Source code for bob.learn.tensorflow.dataset.image

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# @author: Tiago de Freitas Pereira <>

import tensorflow as tf
from functools import partial
from . import append_image_augmentation, from_filename_to_tensor

[docs]def shuffle_data_and_labels_image_augmentation(filenames, labels, data_shape, data_type, batch_size, epochs=None, buffer_size=10**3, gray_scale=False, output_shape=None, random_flip=False, random_brightness=False, random_contrast=False, random_saturation=False, random_rotate=False, per_image_normalization=True, extension=None): """ Dump random batches from a list of image paths and labels: The list of files and labels should be in the same order e.g. filenames = ['class_1_img1', 'class_1_img2', 'class_2_img1'] labels = [0, 0, 1] **Parameters** filenames: List containing the path of the images labels: List containing the labels (needs to be in EXACT same order as filenames) data_shape: Samples shape saved in the tf-record data_type: tf data type( batch_size: Size of the batch epochs: Number of epochs to be batched buffer_size: Size of the shuffle bucket gray_scale: Convert to gray scale? output_shape: If set, will randomly crop the image given the output shape random_flip: Randomly flip an image horizontally ( random_brightness: Adjust the brightness of an RGB image by a random factor ( random_contrast: Adjust the contrast of an RGB image by a random factor ( random_saturation: Adjust the saturation of an RGB image by a random factor ( random_rotate: Randomly rotate face images between -5 and 5 degrees per_image_normalization: Linearly scales image to have zero mean and unit norm. extension: If None, will load files using `tf.image.decode..` if set to `hdf5`, will load with `` """ dataset = create_dataset_from_path_augmentation( filenames, labels, data_shape, data_type, gray_scale=gray_scale, output_shape=output_shape, random_flip=random_flip, random_brightness=random_brightness, random_contrast=random_contrast, random_saturation=random_saturation, random_rotate=random_rotate, per_image_normalization=per_image_normalization, extension=extension) dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size).batch(batch_size).repeat(epochs) data, labels = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next() return data, labels
[docs]def create_dataset_from_path_augmentation(filenames, labels, data_shape, data_type, gray_scale=False, output_shape=None, random_flip=False, random_brightness=False, random_contrast=False, random_saturation=False, random_rotate=False, per_image_normalization=True, extension=None): """ Create dataset from a list of tf-record files **Parameters** filenames: List containing the path of the images labels: List containing the labels (needs to be in EXACT same order as filenames) data_shape: Samples shape saved in the tf-record data_type: tf data type( feature: """ parser = partial( image_augmentation_parser, data_shape=data_shape, data_type=data_type, gray_scale=gray_scale, output_shape=output_shape, random_flip=random_flip, random_brightness=random_brightness, random_contrast=random_contrast, random_saturation=random_saturation, random_rotate=random_rotate, per_image_normalization=per_image_normalization, extension=extension) dataset =, labels)) dataset = return dataset
[docs]def image_augmentation_parser(filename, label, data_shape, data_type, gray_scale=False, output_shape=None, random_flip=False, random_brightness=False, random_contrast=False, random_saturation=False, random_rotate=False, per_image_normalization=True, extension=None): """ Parses a single tf.Example into image and label tensors. """ # Convert the image data from string back to the numbers image = from_filename_to_tensor(filename, extension=extension) # Reshape image data into the original shape image = tf.reshape(image, data_shape) #Applying image augmentation image = append_image_augmentation( image, gray_scale=gray_scale, output_shape=output_shape, random_flip=random_flip, random_brightness=random_brightness, random_contrast=random_contrast, random_saturation=random_saturation, random_rotate=random_rotate, per_image_normalization=per_image_normalization) label = tf.cast(label, tf.int64) features = dict() features['data'] = image features['key'] = filename return features, label
[docs]def load_pngs(img_path, img_shape): """Read png files using tensorflow API You must know the shape of the image beforehand to use this function. Parameters ---------- img_path : str Path to the image img_shape : list A list or tuple that contains image's shape in channels_last format Returns ------- object The loaded png file """ img_raw = tf.read_file(img_path) img_tensor = tf.image.decode_png(img_raw, channels=img_shape[-1]) img_final = tf.reshape(img_tensor, img_shape) return img_final