifier: Indicates whether it is licit or spoof scenario
Returns: corrected purposes according to either licit or spoof scenarios
if isinstance(purposes, str):
purposes = [purposes]
elif purposes is not None:
purposes = list(purposes)
# licit scenario considers genuine data only
# we return all real data
purposes = ['real']
# spoof scenario uses spoofed data for probe
# but, during scoring, this scenario also needs a real-probe data
# for cases when model_id is equal to client_id
# Hence, we request both real and attack data
if modifier == 'spoof':
# we return real and attack data
return purposes
def _filter_by_model_ids(self, objects, model_ids):
From all File objects, keep only those, whose client_id is in model_ids
objects: File objects derived from BioFile
model_ids: The list of the requested model Ids
Returns: The list of File objects
if not model_ids:
return []
filtered_objects = []
for f in objects:
if f.client_id in model_ids:
if hasattr(f, 'attack_type') and f.attack_type is not None:
f.client_id = 'attack/{}'.format(f.client_id)
return filtered_objects
[docs] def client_id_from_model_id(self, model_id, group='dev'):
This wrapper around PAD database does not have a knowledge of
model ids used in verification experiments, so we just assume that
the client_id is the same as model_id, which is actually true
for most of the verification databases as well.
return model_id
[docs] def model_ids_with_protocol(self, groups=None, protocol=None, **kwargs):
This wrapper around PAD database does not have a knowledge of
model ids used in verification experiments, so we just assume that
the model_ids are the same as client ids, which is actually true
for most of the verification databases as well.
# we need to correctly convert groups first
groups = self.convert_names_to_lowlevel(groups, self.low_level_group_names, self.high_level_group_names)
# we also need to convert protocol name (it can have either '-licit' or '-spoof' appendix)
# to the expected protocol name without appendix
return self._pad_db.client_ids(protocol=self._convert_protocol(protocol)[0], groups=groups, **kwargs)
[docs] def arrange_by_client(self, files):
client_files = {}
for f in files:
if str(f.client_id) not in client_files:
client_files[str(f.client_id)] = []
files_by_clients = []
for client in sorted(client_files.keys()):
return files_by_clients
[docs] def objects(self, protocol=None, purposes=None, model_ids=None, groups=None, **kwargs):
Maps objects method of PAD databases into objects method of
Verification database
protocol : str
To distinguish two vulnerability scenarios, protocol name should
have either '-licit' or '-spoof' appended to it. For instance, if
DB has protocol 'general', the named passed to this method should
be 'general-licit', if we want to run verification experiments on
bona fide data only, but it should be 'general-spoof', if we want
to run it for spoof scenario (the probes are attacks).
purposes : [str]
This parameter is passed by the ``bob.bio.base`` verification
model_ids : [object]
This parameter is passed by the ``bob.bio.base`` verification
groups : [str]
We map the groups from ('world', 'dev', 'eval') used in
verification experiments to ('train', 'dev', 'eval')
The rest of the parameters valid for a given database
Set of BioFiles that verification experiments expect.
# convert group names from the conventional names in verification experiments to the internal database names
if groups is None: # all groups are assumed
groups = self.high_level_group_names
groups = self.convert_names_to_lowlevel(groups, self.low_level_group_names, self.high_level_group_names)
protocol, modifier = self._convert_protocol(protocol)
purposes = self._convert_purposes(purposes, modifier)
# Query the underline PAD database
objects = self._pad_db.objects(protocol=protocol, groups=groups, purposes=purposes, **kwargs)
# note that PAD database does not know anything about model_ids, so these are ignored
# Hence, for the spoofing protocol, we need to filter out the files and
# keep only those that belong to model_ids
# We also modify the client_id to reflect that it is an attack
if modifier == 'spoof' and model_ids is not None:
objects = self._filter_by_model_ids(objects, model_ids)
# make sure to return BioFile representation of a file, not the database one
return [HighPadFile(client_id=f.client_id, path=f.path, file_id=f.path, attack_type=f.attack_type)
for f in objects]
[docs] def annotations(self, file):