Source code for bob.learn.tensorflow.dataset.generator

import tensorflow as tf
import random
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Generator: """A generator class which wraps samples so that they can be used with Attributes ---------- epoch : int The number of epochs that have been passed so far. multiple_samples : :obj:`bool`, optional If true, it assumes that the bio database's samples actually contain multiple samples. This is useful for when you want to for example treat video databases as image databases. reader : :obj:`object`, optional A callable with the signature of ``data, label, key = reader(sample)`` which takes a sample and loads it. samples : [:obj:`object`] A list of samples to be given to ``reader`` to load the data. shuffle_on_epoch_end : :obj:`bool`, optional If True, it shuffle the samples at the end of each epoch. output_types : (object, object, object) The types of the returned samples. output_shapes : ``(tf.TensorShape, tf.TensorShape, tf.TensorShape)`` The shapes of the returned samples. """ def __init__(self, samples, reader, multiple_samples=False, shuffle_on_epoch_end=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.reader = reader self.samples = list(samples) self.multiple_samples = multiple_samples self.epoch = 0 self.shuffle_on_epoch_end = shuffle_on_epoch_end # load samples until one of them is not empty # this data is used to get the type and shape for sample in self.samples: try: dlk = self.reader(sample) if self.multiple_samples: try: dlk = dlk[0] except TypeError: # if the data is a generator dlk = next(dlk) except StopIteration: continue else: break # Creating a "fake" dataset just to get the types and shapes dataset = self._output_types = dataset.output_types self._output_shapes = dataset.output_shapes "Initializing a dataset with %d %s and %s types and %s shapes", len(self.samples), "multi-samples" if self.multiple_samples else "samples", self.output_types, self.output_shapes, ) @property def output_types(self): return self._output_types @property def output_shapes(self): return self._output_shapes def __call__(self): """A generator function that when called will yield the samples. Yields ------ (data, label, key) : tuple A tuple containing the data, label, and the key. """ for sample in self.samples: dlk = self.reader(sample) if self.multiple_samples: for sub_dlk in dlk: yield sub_dlk else: yield dlk self.epoch += 1"Elapsed %d epoch(s)", self.epoch) if self.shuffle_on_epoch_end:"Shuffling samples") random.shuffle(self.samples)
[docs]def dataset_using_generator(samples, reader, **kwargs): """ A generator class which wraps samples so that they can be used with Parameters ---------- samples : [:obj:`object`] A list of samples to be given to ``reader`` to load the data. reader : :obj:`object`, optional A callable with the signature of ``data, label, key = reader(sample)`` which takes a sample and loads it. **kwargs Extra keyword arguments are passed to Generator Returns ------- object A """ generator = Generator(samples, reader, **kwargs) dataset = generator, generator.output_types, generator.output_shapes ) return dataset