Source code for

from import MutableSequence

"""Base definition of sample

.. todo::

   Copied from bob/bob.pipelines **TEMPORARILY**!  Remove this and use the
   package directly!


def _copy_attributes(s, d):
    """Copies attributes from a dictionary to self
        dict([k, v] for k, v in d.items() if k not in ("data", "load", "samples"))

[docs]class DelayedSample: """Representation of sample that can be loaded via a callable The optional ``**kwargs`` argument allows you to attach more attributes to this sample instance. Parameters ---------- load : object A python function that can be called parameterlessly, to load the sample in question from whatever medium parent : :py:class:`DelayedSample`, :py:class:`Sample`, None If passed, consider this as a parent of this sample, to copy information kwargs : dict Further attributes of this sample, to be stored and eventually transmitted to transformed versions of the sample """ def __init__(self, load, parent=None, **kwargs): self.load = load if parent is not None: _copy_attributes(self, parent.__dict__) _copy_attributes(self, kwargs) @property def data(self): """Loads the data from the disk file""" return self.load()
[docs]class Sample: """Representation of sample that is sufficient for the blocks in this module Each sample must have the following attributes: * attribute ``data``: Contains the data for this sample Parameters ---------- data : object Object representing the data to initialize this sample with. parent : object A parent object from which to inherit all other attributes (except ``data``) """ def __init__(self, data, parent=None, **kwargs): = data if parent is not None: _copy_attributes(self, parent.__dict__) _copy_attributes(self, kwargs)