Source code for bob.learn.tensorflow.utils.train

import tensorflow as tf

[docs]def check_features(features): if "data" not in features or "key" not in features: raise ValueError( "The input function needs to contain a dictionary with the keys `data` and `key` " ) return True
[docs]def get_trainable_variables(extra_checkpoint, mode=tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN): """ Given the extra_checkpoint dictionary provided to the estimator, extract the content of "trainable_variables". If trainable_variables is not provided, all end points are trainable by default. If trainable_variables==[], all end points are NOT trainable. If trainable_variables contains some end_points, ONLY these endpoints will be trainable. Attributes ---------- extra_checkpoint: dict The extra_checkpoint dictionary provided to the estimator mode: The estimator mode. TRAIN, EVAL, and PREDICT. If not TRAIN, None is returned. Returns ------- Returns `None` if **trainable_variables** is not in extra_checkpoint; otherwise returns the content of extra_checkpoint . """ if mode != tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: return None # If you don't set anything, everything is trainable if extra_checkpoint is None or "trainable_variables" not in extra_checkpoint: return None return extra_checkpoint["trainable_variables"]