import os
import logging
import inspect
logger = logging.getLogger("")
from .FileSelector import FileSelector
from .preprocessor import read_preprocessed_data
from .. import utils
def train_extractor(extractor, preprocessor, allow_missing_files = False, force = False):
"""Trains the feature extractor using preprocessed data of the ``'world'`` group, if the feature extractor requires training.
This function should only be called, when the ``extractor`` actually requires training.
The given ``extractor`` is trained using preprocessed data.
It writes the extractor to the file specified by the :py:class:``.
By default, if the target file already exist, it is not re-created.
extractor : py:class:`` or derived
The extractor to be trained.
preprocessor : py:class:`` or derived
The preprocessor, used for reading the preprocessed data.
allow_missing_files : bool
If set to ``True``, preprocessed data files that are not found are silently ignored during training.
force : bool
If given, the extractor file is regenerated, even if it already exists.
if not extractor.requires_training:
logger.warn("The train_extractor function should not have been called, since the extractor does not need training.")
# the file selector object
fs = FileSelector.instance()
# the file to write
if utils.check_file(fs.extractor_file, force,
extractor.min_extractor_file_size):"- Extraction: extractor '%s' already exists.", fs.extractor_file)
# read training files
train_files = fs.training_list('preprocessed', 'train_extractor', arrange_by_client = extractor.split_training_data_by_client)
train_data = read_preprocessed_data(train_files, preprocessor, extractor.split_training_data_by_client, allow_missing_files)
if extractor.split_training_data_by_client:"- Extraction: training extractor '%s' using %d identities:", fs.extractor_file, len(train_files))
else:"- Extraction: training extractor '%s' using %d training files:", fs.extractor_file, len(train_files))
# train model
extractor.train(train_data, fs.extractor_file)
def extract(extractor, preprocessor, groups=None, indices = None, allow_missing_files = False, force = False):
"""Extracts features from the preprocessed data using the given extractor.
The given ``extractor`` is used to extract all features required for the current experiment.
It writes the extracted data into the directory specified by the :py:class:``.
By default, if target files already exist, they are not re-created.
The preprocessor is only used to load the data in a coherent way.
extractor : py:class:`` or derived
The extractor, used for extracting and writing the features.
preprocessor : py:class:`` or derived
The preprocessor, used for reading the preprocessed data.
groups : some of ``('world', 'dev', 'eval')`` or ``None``
The list of groups, for which the data should be extracted.
indices : (int, int) or None
If specified, only the features for the given index range ``range(begin, end)`` should be extracted.
This is usually given, when parallel threads are executed.
allow_missing_files : bool
If set to ``True``, preprocessed data files that are not found are silently ignored.
force : bool
If given, files are regenerated, even if they already exist.
# the file selector object
fs = FileSelector.instance()
data_files = fs.preprocessed_data_list(groups=groups)
feature_files = fs.feature_list(groups=groups)
if utils.is_argument_available("metadata", extractor.__call__):
metadata = fs.original_data_list(groups=groups)
metadata = None
# select a subset of indices to iterate
if indices is not None:
index_range = range(indices[0], indices[1])"- Extraction: splitting of index range %s" % str(indices))
index_range = range(len(data_files))"- Extraction: extracting %d features from directory '%s' to directory '%s'", len(index_range), fs.directories['preprocessed'], fs.directories['extracted'])
for i in index_range:
data_file = data_files[i]
feature_file = feature_files[i]
if not os.path.exists(data_file) and preprocessor.writes_data:
if allow_missing_files:
logger.debug("... Cannot find preprocessed data file %s; skipping", data_file)
logger.error("Cannot find preprocessed data file %s", data_file)
if not utils.check_file(feature_file, force,
logger.debug("... Extracting features for data file '%s' (%d/%d)",
data_file, index_range.index(i)+1, len(index_range))
# create output directory before reading the data file (is sometimes required, when relative directories are specified, especially, including a .. somewhere)
# load data
data = preprocessor.read_data(data_file)
# extract feature
if metadata is None:
feature = extractor(data)
feature = extractor(data, metadata=metadata[i])
if feature is None:
if allow_missing_files:
logger.debug("... Feature extraction for data file %s failed; skipping", data_file)
raise RuntimeError("Feature extraction of file '%s' was not successful" % data_file)
# write feature
extractor.write_feature(feature, feature_file)
logger.debug("... Skipping preprocessed data '%s' since feature file '%s' exists", data_file, feature_file)
[docs]def read_features(file_names, extractor, split_by_client = False, allow_missing_files = False):
"""read_features(file_names, extractor, split_by_client = False) -> extracted
Reads the extracted features from ``file_names`` using the given ``extractor``.
If ``split_by_client`` is set to ``True``, it is assumed that the ``file_names`` are already sorted by client.
file_names : [str] or [[str]]
A list of names of files to be read.
If ``split_by_client = True``, file names are supposed to be split into groups.
extractor : py:class:`` or derived
The extractor, used for reading the extracted features.
split_by_client : bool
Indicates if the given ``file_names`` are split into groups.
allow_missing_files : bool
If set to ``True``, extracted files that are not found are silently ignored.
extracted : [object] or [[object]]
The list of extracted features, in the same order as in the ``file_names``.
file_names = utils.filter_missing_files(file_names, split_by_client, allow_missing_files)
if split_by_client:
return [[extractor.read_feature(f) for f in client_files] for client_files in file_names]
return [extractor.read_feature(f) for f in file_names]